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Global Financial Crisis: A World In Debt

DEN MCH^ RACY. THE R ULE DIMO IGNORANCE IS BLISS, REALITY IS NOT. Global Financial Crisis: A World In Debt DEONOC Vond governi e worldfs kgest s.a means. Here are amounts of nmoney to live w ichthe eyo RACY INFO Itheir One Hundred Dollars DEMONOCRACY IN DES $100 - Most counterfelted money denomination in the world. Keeps the world moving. FF 95594731 A oY INFO NOCE OurOrS |இ Ten Thousand Dollars NOCRACYAINA DEMONDGRACY INFO DEMONOC $10,000 - Enough for a great vacation or to buy a used car. Approximately one year of work for the average human on earth. DEMONOCRACY INFO FO DEMONOCRA DEMONOCRACY INFO DEMONOCRACY INFO SIO000SIOn CRACY INF DE STO.00 S10,000 S S10,000 SI0,00 One Million Dolla CRACY.INFO $1.000,000 - Not as big of a pile as you thought. Šil this is 92 years of work for the aver age lmian on earth. DEMONOCRACY INFO MONOCRACY INFO EMONDCRACY INFO DEMONICHCYANFOY EniocAcyFO DEMONUCNFO DEMONOCRAC YANFOAMONOCAY ANFO DEMONOCRACro DEMO INFO DEMONOCRACY DEMONOCRADY ANFO One Hundred Million Dollars $100,000,000 - Plenty to go around for everyone. Fits nicely on an Iso Mitary standard sized pallet. స RACY NFO CRACY AINFO ONOCRACY MONNOY $2 Billion- Truck Load of Cash DEMON OCRACY.INFO DEONOCRACY NFO DEMONOCRACYAN dreamstcy.NFo This is what $2 Billion US dollars looks like. You can also see a €100 Euro Billion pallet on the right Example Dencription Repent $2B Interest on S0.1B 30.1B Covemmet governnent IDns cdebt in 2012 hx kà) $2.2B Tla Dete ncua red ierest) RACY INFO Russia INFO ONOCRACY INFO Russia's Government benefits from lar ge export su plus to pay for government's expenses. The export surphis comes mainly trom exporting natur al resources, including natural gas and oil. Vo blia, the umotherland is doing eat. Russia compared to Its large economy holds barely any government debt - only 2.5% of economy iGDP). Mapayant $9B $13B TY $23B $45B ACY INFO Canada Canada has a $1577 billion USD econoy, white carrying a relatively Insigniricant trade deficit of 9 billion dollars. In 2012 Canada must re pay andior re finance a signficant portion of its debt. It tmust refinance 42% of ts debi, but since the country caries as AAA crodt rating as of Jan, 2012 R faces Ittle challenge to re-finance its debt. CRACY JNE DEMONOCRACI L012 Rup $14B $221B $298.1B $535.3B ONOCRACY DEMONOCRACY INFO DEMONOCRACY DEMONOCRACNEO DEMONOCRACY AFO DEMONOCRACY. INEo DEMONOCRACY. NFO DEMONO DEMONOCRA DEMONDCRACY N EHONOCRACY INFO DEMONOCRACY. INFO ocRACY DEMONOCRACY INFO DEMON DEMONOCRAL DEMONOCRACY INFO DEMONOCRACY ONOCRACY INFO DEMONOCRACY IFO ONTOMO ANrO DEMONOCRACY ORACY INFO DEMONCRACYIN OCRACY INFO China OCRALY The delit ple seems ratlier scary for China but the size of its economy and population is not to be underestimated. The debt only accounts for -17.5% of the econommy. China has tlhe world's second largest econoy, it is still expeiencing economic growth and has the biggest forekgn exchange reserves in the world a 200 inonUSD.The bigger the foreign exchangje the value or ts om crene Ihe comtry has to dience "The greater a country's foreign reserves, the better postion it is in to defend itself fi om speculative attacks on the domestic currency". Read more on Forekgn Exchange Reserves a Wiki nt Rep3ent $41B $121B $907B $1069B mONDCRACY INFO DEMONOCRACY INFO ONOCRACY INFO DEMONOCRACY OCRACY INFO DNOCRACY INFO ACY INFO ANDS Brazil With a 4.7% unemployment in 2011 and an export surplus it it is domg rather well. Brazl has in ecent years become an Economic power bouSe and is nov nations meetings. The economy is rated n 2517 Dillion USD. G7 (Group of 7 Repayment RACY INFO $31B $169B $873B $1073B DEMONOG ONDERACY EO DEMONOCRACY INFO EMONOCRAC ERACY INFO DEMONOCRACY INFO DEMONOCRA India India is rather poor f you look at individiual ncome but becausec Economic power-house n the world. ise of iks large population it is a significant has racked up a debt of 71% of economy in 2011, which is more than the 60% debt to economy ratio set fy EU for economic stability standard. 