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Top 8 Essential Life Lessons for Kids

ESSENTIAL LIFE LESSONS FOR KIDS SING THE SONG OF HONESTY You are the first reference point for your child when you give him an example. Ensure that you practice what you preach. Set up the right example for your child by being the person you want your child to be. WORK ON MANNERS Teach your child good manners and be consistent about it. As the child grows, their exposure increases and hence, carving good manners should be done consistently so that it becomes a part of them and ensure that you conduct yourself in the same manner. TEACH TO RESPECT Teach your child to be respectful not only to other people, no matter what the age, but also towards work, religion, belief, caste, etc. Respecting others will make your child an exemplary human being. Show them the respect you want them to show others. IMPLANT THE VALUE OF TIME Imbibethe importance and value of timeright from a very tender age. Children should learn to prioritize tasks and responsibilities as it will help them systematically do things. Time management can help your child become more productive,competent and confident СОАCH TO АССЕРТ DISAPPOINTMENTS Failures are a part of life and children should be taught to accept them gracefully right from the beginning. Children should learn how to learn from their mistakes and not make the same ones again. Rising after falling is what life is all about. LOVE FOR LEARNING Encourage your children to learn new things. It doesn't matter how big or small it is, but learning should be a continuous process. Discuss new topics & discoveries with your child and read about it together. Knowledge about new things can make your children confident and creative. TALK ABOUT RESPONSIBILITY Sense of responsibility should be inculcated in children right from the beginning. They should be taught to take responsibility for their actions, whether good or bad. It can help them reap tremendous benefits. The successful installation of responsible behaviour can help your child develop a healthy attitude. TALK MONEV Instil the importance of saving money in your child right from the beginning. Teach money management so that they can differentiate between savings & spendings. Children should be made to understand that one needs to work hard to earn money as this can help them in the long run. Children can be moulded easily but it is important that you, as a parent, also follow the principles you set for them. Children become what they see. There is a very thin line between teaching and forcing a child to learn. Teach them the right things so that they can be future-ready but don't go over and beyond. Sources: 30 Life Lessons I'm Going to Teach My Children - Huffington Post 10 Life Skills to Teach Your Child by Age 10- 10 Vital Life Lessons to Teach Children Before Age 10 - Psychology Today MC NSHOT Transforming Curious Minds

Top 8 Essential Life Lessons for Kids

shared by moonshotjr on Jan 29
Let’s check out a few important life lessons that can walk a long way to shape up every kid for the future, with the help of this infographic.


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