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Medicaid Expansion Under the Affordable Care Act

MEDICAID EXPANSION UNDER THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT As Part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), in 2014 Medicaid Will Expand Eligibility to Include More Low-Income Adults Half of Today's Uninsured Have Incomes Below the New Medicaid Limit (138% FPL) MEDICAID ELIGIBILITY TODAY MEDICAID ELIGIBILITY IN 2014 51% BELOW LIMIT Limited to Specific Low-Income Groups Extends Eligibility to Adults s138% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) TODAY 2014 People with Disabilities Elderly Children Adults Pregnant Women Parents 49% ABOVE LIMIT * 138% FPL = S15856 for an individual and 526951 for a family of J in 2013 TOTAL: 48 MILLION NONELDERLY UNINSURED In States That Do Not Expand Medicaid, Many Low-Income Adults Will Likely Remain Uninsured SHARE OF NONELDERLY EXECUTIVE DECISIONS UNINSURED <138% FPL BY STATE ON THE ACA MEDICAID EXPANSION" I 26%-47% (17 states, including DC) 27 SUPPORT expansion (unmarked states) 48%-52% (18 states) x 17 OPPOSE expansion | 53%-61% (16 states) O 7 weighing options 10.8 million uninsured under the new Medicaid expansion limit reside in states where governors oppose the expansion or are still weighing options **As of March 5, 2013 Under the ACA, Medicaid Will Streamline the Enrollment Process The Federal Government Will Fund the Vast Majority of Medicaid Expansion Costs MULTIPLE WAYS TO ENROLL COSTS (2013-2022) ENROLLMENT $952 BILLION A SINGLE APPLICATION FOR MULTIPLE PROGRAMS USE OF ELECTRONIC DATA TO VERIFY ELIGIBILITY $76 BILLION 21.3 MILLION New Enrollees (by 2022) Federal State Spending and enrollment figures assume all states will expand. States are likely to see savings or offsets to costs such as reduced uncompensated care and increased economic activity. In many states this could result in overall cost savings related to the ACA Medicaid expansion. REAL-TIME ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION

Medicaid Expansion Under the Affordable Care Act

shared by amccartney on Oct 09
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This JAMA infographic considers who will be covered under the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion provisions, which states have opted to implement or not implement the ACA Medicaid expansion, the...


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