2012. Inainaer EntaNoORACY INFO HERYDEnt $39B $57B $1115B $1211B MONOCRACY United Kingdlom RACY NOCRACY INFO DEMONOCRAC DEMONOCRACY INFO UK has a large economy of $2480 billion tISD, but now holds debt in the size of 75% of economy, which is more than the GO max debt to economy ratio set by EU for economic stability standard. As of Jan 2012, UK holds a AAA Credit tating but has a staggering Gross External Debt of 8981 billon USD (not shown). The private sector of UK (people, business', etch are higlily" Indebted, only surpassed by USA. High debt slows economie growth and it is relected in the slow 0.9% growth of economy in 2011, whech is much lower than the 4.2% ntlation - meaning people of UK are becoming more poor as of 2011/2012. 12012. 2012 Hupuymn $67B $165B $1379B $1611B DEMON ONOCRACY INFO DEMONOCRACY INFO DEMONOCRACY INFO DEMONOCRACY INF OCRACY INFO DEMONDCRACY INFO DEMONOORACY JNFO RACY INFO DEMONOCRACY INFO DEMON EMONOCRACY. INFO CY INFO DEMONOCRACY INFO ONOCRACY INFO DEMONOCRACY INFO DENOCRACY INFo DEMO DEMONOCRACY INFO DEMON CRACY INFO DEMONOO France Each story of the delit stack is $10 bmon USD. The total debt of France is higher than the Difel Tower. The French are amena the countries attacking Greece & PIIGS for their badeconomir hetungor but are mrteasin finding thhemselves in the same economic situation. ORACY INFO OCRACY Their credt rating was downgraded from AAA to AA+ recently and hold a 83.5% (201) debM to economy atio, above the 60 set by EU for economic stabilty standard. DEMONOCE N O DEMONOCRAG le singly French banks are also among the financially weak hanks that pose a danger to the Freich economy. $54B S367B $1772B $2193B lialy Ikaly's economy is consilered weak and too idelted for safe financial operation. R has a debt ratio of 118.1% (2010) to economy, far above the 60% limit set by EU for stabiliny, Iraly faces a GIANT re paVment re finance of $428 billion USD of its debt in 2012, with strong fear that it will have problems finding lendersistors that want to lend thhe weak country money. Credit rating agencies say the outlook for Italy is negative, which means ther credit ratng will be dow-graded in the future, as the det takes serlous toll on the economy and try struggle to pay back thelr debt. This will futher scare lenders /ivestors away and force the interest rates up amOt of trucks full of cash of tax payer money sent to investors / banks / lender s. DENOCRACY INFO ENhlorRneY INFO DEMORACY INFO DEMONOENT BI DEMON ONOCRACY INFO 2012 R2012 Kupayiun $72B $428B $2000B $2500B DEMONOC Germany Germany is considered the flag-ship of Eur opean economies Germany holds a 78.8% debt ratio to economy, above the 60% limit standard set by EU for stability, while beng mad at Greece and PIGS for doing the same. ONOCRAC Germauy faces a $205 DUEon USD repamnentefinance of deht in 2012 but sees no pr oblem of imdna lenuders, sice Gettuarnfs er looks great compared to the rest of the industriallized world. Ru2012 Rupayunt $45B $285B $2304B $2634B ONDCRACY INFO DEMONOC United States of America USA is the nation with most debt by far in the history of hnan ciMilization. USA's total delbt, Inckidlng perSonal debt, real estate (imortgage) delit, consumer delt, credit card debt and goverment debt totals a mega $47,992 Billion USO ($47.9 trillion), rouahly 2400 trucks tull of money. Sour ce: US Debt Clock NOCRACY INFO USA boriowed $1229 billion in 2011- 1oughly 2.5x towers of cash in the backgI ound. USA uns a mega -35% budget deficit, Wilh mndustiaized world economies in ciisis, USA Taces litle problen to linance As budgel deic in 2012 siice world's money not safe: