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The Best Pepper Spray for Sale Under $7!

The Best Pepper Spray for Sale Under $ 7 ! GUARD O Pepper sprayis most often used to refer to a lachrymatory agent that belongs to the group of non - lethal weapons and is intended for self - defense against humans . It falls under the classification of " riot control agents " which are chemical compounds that produce rapid burning sensations on human skin , eyes and respiratory system . The strength of these types of irritants has been classified into three : bear spray , pepper spray ( OC ) or tear gas . Specifically pepper spray women self - defense refers to Oleoresin Capsicum which is an inflammatory agent found in hot chilies such as cayenne peppers . It is commonly used in cases where individuals are a threat to public security and overall well - being . These inflammatory agents can be used as a substitute for deadly force because it may not result in deaths but can be highly effective at neutralizing an individual's threat and some people who have been sprayed with pepper spray may not require seeking medical attention . Although pepper has its own risks such as causing death , it is considered a safe alternative to guns . The active components of pepper spray are considered safer than other chemical irritants because they do not cause severe distress to the respiratory system when inhaled . Although there are various tests on how effective these types of products are , the results vary from research to research . Here are the best options :

The Best Pepper Spray for Sale Under $7!

shared by maisophiaseobr on Sep 11
Pepper sprayis most often used to refer to a lachrymatory agent that belongs to the group of non-lethal weapons and is intended for self-defense against humans. It falls under the classification of �...


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