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Have you broken any of these 10 driving laws without realising?

3. TICKET AHEAD Have you broken any of these 10 driving laws without realising? 1 Eating at the wheel - Although eating whilst driving Isn't Illegal in itself, it can be classed as careless driving and cost you 3 penalty points on your licence as well as a £100 fine. Flashing your headlights - You may think that warning other drivers of an oncoming speed trap is just being considerate, yet the law says otherwise. It's considered dangerous practice, and you could face a fine of up to £1,000 if caught obstructing an officer in the course of their dutles. TICKET 3 Forgetting to put headlights on when it's dark - Driving without headlights at night or when your visibility is serlously reduced can result in a non-endorsable ticket, whlch typically carrles a 550 fine. Splashing pedestrians - Sometimes it's hard to avold puddles in the road.especially in the wet British weather. Yet If you are caught splashing a pedestrian with a puddle, It could result in a $100 fine and 3 points on your llcence If caught by pollice. 4 5 Using your mobile phone as a sat nav - Penalties for using your phone whlle driving has been extended to the use of mobiles as sat navs. Although it's not llegal to use navigation apps, you could face a £200 fine and up to 6 penalty polnts, if you touch the handset while driving. 6 Using your phone to pay at a drive-through - Many fast food drive-thrus offer contactless payment food with your moble phone, with apps such as Google or Apple is against the law paying for and could result in a $200 fine and up to 6 penalty polnts. 7 Beeping the car horn - if you're tempted to beep your horn in a traffic jam or use It to get a pedestrian's attention when stationary, you might need to have a rethink. Beeping your car horn for any other reason than alerting traffic of your presence on the road could lead to a £30 fine. Making profit from giving someone a lift - There is nothing wrong with helping out a friend If they're stranded or need a lift - they can even chip in for petrol. However, If you make a profit from this unofficial taxi service without the right documents to hand, you could face a hefty penalty: Up to £2,500 fine and up to 6 polnts on your licence. 8 9 Swearing or making rude hand gestures to other road users - When frustrated or annoyed behind the wheel, It's easy to lose your cool. But taking your frustration out on other drivers is classed as disorderly behavlour and can lead to a £1000 fine if coaught by police. 10 Driving too slow - Despite there being no minimurm speed limit on the majority of UK roads, you can still be fined for driving too slow, as It can be a hazard to other road users. If pulled over by the pollce, a simple verbal warning could be given, or you could face a fine of 55,000 and 9 penalty polnts on your licence depending on the severity of the offence. swinton insurance

Have you broken any of these 10 driving laws without realising?

shared by Digital_Infographics on Jan 29
Swinton Insurance have looked into the ten most commonly broken driving laws that could lead to a hefty fine and points off your licence




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