neither ale banks, As fong as USA has access to chean credit due to scared ivestorR willing to band over their mo name of "satety", USA's uterest pavuents wilremain far beloeN normal. As of Feb 2012. the debt numbers are following y i 2012 teayment $212B S2783B $12532B $15527 DEMONOCHACE NF Y INFO ONOCRACY INFO NFO DEMONOCRACY INF INFO Japan RACY INFO Reo012 $117B $3000B Japanese delt stacked around the destr oyed Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Japan could have bult a wall of money to keep Fukkushima safe from the Tsimami, with all the money they borrowed. Fukushima Power Plant compared to the trucks is GIANT. INOCRACY Repayment 59324B $12441B Japan is a unique example. It holds a MASSME 225% debt to economy ratio. This is only possible because of loyalty of Japanese people to the Japanese governimenit. Japan's people are the inain btyers of Japanese government debt, and as lond as they bindly bary tian debt, and interest rates don't do u. they can practically run up the debt Indefinitely. The issues start when everyone starts wondering how thhey will get the money back. While historically Isving a gpond export su pkis; Japan still has two "lost decades", where n has experienced no economic growth. This is malnly due to the lar ge amounts of debt. NOCRACY INFO EMONOCRACY A World in Debt DEMONOCRA To understad how we got in this borrowing mess, you mst trace the path of money, where it comes from and how it is created. For starters: Money is "créated" at the Central Banks of the Workl. The world is In debt - A whole city of sky scrapers of cash. The countries together face a S7600 Bilion USD (7.6 Trlion) dollar debt repaymenti efinance tab in 2012. The towers are maxed-out at 100 stortes ot $10 balion dollar platforms. CY INFO Money creatilon is never taatit in school, while belng one of the most Important things deciding your well heinu USA it coues ften the Central Bauk (pEvate oEganizationi dubbed the Federal Reseve. You owe to yourself to undorstand the fundamentals of money, since money controls you, Rust like votit boss contiols you with money. t you want to he a free porson. you must understand the forces that control you. ONDCRACY INFO For further information & documentaries on money docimentaries andior watch the documentary F reation explore's NONOCRA RUSSIA CAMADA CHIA $1479B BRAZIL DEMONOCRA $1577B $45B $E878B UITLD $535B $2090B KINGDOM FRANCE 1213 $1089B $1631B $1211B $2388 SOTB 307IB 3I5B SI879B 3172B ITALY $1073B Total Debt. $40.83 Trillion $138 S2662B USA $221B S1611B $2065B JAPAII $9B $121B $2193B $329SB $1698 $14526B $5458B $14B $2500B $2634B 2000B 230- B $41B $578 $31B $165B $15527B Economy GDP) $12441B $12532B 1932B $39B S367B Bloomberg: World's Rinnest Fronmmies En S7uli Po ance Raly Gelnnany UsA Japan S67B $428B Total Debt Created 0202/2012 S54B $728 $2783B Shandng Debt $458 $3000B $212B $1178 2012 Repayment 2012 Interest EMOOCRA oCRACY NFO DEM NOCRACY ACY INFODEMONOCRACYSAIFO DEMONO DEMONO CRACY ANFO DEMONOCMEO DEMONO DEMONOCRACY INFO DEMONO DEMONOCRACFO O plocRACY ANFO TE CRACY ANFO DEMONOCRACY.IN oCRACE DENONOCRACY INFO DEMONOCE RACY INFO DEMONOORACEO RACY INFO DEMONO DEMONOCRA DEMONOOA CRACY INFO DEMONOCRACY NONOCHALY INFO GEnCAAGY T DEMONOCRACY MNFO DEMONOCRACY NFODEMONOCRAFO DEMONOCRACY INFO RACY INFO DEMONOCRACY INFO DEMONO YANFO DEMONOCRACY INFO NO CY INFO DEMONN MONDCRACY INFODERONONA VINFODEAN DEMON C IMFO DEMONOCRA DEMONACY ANG DEMONDORACY DEMONOCR DEMO DEMONOCRACY INFO RAGY CRACY INFO ANER RACY IN DEMON DEPOCR DEMONOCRACY INFO INFOMONOCSA hoCRICY DEMONDAR AT INFO DEMONOLE MONGCRACYA

Global Financial Crisis: A World In Debt

shared by rmmojado on Mar 25
World governments have borrowed massive amounts of money to live beyond their means. Here are the world's largest economies, and how much they borrowed.


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