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Key Features of Wix That Make It Stand Head

Gcloudfindr KEY FEATURES OF WIX THAT MAKE IT STAND HEAD WIX EDITOR The Wix editor is pretty straight- forward and easy to use. On top of that, it customizes your website design and provides you with full control over it. WIX APP MARKET Wix app market is another amazing feature by Wix that provides im- pressive apps to grow your business. All these apps let you add different features andfunctionalities to your website. WIX ADI (ARTI- FICIAL DESIGN INTELLIGENCE) Wix Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI) is a unique platform that enables the use of Al to design beautiful websites. It's also a direct competitor of the Wix Editor. However, the Wix ADI is a quicker and smarter version of the Editor and has a lot of advantages. EMAIL MARKETING Wix offers one of the most impressive email marketing services as compared to other website builders. Businesses can create and share newsletters, sales promotions, invitations, product updates, and more with their leads and prospective customers. 4 CORVID BY WIX The Corvid engine is another unique feature from Wix that helps users build advanced web applications. It helps users build vigorous, strap- ping websites & apps from scratch. GOOGLE ANALYTICS INTEGRATION Wix, like many other website builders, also provides easy integration with Google Analytics with the help of the GA tracking key. WIX SEO Wix comes with professional SEO tools to make your website rank higher and to boost your visibility. Wix's built-in SEO features ensure that your websites always stand out on the internet right after you make it online.. e Copyright 2009 - 2022, Cloudfindr. All Right Reserved

Key Features of Wix That Make It Stand Head

shared by cloudfindr on Mar 01
The coveted website creation platform Wix needs no introduction to anyone who has even an elementary idea of websites. Here, we’ll explore the main features, positive & negative aspects of one of th...


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