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The Social Media Marketing Checklist

How Does Your Social Media Strategy Check Out? Use this checklist from Sprout Social to audit your current efforts and inspire new strategies. What are your social media goals? O Improve customer service and retention O Increase brand awareness O Drive website traffic O Gather quality leads O Source job candidates 2 What teams are active on social? O Sales O Marketing O Advertising O Public relations O Customer service O Human resources O Research and development 3 Which networks align with your business strategy? O Facebook O Linkedln O YouTube O Twitter O Instagram O Snapchat O Google+ O Pinterest 4 What content can you create with full force and frequency? O Videos O Photos O Ebooks O Webinars O Blog posts O Infographics O Whitepapers O Case studies How are you finding your audience? O Hashtags O @mentions O Indirect mentions O Industry keywords O Competitive listening 6 How are you responding to your followers? O Dedicated social team O Shared social responsibility across departments O Social tools with built-in customer relationship management capabilities Are your efforts metrics driven? O ANALYSIS: Assess which posts were successful and which were not-and why. O REPORTING: Showcase your results with streamlined, visual presentations. O IMPROVEMENT: Optimize what works and scrap what doesn't. sproutsocial Put these social strategies to use. Get started for free at %23

The Social Media Marketing Checklist

shared by michaeldoesntma... on Mar 04
This checklist from Sprout Social can help your brand create a new social media marketing strategy, or if you already have a set strategy, it can serve as a good way to audit your current system or to...


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