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What Makes a Great Education?

What makes a GREAT EDUCATION? EDUCATION CAN CHANGE THE WORLD 420 million people would be lifted out of poverty with a secondary education.' 10 million people A child whose 1 additional year of school can increase a mother can read is woman's earnings by 50% more likely up to 20%. to live past the age of 5. " A BAD EDUCATION IS ALMOST LIKE NO EDUCATION 260+ million children 400 million children and adolescents are in school and youth are not in school. " but are not learning. " A GREAT EDUCATION... ... starts early... Early childhood education prepares children for future learning. us$1 = us$17 in returns GPE has invested us$180 million to invested in early for the most disadvantaged children " support early learning in 30+ partner countries. education ... means great teachers... An effective teacher is the most important factor in a student's learning. In 2017, 100% of GPE grants to partner In 1/3 of all countries, less than 75% of countries included teachers are trained. "" support for teachers. ..meets the needs of all children... Education can break the cycle of discrimination experienced by children with disabilities. In developing countries, 40% of children GPE has provided us$440 million with disabilities are since 2012 to support not in primary school. I" inclusive education. ... doesn't leave girls behind... Keeping girls in school benefits them and their families, communities, and countries. GPE supports partners to put gender equality at the heart of national education systems. If every girl received 12 years of quality education, earnings for women could increase by up to us$30 trillion globally. * 41 million more girls were enrolled in school across GPE partner countries in 2016, compared to 2002. ... is based on data... Without accurate data it is impossible to know how many children are not in school or are not learning. GPE is investing more than ever on data to monitor progress and drive better decision-making. >50% of GPE partner countries gather and report 92% of grants active in 2017 supported data or learning assessment systems. sufficient data on education. leads to learning... More children than ever are in school, but too many don't learn enough. 2/3 of all children will reach X. 65% of GPE partner the end of primary school countries with data show without basic skills in reading and math. * improved learning results between 2000 and 2015. ... is backed by a strong system. GPE works to strengthen national education systems to dramatically increase the number of children who are in school and learning. Since 2002, GPE has worked with more than 65 developing countries to improve education planning and implementation, with great results. In GPE partner countries, 77 million more children were in primary school in 2016, compared to 2002. The Global Partnership for Education supports 65+ developing countries to ensure that every child receives a quality basic education, prioritizing the poorest, most vulnerable and those living in countries affected by fragility and conflict. GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP for EDUCATION Sources: 'UIS/GEM Report Policy Paper 32/Fact Sheet 44, p. 11 'World Bank, Returns to Investment in Education (2002) The Learning Generation, p. "UNESCO Institute for Statistics data for the school year ending in 2017 "UNESCO Institute for Statistics " Theirworld, Bright And Early: Financing pre-primary education June 2017 " EFA GMR 2015, p. 122 "UNICEF, Towards Inclusive Education. The impact of disability on school attendance in developing countries. 2016 * Missed opportunities: the high cost of not educating girls, p.5 * UNESCO Institute for Statistics Fact Sheet 46, p. 10 o. 99

What Makes a Great Education?

shared by NikolaM and AnitaS on Oct 09
• Education can change the world. • A bad education is almost like no education. • A great education... ... starts early... means great teachers... meets the needs of all children... doesn't lea...


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