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Wistia Infographic: One Nation Under Video

ONE NATION UNDER VIDEO THE PROFILE OF VIDEO - SHARING USERS IN AME RICA As of this year, the share of Americans who report watching online videos via sites such as YouTube and Vimeo has reached a whopping 71 percent. Five years ago, it was only about half that. In order to understand the meteoric rise of video-sharing site users, let's examine what they look like today. HABITUAL VIDEO SHARING SITE USERS HAVE TRIPLED TOTAL USERS ON A TYPICAL DAY Percent of users who visit video-sharing sites 33% 2006 8% 48% 2007 15% 52% 2008 16% 62% 2009 19% 66% 2010 23% 71% 2011 28% WHO GOE S ON VIDEO-SHARING SITES? Percent of internet users within each group who visit video-sharing sites GENDER AGE 92% 80% 54% 71% of both men and women 31% Ages 18-29 Ages 30-49 Ages 50-64 Age 65+ HOUSEHOLD INCOME EDUCATION LEVEL Less than $30,000 $30,000 - $49,000 High School Grad Some College College and Higher 71% 75% 63% 75% 75% $50,000 - $74,999 $75,000+ 76% 81% RURAL AREAS SEEING HIGHEST JUMP IN VIDEO-SHARING SITES VISITORS Just five years ago, internet users in rural areas were pacing behind their urban and suburban counterparts when it came to how many have visited video-sharing sites. Now, they are becoming the fastest growing sector of YouTube and Vimeo watchers, increasing more than 30 percentage points since 2009. 2006 2009 2011 Percent of Internet users in each group who have visited video-sharing sites 80% 71% 72% 68% 57% 60% 52% 38% 37% 40% 23% 21% 20% RURAL SUBURBAN URBAN MINORITIES ARE MORE LIKELY TO VISIT VIDEO-SHARING SITES... WHILE PARENTS TUNE IN MORE THAN THOSE WITHOUT KIDS Percent of users who visit video-sharing sites WHITE NON PARENTS 69% 61% MINORITY PARENTS 79% 81% ONLINE VIDEO WATCHING OUTRANKS OTHER ONLINE ACTIVITIES Percent of respondents 69% 80% 65% 61% 60% 46% 46% 36% 33% 40% 14% 13% 20% Upload photos to Do banking Create or update blog Watch video Use a social Send Play online Pay for digital music online Update on video- sharing site networking online instant Twitter site a website messages games WISTIA Created By SOURCES: PEW INTERNET & AMERICAN LIFE PROJECT | WIRED.COM COLUMN FIVE SHAREVIDEO LIKE A BOSS

Wistia Infographic: One Nation Under Video

shared by rmmojado on Dec 28
As of this year, the share of Americans who report watching online videos via sites such as YouTube and Vimeo has reached a whopping 71 percent. Five years ago, it was only about half that. This infog...



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