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100 Facts From Around the World For Our 100th Aircraft

#ETIHAD 100 FACTS ETIHAD AIR WAYS ABU DHABI FROM AROUND THE WORLD, TO CELEBRATE OUR FLEET OF 10O! UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AL AIN ZOO d000: the number of animals in the Al Ain Zoo - 30% of them are in danger of extinction 40,000: The number of The world's fastest roller- coaster, Formula Rossg at Ferrari world acceterates to 240km/h worshippers The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi can hold. Burj Khalifa is the tallest man-made structure in the world, at 8298 m - 3 times as S8,000km of steel bars were used in the construction of Atlantis - Over 9x the length Wall of 1 at oEtol TOWer tall as Croa 10,000: IS the number of free roaming animals in Sir Bani Yas Island- one of region's 59 million square feet: The Size of the Dubai Mall - the In Abu Dhabi, the Emirates Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi Qasr Al-Hosen is the oldest stone National Auto Museum is home to the world's largest truck - more than S0 tonnes! building in Abu Dhabi reflecting its history and achievements Since the 1ath century is 7 star luxury hotel world's largest shopping mall largest wildlife reserves UNITED KINGDOM OLDEST Zoo 21,000: the number of Licensed "Black Cab" taxis in London, whhich actually come in 12 different colours, 318 steps: the sıze of the longest escalator in western Europe - At the Angel Tube Station 1828: Iş when the world's oldest public zoo operned in London. In London, there are 6,128 Licensed restaurants - including 36 Michelin star rated restaurants. Manchester is the city where Rolls met Royce in 1904 80,000 Is the number of to Papa The Shard, a skyscraper, is the talst *cas are made at a Northern Ireland has more young people than anywhere else in the UK Under 1os are nearly 1/a of the population. rhetes ed flight in the wortd. The trip takes less than two minutes is tl building in the EU, standing at a height of 3096 metres. umbrellas which are lost annually on the London Underground. S00-year-old castle in County Armmagh UNITED STATES 19k lululuuluul who wears a 879 size shoe? In Los Angeles, there are over ity of Los Angeles moves approximately one-quarter of an inch to the cast every year. Montana has 3x as many cows as it does people. There are almost 19.000 restaurants in Manhattan. you can eat at different one every day for 52 years! 100 movie and television production crews shoting for their respective soaps/hlms Lady Liberty! 722 miles The average uS. citizen drinks the equivalent of more than 600 sodas each year. The New York City subway is one of the longest in the worto what could fit two Manhattans or one San Francisco in it? Walt Disney World Resort. S250,000: Is how much, in 2012, the most expensive pet wedding in history cost! 36% of the current population of New York City was born outside the United States. d with 722 miles of subway track THAILAND Krungthepmahanakhon Amonrattanakosin Mahintha ayutthayu Manabicokphop rom udommtchaniwetma- hasathan Amenphimanawa tansathit Sakkathattiyawitsa- nukamprasit 6 meters and 1114.27 Kg is the size of the world's est crocodile in captivitv found in Thailand. in Bangkok you can find the world record for the largest gold Buddha -A 3-meter-tall and S.5-ton statuel in Thailand you can Bangkok's full ceremonial name is a Tweet-busting 169 characterst Starts with Krung and finishes with kamprasiti in Thailand you can find the world's smallest mammal Kitti's hog-nosed bat It weights just 2 grams. approocimately temples. Largest #1 Bangkok is the world's most vsited city according to the Clobal Destinations Cities Incex Bangkok is also the world's hottest city, according to the world Meteorological Organisation. Bangkok is sinking at a rate of In Bangkok, you can stumble 1005.8 cm: Is the largest Reticulated python found in Thailand! 2 to 5 centimetres a year. upon one of the 1,600 giant etephants which roam the streets of the city daily. ITALY 401 Italy has not 1 but volcanoes named VesuVIus, Etna and Stromboli. 