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Learn About Cloud Infrastructure Services

Cloud Computing and its Types BASIC DEFINATION OF CLOUD COMPUTING Cloud computing can be defined as the delivery of IT services and resources through the internet to cloud servers . TYPES OF CLOUD COMPUTING SERVICES Cloud computing has various deployment models available i.e. , Infrastructure as a Service ( laaS ) , Platform as a Service ( PaaS ) , Software as a Service ( SaaS ) which have different levels of complexities to offer . 1 DATA BRIDGE Claas 3 Software - as - a - Service It is the delivery of software over the Internet . The consumer can access this software from SAAS any Internet - connected device and it can be installed and used immediately . PAAS Infrastructure - as - a - Service laas is an approach to cloud computing that offers different resources like virtual machines and storage to customers . 2 Platform - as - a - Service Platform as a Service is a cloud computing delivery model in which application developers can use to develop , manage , and host their applications . Advantages of Cloud Computing Services Major Advantages of Using Cloud Computing Services are - Reduced IT costs , Scalability , Business Continuity , Collaboration efficiency , Flexibility of work practices , Access to Automatic Updates Visit us at : Email : [email protected]

Learn About Cloud Infrastructure Services

shared by databridgeus on Aug 19
Cloud computing can be defined as the delivery of IT services and resources through the internet to cloud servers. There are 3 types of Cloud computing services that have various deployment models ava...



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