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Raconteur on Data Security

Data security breaches: figures are shocking Average past and projected growth in mobile device connectivity rates worldwide Source: Cisco Global Internet Speed Test 315 504 56% 792 DASHBOABD ... CAGR 1,236 Staff using their own technology at work highlights the role of employees in information security – or the lack of it, writes Rod Newing 1,908 2,873 1,344 1,829 2,425 31% ..... CAGR 3,166 4,102 5,244 Data breaches in business worldwide Compromised records by type of threat worldwide, 2004-11 Source: Verizon Source: Verizon 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 100% 29m 978m Cyber attacks by month, method, motivation and target worldwide, 2012 (%) 80% Source: Targeted Cyber Attacks 2012 Method of attack Motivation 60% Internal External Targets 2 A 2 8.9 40% 2 B External B 2.9 C 44m 46m 10 NGOS Military 2.4 3.9 D 20% 3.3 7.8 E Internal 18 12.7 F 10.7 8.2 31 15.2 16.7 2004-07 2008 2009 2010 2011 Partner Partner News E-commerce Multiple agents 5.9 14.6 1.6 31.4 Online services Education Current and projected percentages of mobile device users with single and multiple devices worldwide Н Source: Cisco Industry Law enforcement 8% 12% Government 15% 22% 25% One device 92% 2012 88% 2013 85% 2014 2015 78% 2016 Jan June Feb July 75% More than one March August Unknown DDOS Cyber crime Espionage April Sept SOLI Defacement Hacktivism Warfare May Oct IInformation security has never ate, implement and test. As a been so important, with cyber- crime, industrial espionage and denial of service attacks, not to mention employees losing laptops containing customer details and intellectual property. However, there is an in-built tension between devices are now employee- owned. However, 71 per cent contain high severity application and operating system vulnera- bilities, 59 per cent of employees bypass security and 26 per cent have been inactive for more than result, the evolution of corporate computing and mobility has neces- sarily been slow. The problem is that computers and mobile devices have evolved worse. Cisco's Visual Networking Index global mobile data traffic forecast shows that workers are the devices more efficient, permit more functions and allow them to access much richer corporate education, law enforcement, military and non-governmental organisations. However, nearly a third of all attacks (31.3 per cent) are against industry and other businesses, such as online services, e-commerce and news. cent), stolen login credentials by security policies, education (32 per cent) and tricking users into sending data to an external website entity (30 per cent). However, to be fair to users, 5 per and training, so that employees are aware of the threats and how likely to increase the number of devices they own. In 2012, only 8 per cent had more than one device, but this will increase to information. This will include crit- more rapidly, increasing in func- tionality and ease-of-use, and com- ing down in cost. Workers bought them for their own use, realised how much more productive they were than the office devices and ical business intelligence reports, pictures and video that could help competitors or be embarrassing if passed to the media. The hackmaggedon figures show that cybercrime is still the main driving force, with hack- tivism the other major factor. They also clearly show that the public sector accounts for half of all attacks - that's government, the policies combat them. Security will only work if a culture of security is created, where security is part of every employee's daily behaviour, and they help and support each other. Önly this way can the ten- sion between the organisation's desire for security be reconciled with what may be the employee's natural inclination to cut corners cent of breaches are the fault of the corporation and its employees. IT managers should always be careful to ensure that the technol- ogy they provide to their users is efficient, effective, robust and secure. These are all important attributes that take time to evalu- 30 days, suggesting that they are lost or stolen. As a result, 51 per cent of cautious IT manag- ers have experienced data loss from employee use of unsecured mobile devices. 25 per cent by 2016. This trend for employees to "bring your own device" (BYOD) will be accelerated by the amaz- ing growth of mobile (56 per cent) and smartphone (31 per cent) connection speeds forecast by Cisco. Faster connections make their organisation, because there was insufficient authentication, such as no login required. It is essential that all organi- sations ensure they have an effective information security strategy that is part of its overall security strategy, including phys- ical security. This must be backed As Verizon's 2012 Data Breach It is essential that all organisations ensure Investigations Report shows, users are at the heart of many security breaches. These attacks include malware to capture data from user activity (48 per cent of breaches), default or guess- able credentials hacking (44 per they have an effective information security demanded to use them for work. As Invasion of the Mobile Mon- ster shows, 80 per cent of mobile Unless businesses can get the situation under control, it will get strategy that is part of its overall security strategy, including physical security to maximise their productivity. R 23.5 20.5 23.5 7.6 6'81 9/z g'ez 62 Average smartphone connection speed 20 3 Average mobile connection speed 45 32.4 27.6 6.7 42.1 26.5 21.6 6.9 53.5 42.6 2.3 1.6 28 3 89 19 30 5 4 19 36 33 42 3 99 58.8 37.3 2.9 1 2.4 6.7

Raconteur on Data Security

shared by Raconteur on Dec 12
Breakdown of data security threats worldwide, incorporating methodology, motivation and source of attacks.


Raconteur Media


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