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Anatomy of a Company Logo

THE ANATOMY OF A COMPANY LOGO DESIGN I/ Design is so simple, that is why it is so complicated. |/ Paul Rand Originality What is a Logo? • Makes a Logo Stand out in the · Your logo is a visual representation of your brand in a single mark. Crowd. · It's a common point of engagement across websites, products, brochures, social media, etc. Expression of the IDEA - Letterforms: Logos which Spells out the name of the Company or Uses Letters which represent the idea of the company. Logo Must-Haves · Iconography: • Simplicity, Consistency Brandable, Uses Icons or woodmark relevant to · Remarkable the Company • Marketable Setting the tone · Understand your Brand and Choosing fonts Research • Should match the Brand Value. · Understand the Mission, Vision, • Choose one font for a Signature Look. Values and Business Agenda • Clean, easy on the Eye. ocaCola • Note What's Trending! · Use of space (use of Negative space is in Vogue). · Bring out the Authenticity and Uniqueness of your Business Layout and Composition Choosing colors · Using a Graphic Element: Keep it Simple but Unique • Max 5 Different Colors Black, Gray and Neutral Color Makes it • Watch out for the Spaces, Size and Text in relation to the Graphics Professional Choose Complimentary Colors for • Create Emphasis Wherever Necessary your Brand • Simple Color pallette makes things Aesthetically Pleasing, Cohesive and Professional

Anatomy of a Company Logo

shared by lisablueberry on Apr 26
A Company Logo represents the aims and objectives of the Company. It also represents the company’s goals and delivers a consistent statement of commitment, service, and professionalism.




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