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How to Retain Top Employees: Keep Gen X and Gen Y Happy in the Workplace

HOW TO RETAIN KEEP GEN X AND GEN Y HAPPY IN THE WORKPLACE TOP EMPLOYEES: 2,364,000 employees quit their jobs in August 2013, up 10% from August 2012. Strengths: Strengths: Technologio ally savvy Multitasking Entrepreneurial in spirit Confident Born early 1980's - eanly 2000's Self-motivated Risk takers -1960's 1970's -late Born Baby Generation X mid-1 y BOomer offspring Generation Y 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year What Motivates Employees? Inspire Both Generations Generation X Generation Y W hat they went: Gain new skills and knowledge W hat they want: Clear direction, frequent feedback from managers to feel like a team asset. Create A Fun Work Environm ert promotes bond ing Do it: Provide opportunities to ta keon new projects attend industry events, and/or learn on the job. Do it: Beproactive and don't walt for review time to chat. Visit their desk or email regularly. between coworkers W hat they want: A life outside theoffice W hat they want: A higher purpose Provide Monetary Compensation And Rewards (Like Profit Sharing) Do it: Offer flex-time, summer hours, telecommuting options. Do it: Create corporate giving and companyvolunteer projects. Demondrate everyone IBs working towards the same goal What they want: Decision-making What they want: Recognition authority with minimal approvals, to thinkoutside the box. Ensure The Whole Organization Und er stand The "Big Pioture" Instille contid ence their contributes provide value Do it: positive feedback and citations for successful accomplishments and milestones. Avoid micro-managing alow time for brainstor ming ideas. What they want: To feel the passion they once had Develop Universities What they want: Toincorporate their digital Partnerships and social media knowledge into their work. Force Learning and professional growth Do it: Reinspire middle-aged players to re-invigorate your entireteam. Dolt: Provide necessary tools for staffers to stay in touch on the go, encouage esponsible social media usageinstead of ban it. Extend Professional Education Beyond the Classroom or Workplace 2xry)=7 7x-Byr Bring Graduate Education Programs to The Office Provide Tuition Reimbursement for Grad School Become A University Corporate • Convenienoe reduces transportation oosts and saves time Partner • Employees learn in person without leaving work • Sud ying with colleagues oan inorease team performanoe • Save employe es money • Provide job seourity, employees often agree to employment for set time-frame • Demonstrat e company investment in employées, dedioation to their sucoess • Showoase profe ssional expertise through staff teaohing opportunities • Build professional relationships with future em ployees • Strengthen oommunity ties with lboal universities Nearly 60% of employers offer financial assistance for grad school. Up to $5,250 of tuition assistance is a tax-free benefit. Souree http:www.blgov/news.release jolts.104.htm http: /www.farbescom/cite/jennagoudreau/2013/03/07/7-curpriking-waysto mativato-milarrial-warlkare http: / http: / O http://www.farbeccom/sitec/lavinkuce/2013/C3/mativating-amployea http://www.tarbescom/sitagmaghancaccarlyw203/10/15macter-clacs-amafeastop-caos-an-the-corate-af-mativaing-amployaa ralationa/How-can-l-batter-mativate-amplayoes apx 71bid-apqumws_MAL http: / -milenniale-gan-x-and-boomers-chapathe worlplace-2013-9 hp:/ gaduatecohool htp:/www.chm.arglagalicae/ctatendlocar esoucastateandocaktatecardragdofona/documanta12-037%202012_jabatifadion_fri_onina pa

How to Retain Top Employees: Keep Gen X and Gen Y Happy in the Workplace

shared by kolson1985 on May 12
Learn how to keep both Generation-X and Generation-Y employees happy and motivated in the workplace. Learn the similarities, differences and outliers of each generation. What makes them tick? What mot...


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