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Do You Want To know About How To Create Brand Through Digital Content By EBriks Infotech

MILLENNIALS Brands & Digital Cantent Millennial Consumers: THE FACTS BRAND AFFILIATION: Brand loyalty is very strong: 70% feel that once they find a company or product they like, they keep coming back. 70% 58% are willing to share personal information about themselves with a trusted brand in exchange for greater access or more relevant content such as coupons, free samples, or sneak peeks at product reviews. 58% Millennials: mil·len'ni-als ( Individuals born between the mid-1970s and the late 1990s, who have grown up during the current golden age of digital technology. Also known as digital natives, they are now in their mid-teens to mid-thirties, are highly connected on social networks, know how to interact with technology and are comfortable using it to their advantage. By 2017, millennials will have more spending power than any other generation in America. Source: Bazaarvoice PEER NETWORKS: 757%of Millennials have 60%. created a profile on a social networking site, with 55% visiting those sites at least once a day. connect to the Internet wirelessly when they're away from work or home, and 88% text each other (Pew Research). Friends and family are top sources of 657°of Millennials are % information that Millennials seek in disconnected only one hour or less per day. making major decisions. Family 77% Friends 64% Search engine Expert website 21% 21% INFORMATION IS POWER: Co-worker 20% Social networks 13% ఏ Go it alone 8% 51% OF MILLENNIALS CONSULT 4 0OR MORE SOURCES WHEN DECIDING WHICH PRODUCT OR SERVICE TO PURCHASE. Implication for marketers: Brands have to ensure that they're part of the conversation when these decisions are being made. INTERACTION WITH BRANDS: TIP! Since Millennials Sale have increased access to product information, brands have to find ways to 82% 47% communicate with them both directly and indirectly through colleagues and influencers who transcend Millennials who have joined a brand-sponsored online community positive experiences with products such as a Facebook Page. personal networks! Millennials who have written about or companies online. 47% have joined more than three. 39% 74% ט eb 39% of them write about 74% indicated that they have talked to a friend about a favorite brand negative experiences with products or companies online. in the past week, and 54% have talked to a friend about a product they didn't like. You Tube ΚΕΥ ΤΑΚΕAWAY Millennials are forcing marketers to re-think everything. What was once a one-way conversation is now a multi-faceted, 24/7, 7-days a week dialogue between brands and consumers, and between consumers and consumers. What will you do about it? Information sourced from: 8095 Research by Edelman/StrategyOne MILLENNIALS Brands & Digital Cantent Millennial Consumers: THE FACTS BRAND AFFILIATION: Brand loyalty is very strong: 70% feel that once they find a company or product they like, they keep coming back. 70% 58% are willing to share personal information about themselves with a trusted brand in exchange for greater access or more relevant content such as coupons, free samples, or sneak peeks at product reviews. 58% Millennials: mil·len'ni-als ( Individuals born between the mid-1970s and the late 1990s, who have grown up during the current golden age of digital technology. Also known as digital natives, they are now in their mid-teens to mid-thirties, are highly connected on social networks, know how to interact with technology and are comfortable using it to their advantage. By 2017, millennials will have more spending power than any other generation in America. Source: Bazaarvoice PEER NETWORKS: 757%of Millennials have 60%. created a profile on a social networking site, with 55% visiting those sites at least once a day. connect to the Internet wirelessly when they're away from work or home, and 88% text each other (Pew Research). Friends and family are top sources of 657°of Millennials are % information that Millennials seek in disconnected only one hour or less per day. making major decisions. Family 77% Friends 64% Search engine Expert website 21% 21% INFORMATION IS POWER: Co-worker 20% Social networks 13% ఏ Go it alone 8% 51% OF MILLENNIALS CONSULT 4 0OR MORE SOURCES WHEN DECIDING WHICH PRODUCT OR SERVICE TO PURCHASE. Implication for marketers: Brands have to ensure that they're part of the conversation when these decisions are being made. INTERACTION WITH BRANDS: TIP! Since Millennials Sale have increased access to product information, brands have to find ways to 82% 47% communicate with them both directly and indirectly through colleagues and influencers who transcend Millennials who have joined a brand-sponsored online community positive experiences with products such as a Facebook Page. personal networks! Millennials who have written about or companies online. 47% have joined more than three. 39% 74% ט eb 39% of them write about 74% indicated that they have talked to a friend about a favorite brand negative experiences with products or companies online. in the past week, and 54% have talked to a friend about a product they didn't like. You Tube ΚΕΥ ΤΑΚΕAWAY Millennials are forcing marketers to re-think everything. What was once a one-way conversation is now a multi-faceted, 24/7, 7-days a week dialogue between brands and consumers, and between consumers and consumers. What will you do about it? Information sourced from: 8095 Research by Edelman/StrategyOne

Do You Want To know About How To Create Brand Through Digital Content By EBriks Infotech

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