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The Customer Service Guide For E-Commerce

6 WAYS TO PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE FOR E-COMMERCE Customer service is critical in the ongoing relationship between retailers and their customers. With the rise of social media, e-commerce companies need to understand and embrace these new social customers, and respond to them in a personal and timely manner. HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT THE E-COMMERCE CUSTOMER? OFFER MULTICHANNEL SUPPORT Too many customers regularly use more than one support channel in fact, 9/10 customers expect to receive a consistent experience over multiple customer contact channels. IT LISTEN ON SOCIAL MEDIA Why is this important for e-commerce companies? Because customers are craving human interaction and they are basing their buying decisions that companies care about their customers. 78% 46% 88% customers expect to of online customers of customers are expect brands to provide customer less likely to buy from companies who leave social media receive a consistent experience over multiple customer contact channels. service on Facebook complaints unanswered TRACK ALL CUSTOMER INTERACTIONS Tracking all customer interactions eliminates wasted time for both your agents and customers, it eliminates confusion for your support agents as customers interact with a company via multiple channels, and it establishes a rapport with your company. CUSTOMER COMPANY TRUST IV PROVIDE ONLINE CHAT 77% RQQ of customers agreed that online chat positively influenced their attitude about the retailer. V FOCUS ON TIMELY RESPONSES In many ways, customer support response times dictate how the customer perceives your company. of customers of customers reported that are likely or very likely to do business with a reported that they would likely do business with a 84% 53% company if it responded via phone in less than a minute. company if they had to wait for, longer than a minute. VI DELIVER A WOW EXPERIENCE A WOW experience is delivered by combining empathy and understanding for the challenge the customer is facing. Keep track of all your customer interactions, from any channel, all in one place. This way, the customer is receiving one consistent experience. PROVIDE GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE WITH THE RIGHT TOOLS

The Customer Service Guide For E-Commerce

shared by tarresamuffet on Dec 04
Just because online businesses don’t see customers face-to-face is no reason to neglect the ever-important area of customer service. This info-graphic lays out six ways to offer that personal touch ...




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