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The 9 Types of Crazy Wedding Goers

9Crazy Wedding Goers The Random The Over-Emotional The Frat Relative Friend Boy You've probably never seen them before but they remember when you were "this tall." Unfortunately you still have to take awkward but obligatory "family" photos with them. Most likely still single, she has over the top Expect to hear old college hook up stories from one of the groom's college bros. Still proud about being single. emotions and tears while reminiscing the good old days with you. Professional The The Photographer Complimenter Best Friend That one guest who just won't stop taking pictures of you. Could be either an older This person loves everything about your wedding. You've done everything right in their book. Expect excessive compliments. Your best friend. They do everything for you and keep you from having a mental breakdown. Usually the maid of honor or best relative or a younger Instagram "professional." man. COCA The One-Upper The CharmeT The Killjoy Consciously or not, she Sometimes comes in the form of the Best Man. He is the guest who questions why That one friend who always gets along with everyone at the wedding. This person could charm the talks about her own wedding years ago, comparing yours to hers. She tries to pants off of your grandparents. Tomorrow, this is the person that all of your older relatives are talking about. shine by upstaging the bride with her you are even getting married. spectacular outfit. Your Wedding By The Numbers 4 Average number of bridesmaids. Average number of groomsmen. 141 Average number of guests. Nevada has Iowa brides $195 have the the smallest number of wedding largest number of Average wedding spend on per guest wedding guests: 215. guests: 63. $$$ 26,984 NYC ( Manhattan) is the most expensive area to get married with a total wedding spend of Utah is the least expensive area to get married with a total wedding spend of $13,214* Average Wedding Spend* $70,030* *excluding honeymoon 24% Average Age of weddings are destination Groom: 31 Years weddings Bride: 29 Years 00000000000 Wedding Dress Spend Most Popular: $1099 Engagement Month is: December 16% री Wedding Month is: June 15 Length of Engagement 14 Months WEDDINGTON WAY: SOURCES

The 9 Types of Crazy Wedding Goers

shared by punkrobby on Mar 08
Your crazy Aunt Mildred, your man’s party-loving college roommate, and the overzealous wedding photographer – just a few of the types of wedding goers you can expect at your wedding.


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