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Drive Traffic (Short-Term & Long-Term)

DRIVE TRAFFIC ( SHORT - TERM & LONG - TERM ) SMBELAL.COM In order to start making money from you affiliate relationships , you need to drive traffic to your sales funnel . After all ... what good is a sales funnel without traffic ? There are two types of traffic that you'll want to learn how to drive - long - term traffic and short - term traffic . For short - term traffic strategies that will start driving people to your sales funnel right away , consider ... $$$ SHORT - TERM TRAFFIC Paid Ads The best way to drive immediate traffic to your sales funnel is by running paid advertisements on a platform like Facebook , YouTube , Pinterest , or even Google . When you choose your ad targeting options , try to only show ads to your ideal market . That will cut down on cost per - click and keep your business profitable . SEO SEO And for long - term traffic strategies that will support your business for years to come , consider ... Paid Promotion This is a little different than paid ads , but just as effective . With paid promotion , you reach out to other websites and influencers who serve your target market and pay for them . to promote your business or affiliate products ( make sure they use your affiliate link ! ) . LONG - TERM TRAFFIC Search Engine Optimization is the process of organically trying to get your content to rank for valuable phrases in a search engine ( Google and YouTube , example ) . It takes a long time to generate traffic this way , but it's extremely lucrative once the ball gets rolling ( give it at least 6 months of consistent content creation and optimization ) . Influencer Marketing Building relationships with influencers is a great way to grow your affiliate marketing business . They can drive traffic to your sales funnel and you can do the same for them . Send out emails to influencers and get to know people in your space . This takes time but is well worth the effort . visit our site ! Learn more at .

Drive Traffic (Short-Term & Long-Term)

shared by faysaltexort on Jan 19
This Traffic Secrets review will give you the idea of how you can get more traffic and increase the conversion rate successfully. To Know more please visit the following link >>>


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