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Step-by-step Guide: How Caustic Soda is Made

TRADEASIA CONNECTED GLOBALLY Step - by - step Guide : How Caustic Soda is Made Tradeasia International Pte Ltd SALT 01. SELECTION OF RAW MATERIALS The primary component required is sodium chloride , commonly known as salt . 04. PREVENTION OF CHLORINE AND SODIUM HYDROXIDE MIXING The synthesis of sodium hydroxide and pure chlorine gas is separated by anode and cathode compartments . 05. FORMATION OF SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION The hydroxide ions formed at the cathode combine with sodium ions in the brine to produce sodium hydroxide . The solidified caustic soda flakes / pearls are then harvested , dried , and packaged for distribution and use . NH3 CI 02. BRINE PRODUCTION ( CHLOR - ALKALI PROCESS ) The sodium chloride is dissolved in water to form a concentrated brine solution . 03. ELECTROLYSIS ( ANODE & CATHODE ) Specialized electrolytic cells , which can either be membrane cells or diaphragm cells , electrolyze the brine . CI 06. CONCENTRATION AND PURIFICATION The collected sodium hydroxide solution still contains impurities and excess water . To obtain pure caustic soda , the solution is subjected to these processes . 07. SOLIDIFICATION AND FORMING CAUSTIC SODA The concentrated sodium hydroxide solution is further solidified to produce different forms of caustic soda , such as flakes or pearls . Read the blog at https : //www.caustic-soda .biz / step - by - step - guide - how - caustic - soda - is - made /

Step-by-step Guide: How Caustic Soda is Made

shared by tradeasiaintl on Oct 06
We’ll explore the procedures and methods used to create this crucial chemical as we delve into the intriguing realm of caustic soda manufacturing.


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Fortunata Mary


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