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Difference between IAAS, PAAS and SAAS

Grizon Definition Roles Scalability Flexibility Model Popularity Examples Difference between IAAS , PAAS and SAAS IAAS PAAS Infrastructure as a Service Platform as a Service Provides infrastructure resources for building and operating applications , including virtual machines , storage , and networks . The user is in charge of ad ministering and maintaining the hardware and software . The infrastructure resources can be readily scaled up or down by the user as needed . The infrastructure is com pletely at the hands of the user , who may also install and configure any software they choose . It is a service paradigm that offers online access to virtu alized computing resources . It has become popular among researchers and developers . Amazon Web Services ( AWS ) , Microsoft Azure , Google Cloud Platform ( GCP ) [email protected] Gives a platform such as middleware , runtime , devel opment tools , for creating , deploying , and managing applications . The user is in charge of ad ministering and maintaining the software programmes . The application platform can be readily scaled up or down by the user as needed . The platform provider places restrictions on the user's ability to personalise the plat form , which the user can do to some extent . It uses a cloud computing approach to supply the tools needed for application de velopment . It has gained popularity among programmers who concentrate on creating apps and programmes . Heroku , Google App Engine , AWS Elastic Beanstalk SAAS Software as a Service Delivers fully operational software applications that the service provider hosts and maintains The company is in charge of maintaining and administer ing the software applica tions . The software application can be readily scaled up or down by the user as neces sary . The software application is subject to the user's restrict ed control , and only the settings offered by the ser vice provider may be changed . In the context of cloud com puting , hosting software so that users can access it is a service model . It is prominent among both consumers and businesses for tasks like file sharing , email , and networking . Salesforce , Dropbox , Office 365 少 +91 84272-94091

Difference between IAAS, PAAS and SAAS

shared by grizontechitservices on Mar 30
Get to Know the Difference between IAAS, PAAS and SAAS, three main types of cloud computing services.




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