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Facts About Eating Disorders in the U.S.

Facts about Eating Disorders in the U.S. Anorexia is considered to be the mental illness with the highest mortality rate in the United States. An estimated 10% of those diagnosed with anorexia die within 10 years of being diagnosed with the disorder. According to ANAD, More than 50% of U.S. teen girls report fasting, using laxatives, dieting, smoking cigarettes, or voluntarily vomiting to control their weight. An estimated 10-15% of people that suffer from eating disorders in the United States are male. An estimated 24 million people in the United States are currently suffering from eating disorders. According to ANAD, women are much more likely. to suffer from eating disorders than men. BROUGHT TO YOU BY: NEWPORT Teen Treatment Center Over 200 Yeara of Clinical Experience ACAPEMY

Facts About Eating Disorders in the U.S.

shared by educate on Feb 20
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Anorexia is considered to be the mental illness with the highest mortality rate in the United States. An estimated 10% of those diagnosed with anorexia die within 10 years of being diagnosed with the ...


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