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Honing in on Remodeling Hazards

HONING IN ON REMODELING HAZARDS 4 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS LURKING IN HOME REMODELS 1 LEAD PAINT CA requires you to assume any untested paint in a home built before 1978 is lead-based 2 ASBESTOS May be in insulation, floor coverings, cement siding, spackling, and ceilings 3 MOLD Likely to be present if the home has ever had a moisture problem Easily released into the air if you open a contaminated wall 4 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOCS) PAINT STRIPPER Typically found in products used in remodeling, like paint strippers, rather than already in the home MAKE SAFETY A PRIORITY IN YOUR REMODELING PROJECT PAINT WATER-BASED LOW VOCS CALL A PROFESSIONAL REMEDIATION COMPANY CHOOSE HEALTHIER PRODUCTS Removing dangerous materials without training is unsafe Opt for latex or water-based paints Remediation companies remove hazards without exposing your family Look for products with reduced VOCS Follow all products' instructions to reduce They also have the required licensure for disposal your exposure STOP BEFORE YOU START FOR REMODELING SAFETY HAVE AN ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION PERFORMED CALL A PROFESSIONAL REMEDIATION COMPANY IF HAZARDS ARE FOUND CHECK WITH THE COMPANY TO ENSURE THAT: They are licensed They are insured They have clean safety and compliance records Provided by: ERI Environmental Remedies, Inc. www.ENVIRONMENTALREMEDIESINC.COM Sources:

Honing in on Remodeling Hazards

shared by BrittSE on Mar 31
When you’re preparing for your upcoming remodel, remember to choose the healthiest products possible! Look at this infographic if you would like to hone in on some of the common remodeling hazards.


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