3 active S4071: Represents how much money get tossed into the Trevi Fountain in Rome, everyday - S1485.879 a yoart there are footbridges, 150 canals, and 60,000 residents amongst the islands Italy is the 4th most visited country in the world with more than 40 million visitors a yean In Venice, the italy has more hotel than any other nation in Europe - more than 33,557 notels all in all S00 3001 ROME In italy you can visit over 3,000 museums, ranging from the Coliseum to the Musco Calilco. S333,000: IS the wortd record for a truffle sold in 20OS in TUscany! A dog discovered it and it weighed 15 Kg 3,000 years old: Is how old the capital of taly. Rome, is. More than 50o types of pasta are eaten in italy today! The Espresso was invented by an italian who did so to reduce breaks. GERMANY in Cermany There are over 1,000 kinds of sausages - in Germany, there are over in Cermany most taxis are Mercedes Berlin has the largest railway station in the world 5752: the number of museums in Cermany. дррrоxіmarely the same as in Italy and the United Kingdom combinedi 300 kinds of bread and even a bread mUseum from the Knackwurst to the weisswurst - take vour Dicks lumlumlunlul In Munich, there are over 60 garden terraces - plenty to choose from. 14,000 is the number of animals in the Berlin's zoologischer Carten - The Largest zoo in the wortd. 632 years: The number of years the Cologne Cathedrat Look to build. In Reutlingen you will find the world's narrowest street - the Soreuerhofstrasse is 31 cm (one foot) wide. In Germany, 7O% of highways have no speed timit. FRANCE TAXI METRI In Paris, there are over 19,600 taxis circulating Paris has 384 metro stations organised in 16 lines and 3 billion subway travellers per year. 8,000 is the number of cafés with outdoor seating areas in Paris. in Paris, there are 90,000 pigeons and 750 bats in the tunnels of the old railway system 1,1 million - The number of baguettes consumed per day by Parisians 2633 km/h is how fast Die average speed of French TCVS - the fastest traing in the world. in France, There are some 0.000 chateaux (castles, CDG International Airport is the busiest airport when it comes to cargo in Europe and stands 6th in the world, In France, the region of Bordeaux alone has over 9,000 different châteaux There are over 300 kinds of cheese made in France. manors, palaces.) AUSTRALIA Perth is said to be the sunniest capital city in the world - Averaging 8 hours of 1,149m: Is how Long the Sydney Harbour Bridge measures - targest steol arch bridge in the whole world 146 Km - the longest straight road in the world, found on the Nillartbor Plain AUstralia. Perth is the windiest city in Australia. Melbourne's Tramway system is the 4th largest in the world stretches along 244 kilometres with 4SO trams sunshine every day 165 1.000,000 - The number of ferat camets in central parts of Australia. 126 of the world's most venomous snakes can be fourd in AUstralia. 165,000 esggs - Is the number of eggs the average Australian will consume in his or her lifetime. In Australia there are 3.3x more sheep than people. in Austratia, vegetation covers nearly 7 miLlion square kilometres - 91% of Australia JAPAN $1.8 MILLION रदी There are over 200 volcanoes in Japan. S18 million; is the world's most expersive tuna sold In Kyoto, there are moге than 1,600 temples Late-night dancing is illegal in Japan, Yes, it's truel Coffee is very popular and Japan imports approximately 85% of Jamaica's annual cottee production. Japan has more than So,000 people who are over 100 years otd. in Japan, 90% of mobile phones are waterproof because youngsters use them even in the showor 5.52 million: is the number of vending machines, including ones that dispense umbrellas and mobile phones. Japanese Trains are among the world's most punctual their average delay is just 18 seconds. Japan consists of over 6,800 islands NETHERLANDS of caat S the number in Amsterdam After the Scandinavians, the 1,000: The number of in Nethertands. $140: Is a dog tax you need to pay in the Netherlands per dog per year 12 million Kg The amount of herring with chopped raw onions and pickles consumed by Dutch people every year 1515: sare the world's biggest coffee drinkers averaging 140 Liters of coffee a vear! museums 2.5km P ---- In Amsterdam there are more than 4.000 km of navigable canals, rivers and lakes Dutch peopte tove cycting! 2.5 km: Is the average a Dutch person cycles a day 900 km per year. in Amsterdam, there are more than 400.000 trees across the city. 1/4 of Amsterdam happens to be below sea level. 50% of its There's more than 18 miRuion bikes in the country That's more than 1 bicycle each! land lies merely one metre above sea level. JOIN THE CONVERSATION: #ETIHAD FF IX

100 Facts From Around the World For Our 100th Aircraft

shared by Budgetinfographic on Jul 03
Here are 100 interesting facts from across the globe, to mark the exciting delivery of Etihad Airways’ 100th aircraft - a new Airbus A321-231


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