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Russia-China gas deal

Russia-China gas deal On May 22, 2014 Gazprom and CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation) signed a 30 year treaty for the supply of natural gas, which will have a significant influence on the future of the entire global energy market. The steps that led to defining the agreement 2004 2006 2007 Gazprom and CNPC sign strategic cooperation agreement Gazprom starts building the Power of Siberia gas pipeline to China Gazprom begins Altai project 2014 2013 2010 Altai pipeline project halted, Power of Siberia prioritized by Gazprom May 21 CNPC- Gazprom gas deal Agreement settles on 68 bcm per year Evidence of agreement numbers 2018>2048 30-year agreement to start in 2018 38 bcm of Russian gas to be delivered to China annually O 38bcm Est. price: 380-388 US dollars $ 380-388 us dollars per 1,000 cubic meters Construction of a pipeline from Siberia to western Inner Mongolia Gas corridors in Russia In the map, the pipeline system, operative and planned, which runs through the territory of the Russian Federation. Among these was the Power of Siberia pipeline, which will allow the flow of gas in China. Operating gås pipelines Projected gas pipelines Power of siberia Gas trunkline system Projected gas processing plants And gas chemical facilities Fields BERING SEA ARCTIC CIRCLE RUSSIA SEA OF OKHOTSK OUrengoy Komsomolsk-on-amur Nizhnevartovsk SOBINKO PAIGINSKOYE YURUBCHENO TOKHOMSKOYE SAKHALIN I-II Tyumen OOkha YAKUTIA Skovorodino CHAYANDINSKOYE Tomsk Proskokovo Nizhnaya Poyma Omsk Novosibirsko Boguchany MALOSITINSKOYE Korsakov UGS Facility KOVYKTINSKOYE A Khabaroysk i Krasnoyarsk Balagansk Blagoveshchensko Barnaul Biysk Gorno- AltaiskA LAKE BAIKAL Åbakan Novokuz netsk o Irkut sk O Dalnefechensk TO CHINA L Madivostok VLADNOSTOK LNG CHINA Birobidžhan TO CHINA (XINJIANG) Gas production centers: 1 KRASNOYARSK 2 IRKUTSK 3 YAKUTIA 4 SAKHALIN Source: Gazprom © 2014 ABO

Russia-China gas deal

shared by AboutOil on Oct 09
Map showing the operating and projected gas pipelines under the Russia-China gas deal.



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