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Amazing Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Amazing Health Benefits of Coconut Oil 1. In Cooking Unlike other oils, coconut oil won't produce free-radicals upon heating like other vegetable oils do. 2. Face and Body Lotion OCEANSOTION It absorbs quickly and won't leave your skin feeling greasy. A single jar of coconut oil can be used as a face lotion, body lotion, anti-wrinkle 3. Hair Care cream, eye-cream, stretch mark cream and SUN Coconut oil makes a great hair mask. Simply melt a few teaspoons of coconut oil and apply to your massage lotion. And it smells amazing! LOTION hair. Let the natural oil soak in to your hair for a few hours before washing it out. It will leave your hair very shiny and smooth! 4. Smoothies and Other Juices It adds a sweet and nutty taste and creates the most smooth and 5. Sun Screen creamy texture. And the extra bonus is that the fat from the coconut oil Used as an effective sunscreen for thousands of years by indigenous pacific islanders. Coconut oil applied on the skin protects against actually helps your body better utilise the minerals and vitamins from the fruit juices sunburn and cancer. Approximately 75 % Wof commercial sunscreens contain toxic chemicals that are linked to cancer and disrupt hormones. Other Health Benefits Fights Alzheimers Disease Promotes Weight Loss Improves Immune System Brought to you by: GOURMANDIA S ource : http://www.

Amazing Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

shared by angelvicky on Aug 22
Coconut oil has been called the healthiest dietary oil on earth. If you're not using coconut oil for your daily cooking and body care needs, you're missing out on one of nature's most amazing health foods.




Angel Vicky


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