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The Man Who Could Unsnarl Manhattan Traffic

Total vehicle miles: 3,767,161 Delays and Associated Costs for Each Additional Vehicle Most Congested Areas in Manhattan 11 pm-S am: 5 am-6 am: 1.64 hrs//$65 1.99 hrs//$79 6 am-9 am: 3.66 hrs//$145 9 am-10 am: 10 am-2 pm: 3.14 hrs//$125 2.77 hrs//$110 4.03 hrs//$160 2.67 hrs//$106 2 pm-8 pm: 8 pm-11 pm: Proportion of Miles Traveled by Vehicle Type I Auto, work 20.6% Auto, nonwork 15.1% I Auto, through trips 23.6% I Taxis 33.3% I Trucks 6.1% I Buses 1.3% Average Speed By Time of Day 11 pm-5 am: 23.64 mph 20.42 mph 7.03 mph 9.06 mph 11.68 mph 5 am-6 am: 6 am-9 am: 9 am-10 am: 10 am-2 pm: 2 pm-8 pm: 6.78 mph 8 pm-11 pm: 13.37 mph Vehicle Distribution By Time of Day CARS Паншыи lm 681,852 11PM 12PM 10PM cars/day TAXIS 116,449 taxis/day 11PH 12PM 10PM BUSES 2,000 buses/day 11PH 12PM 10PM TRUCKS 70,000 11PH 12PM 10PM trucks/day SUBWAY Il.. 3,876,961 riders/day 11PM 12PM 1OPM Vehicle Distribution by Day of the Week Cars т Taxis Buses Central business district Trucks Subway

The Man Who Could Unsnarl Manhattan Traffic

shared by rmmojado on Mar 27
Charles Komanoff has spent three years building a model of the traffic patterns in New York City. The result is an exhaustive accounting of every mile traveled, every slowdown encountered, and every h...



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