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Pregnancy and Avoiding Birth Defects

Pregnancy and Avoiding Birth Defects Pregnant women often wonder what they can do to decrease the chances of their precious baby being born with a defect. The following points from the Western Washington Medical Group explain best practices and habits while pregnant. 1. Folate Lack of Folate (also known as Folic Acid or Vitamin B9 ) in a mother is often pointed to as the reason for a baby being born with defects. What to do: Get 400 micrograms (0.4 mg) of folate each day. This the amount found in 4 bowls of breakfast cereal. 2. Substances Smoking, alcohol consumption, and illicit drug use is detrimental to a baby's development. Remember that whatever is going into your body is also affecting the fragile human life inside your body! What to do: Quit smoking Avoid all alcohol Use no street drugs Understand how your decisions in this regard affect your unborn child 3. Medication While medicine can be necessary, medications and vaccinations should be used with great caution. Some birth defects have been traced to the medicine used by the mother. What to do: Consult your doctor about your medications Stop using unnecessary medications and vaccines Caution! Use extra caution 4. Eat Healthy While being sure to not intake anything harmful is important, it is equally important to eat things that are beneficial to you and your baby. The healthier you are, the healthier your baby will be. What to do: Avoid undercooked meat Eat plenty of raw fruits and veggies Lower your sugar intake Eat whole grains Avoid caffeine Infographic by: Western Washington Medical Group

Pregnancy and Avoiding Birth Defects

shared by isaacnc on Feb 11
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Learn what to do and what not to do during pregnancy to keep your baby from being born with a defect.


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