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Education & Zombies [UK]

PEDUCATION and ZOMBIES Zombie Attributes A student/ school leaver with/without qualifications who cannot think for himself/herself, who has no desire/ability to problem solve and has very poor skills in literacy & Numeracy. Experienced user of Facebook and BB Messenger. Times don't look great for youngsters. To be honest, it doesn't look great for anyone. But what is affecting the youth of today? what has changed in society that has caused such a large number of youth to emerge from the education system unable to think and solve problems for themselves? How does this relate to zombies? Obviously not every 16- 19yr old emerges from school as a zombie. In fact great students are great in number. But there are a large proportion of youngsters finishing schools with/without grades that are not able to find a job (& in some cases are not intrested in looking for one)! Employers are worried that school leaversin most cases are unemployable due to poor literacy, numarcy and problem solving skills. 83% of employers beieve schooleavers arenot able to work without extra traing The issue of Zombies appear to be mainly affecting the devel- oped western anglo- phone countries where Education seems to e less valued. This map plots where the term "zombies" has been searched using Google. Fewer More Zombies Zombies 69% of Onę out of 50% of 70% of compa- nies pay to train compa- nies feel compa- nies 21% 50% 70% 69% believe that that school young- stersbecause lit- leavers have no 18-25 year olds are unemployed or i eracy & numaracy not in education. leavers have poor numaracy levels. business awareness. levels are too low. But 78% of students had achieved 5 In 2010, 1 in6 students who took English and maths or equivalent received an F or below! 77% of busi- nesses believe the lack of GCSE'S AX-C in 2011! basic skills will effect the country's com- petitiveness. Huh?? The Orange shading represents the amount of Zombieness! Since 1990 there hes never been a regression nationally on the percentage of students that echieve 5 GCSES A*-c. Although 78% passed with s GCSES A*-C Summer of 2011 only 48% passed with beth English and Maths. 12% of students achieve English but not a Maths GCSE. 7% achieve a maths GcSEbut not an English GCSE. 2010 - Of the 78% that passed 5 GCSES A*-C This 32% may be zombies. They 2005 "passED 5 GCSES WITHOUT English & Maths. This 12% pass 5 2000 GCSES Maths but not English. 1995 – This 17% pass 5 GCSES Inc English This 48% pass 5 1990 GCSES Inc Maths & English (not Zom- bies) but not Maths. 50% Percentage of pupils achieving 5 GCSES A*-C Examresults in Britain appear to be rising year on year. Hmmm. More Zombies yet better results. WHY? Too many schools are only teaching students to pass the test or get the mark Schools are too concerned with their leaque tables results. Behaviour is not tackled from the top in many schools and is left to the classroom teacher to deal with issues that should be passed on to the senior leaders. Government keeps changing policies that affect teaching & learning. Not all parents show enough care about how their children do in school. Popular culture has influenced youth into thinking success can happen without an education. Sõurces. http://www.floatingsheep.or g/2011/07/preparing-for-zombie-apocalypse-part-iv.html

Education & Zombies [UK]

shared by amulla on Nov 27
The infographic shows the link between Zombies and students. A analyses of the good results in education and the opinion of companies that believe that school leavers are not competent enough in lite...


Ali Mulla


Ali Mulla


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