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A Parent's Guide to Childhood Asthma

A PARENT'S GUIDE TO CHILDHOOD ASTHMA ASTHMA IS MORE COMMON IN THE UNITED STATES THAN YOU MAY THINK 14% of children have been told they have asthma 6.8 children and teens are living with asthma MILLION HEALTH CONCERNS WITH ASTHMA Asthma in children resulted in around OVER 150 CHILDREN 640,000 10.5 MILLION EMERGENCY ROOM visits in 2010 die from asthma each year school days are missed each year due to asthma STEPS 5 TO TAKE ACTION AGAINST YOUR CHILD'S ASTHMA STEP 1 INCREASE YOUR ASTHMA AWARENESS Asthma makes breathing difficult by inflaming the lung airways ASTHMA RISK FACTORS Genetics Being male Presence of allergies Environment with pollution and allergens Respiratory infections KNOW THE TRIGGERS AND HOW STEP 2 TO AVOID THEM WHAT MAGNIFIES ASTHMA SYMPTOMS? Allergens such as pollen, cockroaches, dust, and pet dander Cigarette smoke or other air pollution Upper respiratory infections 恭 Exercise or Crying, laughing, or yelling Cold weather physical activity STEP 3 MANAGE ASTHMA SYMPTOMS Take your child to the doctor as soon as asthma symptoms are noticed. Early treatment can avoid trips to the emergency room and missed workdays for parents. WHAT ASTHMA MEDICATIONS DO DOCTORS PRESCRIBE? QUICK RELIEF Inhalers to treat the coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath LONG-TERM CONTROL Prevents asthma symptoms and attacks by reducing inflammation of the airways WHEN TO CALL 911? Gasping for air Has trouble speaking because of restricted breathing Breathing in so hard that the abdomen is sucked under the ribs STEP 4 PREVENT ASTHMA ATTACKS AVOID MOLD GROWTH MINIMIZE DUST & Fix any leaks and eliminate standing water Use high-efficiency whole house filters to block mold spores: Use allergen-proof covers for mattress and pillows. Remove stuffed animals and other dust collectors from the bedroom. O Keep the bathrooms dry by using an exhaust fan or dehumidifier. E Increase circulation between rooms to control V Frequently wash curtains. O Use a damp mop on floors instead of sweeping Consider removing carpeting and installing hard flooring, especially in child's bedroom. humidity levels. Replace air conditioner änd furnace filters often AVOID POLLEN REDUCE PET DANDER O Bathe your pets weekly O Use air conditioning instead of opening the windows during allergy seasons. O Keep pets out of bedrooms and off furniture V Limit time outdoors on days with high pollen count Replace the air conditioner filter monthly. V Bathe after being outdoors O If possible keep pets outside- ELIMINATE SMOKING PREVENT ILLNESS V Restrict smoking in your home or your car O Do not use wood burning stoves or fireplaces O Wash hands regularly V Eat well.and rest well Avoid fire pits and campfires O Avoid people with colds or flu PREVENTION OUTDOORS PREVENTION AT SCHOOL O Check air quality before letting child play outside O Provide child's asthma action plan to teacher and other supervisors. Consider staying indoors during peak pollen days Discuss any asthma medication with school nurse O Avoid chalk dust as it can trigger an asthma attack in some children STEP 5 HELP YOUR CHILD STAY HEALTHY AA Monitor your child's asthma symptoms Help your child maintain healthy weight Make sure your Have an accessible Asthma Action Plan child gets exercise SOURCES • •ñ.pdf. • . ., PO1672 . . . • •• . BROUGHT TO YOU BY FilterBuy

A Parent's Guide to Childhood Asthma

shared by JeffOxford on Jul 30
While asthma can’t be cured, its symptoms can be managed. We created this infographic to help parents everywhere understand how to recognize and control asthma symptoms within their children. Increa...


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