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Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing

Traditional Marketing V/S Digital Marketing Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing Audience Reach Reaching out to a semi-targeted audience via offline advertising, telemarketing, letters Allow Marketers to use best of the both worlds - Digital and Marketing via the internet or electronic device. Accessibility Personal Approach in informing public or promoting the brand names - Sellers looking for buyers Allows Marketers to reach finite number of consumers easily with one click, Buyers looking for Sellers Real-Time Results Number of digital platforms for offering direct services and collecting feedback from the user. Adjust your Promotional mediums are restricted, resulting in less customer interaction. Organization needs to hang tight for a considerable length of time or advertising technique to client conduct to fabricate a progressively connected months for results with network Marketing Cost Use of Printing/radio ads makes it less Online social websites and paid ads make economical it more economical Strategy Refinement Drafting the Marketing strategy takes time, Companies need to rely on the surveys and findings of the marketing shoe difficulty in ROI measured Strategy refinements become easy, data and facts are recorded and sorted online which results in effective marketing analysis and ROI Favored Tools Newspaper ads, Postcards, Direct mails, Magazine ads Social networking sites, e-commerce websites, apps - Facebook, Gmail, youtube Statistics 39% of customers come to know about a 64% of customers purchased decision depends on facebook marketing video business through direct mail advertising 56% of customers consider print marketing as the most trustworthy Content Marketing generates about 3 times more leads 95% of marketers believe that person- 93% of online experiences begin with search engines • to-person meetings develop successful business relationships Endurance Softwares Website: **

Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing

shared by endurancesoftwares82 on Aug 18
Marketing trends are changing at very fast rate and the market has been drifted from traditional marketing methods to digital marketing to reach the maximum number of targeted audiences.Check out thes...


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