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The Cost of Housing Around the Globe

The Cost of Housing Around the Globe 300 % * 260 % - 220 % - Mortgage Index Average mortage as a percentage of average income (monthly) 180 % - 737.47% Rent Index Average rent as a percentage of average New York City rent (monthly) 140 % - 721.22% 100 % - 80 % - 611.79% 60 % - 40 % - 20 % = 374.92% 100 % - 356.11% 45.62% 80 % - 46.48% 336.12% 49.06% 60 % - 332.77% 49.50% 40 % - 51.10% Germany 302.03% Finland 20 % - Ghana 51.22% ********** Bahrain Belarus ............... 51.47% 286.45% 0 % - ............. Norway Ukraine 31.42% 53.34% .......... Qatar Vietnam 51.65% ........... 24.01% 26.98% 33.74% .......... Iran ..*...................... 74.50% ............ Switzerland 269.12% 37.04% MORTGAGE INDEX RATES: 52.71% ....................... ................................... New Zealand Cambodia *****.. 55.14% 13.25% Kenya 9.47% 13.94% ......... ........ . 257.53% 53.60% Iceland < 45% 45%- 69.9% 70%- 119.9% 120%- 210%- 2300 209.9% 299.9% Uzbekistan Luxembourg 29.71% 16.38% 54.56% Armenia 239.94% 35.45% ********* 48.87% 12.36% Greece Argentina ............. 12.66% 54.89% Spain 12.55% .... 239.44% **....... Moldova 9.51% 9.77% 82.57% ..... Hong Kong 58.05% Cyprus 18.07% 18.86% 7.12% Palestinian Territory 13.10% 239.34% 58.63% Brazil Slovakia 9.19% NEW YORK 12.30% Sri Lanka 14.98% 59.54% 8.60% 236.41% Malta 20.23% Syria 8.02% 60.17% Austria 26.15% 9.86% Indonesia 15.28% 10.64% 225.53% Portugal Georgia 61.04% 4.68% 37.87% Ireland 14.45% 9.46% Pakistan 224.74% 3.00% 62.40% Czech Republic Colombia 36.29% 21.30% ......... 15.18% 218.77% United Kingdom 40.95% 65.26% Nepal ........... 26.78% 11.08% 25.21% 11.06% Ethiopia .*... Australia 23.24% 218.35% 65.52% 9.53% 6.72% Thailand Israel 13.50% ****** 14.71% Azerbaijan 66.25% Sweden 17.13% 13.07% ****.. 12.67% 215.92% 9.20% China Malaysia 7.10% 21.49% 9.88% .... ..... ............ Kazakhstan *****.*......... ........................... 67.46% 12.07 .... ** * * .......... 214.81% Estonia Philippines ....... ....... ........ ............ 69.76% 13.12% Slovenia 26.22% Russia ..... 214.23% Latvia .......... ............. ....... 69.86% ............... Peru Montenegro Italy **** Dominican Republic 210.94% 71.06% Mexico Algeria .......... France 71.21% 210.65% ..******* Chile 72.68% 199.30% 73.09% 193.09% 77.18% 192.89% 78.50% 183.97% 182.10% 152.14% Mortgage Index is the percentage of the average monthly family income compared to the average monthly cost of a mortgage. Based on average price per square meter for a 90 square meter house or apartment in and around highly populated areas in 2016. Rent Index is the estimated percentage that the cost of renting an apartment in the specified country is compared to New York City. If the rent index is 50%, the cost of renting an apartment in the specified country is estimated to be 50% the cost of renting an apartment in New York City. Based on apartment rent cost in and around highly populated areas in 2016. MOVOTO sources: MORTGAGE INDEX 20.47% 24.74% 28.19% Saudi Arabia 37.17% United States RENT INDEX Oman 37.61% 13.78% 38.39% K South Africa 39.23% Puerto Rico 24.73% 40.86% Denmark ************ . 13.18% ******************************* 19.70% 30.83% 40.91% Canada UAE 26.83% 41.00% 68.25% **** Netherlands 31.76% ******............. 43.16% Belgium ................. ..... *********************** 15.81% 151.97% 6.69% Uruguay 5.30% .......... .... ...... Serbia Bangladesh ............ 73.88% .............. 149.26% **.... ****.. ...................... ...... ...** ( 5.92% 14.71% *****. .....************* Singapore 148.39% 12.12% 3 9.63% 7 7.12% ... *******... Taiwan 146.97% 6.37% A 9.67% Macedonia Ecuador 144.38% 29.75% K 12.56% Egypt Albania 139.85% 35.05% 10.45% 5.83% 34.41% India 138.64% 7.05% Morocco 16.15% 9.71% %70'2 Japan 138.58% %7S0L Jamaica %7S'EL %07 2L 25.71% .... ************** ********************************** Lebanon South Korea 8.63% 131.17% 10.02% 8.45% 12.45% 128.55% Tunisia 127.94% Turkey Bosnia & Herzegovina 125.46% Costa Rica Croatia Panama 119.57% Bolivia Iraq Romania Hungary .......*... Jordan Bulgaria Poland .....***** Tanzania 116.63% ******** Lithuania 114.63% 110.65% 107.72% 106.92% 105.89% 102.39% 101.79% %9L'8 %79 68 %90'96 98.17% 97.11% 96.62% 79.85% 81.50% 84.11% 87.75% 86.78%

The Cost of Housing Around the Globe

shared by Michaelson on Apr 28
1 comment
The mortgage and rent index of countries around the world. Mortgage index refers to the percentage one must spend of their income to afford their mortgages. Rent index refers to the percentage of aver...


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