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Does Mobile Tech Make You Uneasy at Work and Home?

Does Mobile Tech Make You Uneasy at Work and Home? Methodology This Quill original survey sought to find out how mobile This survey collected responses to 10 questions from 353 participants using Google Consumer Surveys. Il. technology affected workers in and out of the workplace. Participants were U.S.-based male and female Android smartphone users within three different age groups: ДЛ 25-34 35-44 45-54 The survey ran from February 24, 2016 to February 27, 2016. Key Findings 47.3% 44.5% of respondents reply to work-related emails within of respondents reply by the end of the workday 15 minutes, on average Significantly fewer respondents, regardless of age, wait more than one day before responding to work-related emails. Age comparison of respondents who reply to work-related emails within 2-3 days, on average Age comparison of respondents who reply to work-related emails after 4 days, on average 25-34 4.7% 25-34 2.3% 35-44 6.7% 35-44 0.7% 45-54 13.0% 45-54 2.2% More men than women have their work email on their smartphones. Male 71.7% Female 58.6% Younger respondents were more likely to have work email on their phone. 25-34 68.6% 35-44 64.4% AA 45-54 58.7% Only 3.7% of respondents say they “never" felt pressured to take action immediately after reading an email. Older respondents generally Very few respondents “rarely" felt pressure to take action on email requests. felt less pressure to take action on an email request right after reading an email. 4A 6.4% 35.5% 25-34 of respondents 25-34 felt pressured "most of the time." 5.9% 35-44 19.6% 8.7% of respondents 45-54 felt pressured “most of the time." 45-54 Members of all age groups say they Compared to other age groups, roughly 10% fewer respondents between 45 and 54 checked social media or work have checked social media or work email during a meeting, phone call, or other collaborative activity email during collaborative activities. Age comparison of respondents who check their social media or work email during a meeting, phone call, or other collaborative activity 25-34 61.6% 35-44 60.0% 45-54 50.0% Age comparison of respondents who check their work email "most of the time" on weekends 25-34 33.7% 35-44 39.3% 45-54 19.6% 4A 43% of respondents 35-44 check their email after work hours on week- That's more than the younger age group 25-34 (37.2%) and the older age group 45-54 (26.1%). days “most of the time." AA = 10% More than 1/4 of all respondents "sometimes" check their work email while on vacation or taking time off for another reason. More respondents between the ages of 45 and 54 "never" check their email during time off. 25-34 30.4% 35-44 25.9% 45-54 39.1% When it comes to unplugging after work, men and women have difficulty disconnecting at nearly the same rate. Rarely (79 responses) Sometimes (145 responses) AA Male Male 22.6% 41.6% Female 22.2% Female 40.7% Most of the time (60 responses) Never (68 responses) Male 16.3% Male 19.5% Female 17.9% Female 19.1% When home sick, more than 1/3 of respondents 25-44 "sometimes" choose to work part or all of the day-even if they don't have to. Age comparison of respondents who "sometimes" choose to work part or all of the day even if they don't have to 25-34 38.0% 35-44 33.3% 45-54 26.1% 4 in 10 respondents say mobile technology "sometimes" disrupts their downtime outside of work. 25-34 42.4% 35-44 47.4% AA 45-54 41.3% 16% of respondents say mobile technology disrupts their downtime outside of work "most of the time." = 10% Age comparison of respondents who say mobile technology disrupts their downtime outside of work "most of the time" 25-34 17.6% 35-44 20.0% AAA 45-54 13.0% In some ways, mobile technology has made the workplace more efficient, connected, and collaborative. On the flip side, it can disrupt work-life balance, alter workload expectations, and add new pressures to particular jobs. Original Research Conducted by Quill BROUGHT TO YOU BY A small part of your job is 100% of ours. -------

Does Mobile Tech Make You Uneasy at Work and Home?

shared by Ghergich on May 09
Do you feel like mobile technology disrupts your work-life balance or adds pressure? Read about the findings from a survey Quill performed that looked into how mobile tech affects these peoples’ liv...




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