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Mo' Money Mo' Problems

MO MONEY MO PROBLEMS -- %3B of ARE RICH PEOPLE UNETHICAL? Studies suggests that people who are socially and financially better-off are more likely to lie, cheat, and otherwise behave unethically compared to those lower on the social and financial ladder. The richest 1% The top 1% average salary: captured 93% of income gains in 2010 $717,000 Н Е The bottom 90% average salary: $36,000 The Wealthy Are Unethical A study conducted by UC Berkeley found: In one experiment, wealthier people took twice as Half of all drivers in expensive cars cut off pedestrians at crosswalks - Only 30% of drivers in cheaper cars did the same thing many candies as poorer people from a jar that had been designated for children Drivers of expensive cars were 4x more likely to cut off drivers of lower status vehicles For a chance to win $50, rich people cheated 3 times as much Lower-class people were better at reading emotions on as poor people others' faces – one measure of what researchers call empathic 50 accuracy fig 1 fig 2 Americans with incomes of $70,000 a year shoplift 30% more than those earning under $20,000 DANG Percentage of Income Donated to Charity Those earning between $50,000 and $100,000 understate their incomes by 8% Households earning over $100,000 Households earning under $25,000 2.7% 4.2% Those earning between $500,000 and $1,000,000 understate their incomes by 21% Being Bad Isn't Good Rich men cheat Wealthy people are more likely to default on mortgage on their wives more Less than $35,000 Mortgages of more than $1 million: 21% 1 in 7 default on their loans A Mortgages of less than $1 million: O|O|0|G 1 in 12 default More than $300,000 32% on their loans The Rich Don't Care The average CEO: $173,077/month Their workers: $618/month

Mo' Money Mo' Problems

shared by kcatoto on Mar 23
This infographic really, really picks on the rich folks. Ever since that study came out from UC Berkeley people have piled into the “those rich meanies take candy from babies” camp. Accurate, mayb...


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