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Do You know SEO Process Look Like a Puzzle By EBriks Infotech

The SEO Puzzle SEO is a large and dynamic puzzle. No one piece alone will achieve and sustain long term rankings. Some pieces are larger, some are smaller, but they are all imperative to a successful strategy. To have a successful SEO strategy, you will need to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together. factors On Page Content Quality The key to a successful website is unique and relevant content. Content Research Analyze and choose the appropriate keywords for your site *Keywords Usage Do your website pages use the words & phrases you want to be found for? Include Be sure to include your targeted keywords in the meta data of your website (title, description, image, etc.) * Engagement Site Analytics- CTR, Bounce Rate, Time on Page, Time on Site, Total Pages Visited. Freshness of Content- Revise and Refresh content often. Website Coding!

Use relevant and structured headings throughout the website Is Your Site Easy for the Search Engines to Read? Crawlability Make use of alt description tags for images. URL Structure Use a unique and relevant title for each page Meta Tags Site map: Keep and xml copy of your site map on your server use the proper description for all pages and submit it to the search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo). Website Architecture "Google does not rank websites, they rank pages. Website Speed - .. Use Breadcrumb links - ...--....--- .... Consider the site hierarchy ...-.. Each Category and product should have its own page LII Social Factors Off Page Factors Social Sentiment Social Authority Bing uses Facebook What is your social authority on the web? likes as a ranking signal for logged in users Likes Fans You Friends Shares How often are your posts shared? Followers Tube Facebook Connections Blog regularly Include unique and relevant content Google+ Plus 1's Google says it is working on using +1's as ranking signals Social Forums Online Directories Engage in relevant Complete profile on online directory sites Followers Tweets help Google social forums index content faster Website Reputation Retweets How often are your posts retweeted? ate high quality back links directing to your website. Twitter Anchor Text Links Do links pointing to your pages use the appropriate keywords? Review Sites Google Reviews, City Search, Yelp Trust Trust from users and search engines is imperative for long term-success Link Quantity The more high quality & relevant links pointing to your site the better. Link Relevancy Create high quallty back links directing to your website. Domain Age How long has your site been online? Domain Authority Strength of your website Link Quality Link from only high quality relevant websites Searcher Page Authority Strength of your internal pages Search a Online Directories Forum Comments Consumer History A Reviews Personal Settings Anchor Press Releases Optimized Videos Personal Preference <A> Text Links Search . 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