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Salad Bar Nation

RAISING FUNDS FOR 2.013 SALAD BARS TO SCHOOLS IN 2013 SALAD BAR = NATION = 1 in 3 U.S. children (ages 2-19) are overweight or obese 2,300" XX X X school lunches will be ** XXXX eaten at school by the time a kindergartner finishes high school = 287.5 31.6 million" *** children served per day through the national school lunch program =1.58 million More than 1,500 pending applications by schools for salad bars = 250 **** Children eat 3X more fruits and vegetables with access to salad bars. 2,200 new salad bars have been delivered to schools across the U.S. benefitting 1,000,000 students =440 JOIN THE SALAD BAR NATION! Text SALAD to 56512 to donate to help us bring salad bars to schools! * CDC/NCHS, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009-2010. ** Center for Ecoliteracy, "Rethinking School Lunch," Second Edition. *** United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service, "National Assistance Programs Key Data Release (August 2010 Release)." http:/l/ **** From a soon to be published CDC abstract Campaign led by Whole Kids Foundation and Let's Move Salad Bars to Schools. RAISING FUNDS FOR 2.013 SALAD BARS TO SCHOOLS IN 2013 SALAD BAR = NATION = 1 in 3 U.S. children (ages 2-19) are overweight or obese 2,300" XX X X school lunches will be ** XXXX eaten at school by the time a kindergartner finishes high school = 287.5 31.6 million" *** children served per day through the national school lunch program =1.58 million More than 1,500 pending applications by schools for salad bars = 250 **** Children eat 3X more fruits and vegetables with access to salad bars. 2,200 new salad bars have been delivered to schools across the U.S. benefitting 1,000,000 students =440 JOIN THE SALAD BAR NATION! Text SALAD to 56512 to donate to help us bring salad bars to schools! * CDC/NCHS, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009-2010. ** Center for Ecoliteracy, "Rethinking School Lunch," Second Edition. *** United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service, "National Assistance Programs Key Data Release (August 2010 Release)." http:/l/ **** From a soon to be published CDC abstract Campaign led by Whole Kids Foundation and Let's Move Salad Bars to Schools.

Salad Bar Nation

shared by WholeKidsFnd on Feb 27
Salad Bar Nation launches to raise $5 million to bring 2,013 salad bars to schools in 2013!


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