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Could We Harness The Energy Of Earthquakes?

Well Home. Improve the weather inside. thul THE ENERGY OF MNMAN- SEARTHQUAKES Each year, earthquakes cause devastation to thousands of people all over the world. In 2010 alone, there were over 21,000 earthquakes recorded. The Richter magnitude scale, is a measurement of the seismic energy released by an earthquake. It is a logarithmic scale, so a 5.0 on the Richter scale has a shaking amplitude 10 times larger than one that measures 4.0. This infographic will explore the different sizes of earthquakes and the immense amount of energy they release to give you a better understanding of one of nature's most powerful forces. CALCULATIONS 1 ton of TNT 4.2 x 10^9 joules 1 Hiroshima bomb = 15,000 tons of TNT Energy Released: .0151 tons of TNT 2.0 .631 x 10^8 joules .000001 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude This is the smallest earthquake that can be detected by people. In 2010, there were 4,580 earthquakes with magnitudes between 2.0 and 2.9. Energy Released is equal to: O 1/25 the energy used by The amount of energy a clothes dryer in 1 year. used in the combustion of 1/2 gallon of gasoline. 5.0 Energy Released: 477 tons of TNT 2.8 x 10^12 joules .03 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude The energy you would release by turning 0.03125 grams of matter into its energy equivalent. There were 1,944 earthquakes with a magnitude between 5 and 5.9 in 2010. 6.7 Energy Released: 338,000 tons of TNT 7.7 x 10^14 joules 22.5 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude 1/13 times the amount of energy that formed "Meteor Crater" in Arizona. ie On January 17, 1994, in Northridge, CA, a 6.7 magnitude earthquake killed 57 people and injured thousands. Damage occurred up to 85 miles away and cost about: $20 million. The energy you would release by turning 0.023 kilograms of matter into its energy equivalent. Energy Released: 7.0 2.1 x 10^15 joules Richter magnitude 31.7 Hiroshima 477,000 tons of TNT nuclear bombs On January 12, 2010, Haiti experienced a 7.0 that resulted in over This magnitude reaches the major earthquake threshold: the point when major damage will occur. 222,570 deaths. 0.045 times the amount of energy the Earth receives from the Sun in 1 second. 7.4 Energy Released: 7.9 x 10^15 joules Richter magnitude 1.88 million tons (megaton) of TNT 125 Hiroshima nuclear bombs A 7.4 earthquake in Turkey on August 17, 1999, killed more than 12,000 people. 1/10 times the 7.6 energy released by the 1883 eruption of the Krakatoa Volcano. Energy Released: 1.5 x 10^16 joules Richter magnitude 3.58 megatons of TNT 238 Hiroshima nuclear bombs je Tangshan, China experienced a 23 second, 7.6 magnitude earthquake on July 28, 1976. i. This 2nd deadliest earthquake in history killed about 255,000 people. Energy Released: 8.3 1.6 x 10^17 joules Richter magnitude 38.24 megatons of TNT 2,549 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 2/3 times the energy released by the largest nuclear weapon, the Tsar Bomba. in On April 18, 1906, in San Francisco, an 8.3 earthquake killed around 3,000 people. Ce The economical impact incurred was close to that of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Energy Released: 2 times the total electricity consumed in Norway for an entire 0'6 1.5 x 10^16 joules year. Richter magnitude e On March 11, 2011, Northeast Japan experienced a 9.0 earthquake followed by a devastating Tsunami. 15,933 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 239 megatons of TNT The aftermath of the two disasters led to a near nuclear meltdown and likely more than 18,000 deaths. The total number of deaths is still unclear and will be for months to come. MEGATHRUST EARTHQUAKES These earthquakes occur when one tectonic plate is forced beneath another. The size of the plates and the shallow dip of the plate boundary cause these to be very large earthquakes. Since 1900, all earthquakes that have exceeded a 9.0 magnitude have been megathrust earthquakes. Energy Released: 1,027 megatons of TNT • 4.3 x 10^18 joules Richter magnitude 68,466 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 1/3 the total production of electrical energy used by the US in 2001. e On December 26, 2004, the Sumatra earthquake caused multiple Tsunamis that killed 230,000 people in 14 countries. ce Sumatra = greatest recorded fault length of any earthquake in history at „200 miles long. 1,983 megatons of TNT 9.5 Energy Released: • 8.3 x 10^18 joules 132,200 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude 80% of the energy from the Sun that hits the Earth in 1 minute. 9 On May 22, 1960, the most powerful earthquake in the past 100 years killed 1,600 people in Southern Chile. MEGA 10 QUAKE Richter magnitude A megaquake, an earthquake with a magnitude of 10.0 or larger, is very unlikely, though still theoretically possible. They are unlikely because there is no known fault that could actually generate a 10.0 or larger megaquake. To date, none have been recorded. roughly 1 million megatons of TNT Energy Released: 4.2 x 10^21 joules 66,666,666 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Nearly 75% of the estimated energy in the world's natural gas reserves in 2003. Sources*+10^18+joules 9-equivalent Well Home. Improve the weather inside. thul THE ENERGY OF MNMAN- SEARTHQUAKES Each year, earthquakes cause devastation to thousands of people all over the world. In 2010 alone, there were over 21,000 earthquakes recorded. The Richter magnitude scale, is a measurement of the seismic energy released by an earthquake. It is a logarithmic scale, so a 5.0 on the Richter scale has a shaking amplitude 10 times larger than one that measures 4.0. This infographic will explore the different sizes of earthquakes and the immense amount of energy they release to give you a better understanding of one of nature's most powerful forces. CALCULATIONS 1 ton of TNT 4.2 x 10^9 joules 1 Hiroshima bomb = 15,000 tons of TNT Energy Released: .0151 tons of TNT 2.0 .631 x 10^8 joules .000001 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude This is the smallest earthquake that can be detected by people. In 2010, there were 4,580 earthquakes with magnitudes between 2.0 and 2.9. Energy Released is equal to: O 1/25 the energy used by The amount of energy a clothes dryer in 1 year. used in the combustion of 1/2 gallon of gasoline. 5.0 Energy Released: 477 tons of TNT 2.8 x 10^12 joules .03 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude The energy you would release by turning 0.03125 grams of matter into its energy equivalent. There were 1,944 earthquakes with a magnitude between 5 and 5.9 in 2010. 6.7 Energy Released: 338,000 tons of TNT 7.7 x 10^14 joules 22.5 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude 1/13 times the amount of energy that formed "Meteor Crater" in Arizona. ie On January 17, 1994, in Northridge, CA, a 6.7 magnitude earthquake killed 57 people and injured thousands. Damage occurred up to 85 miles away and cost about: $20 million. The energy you would release by turning 0.023 kilograms of matter into its energy equivalent. Energy Released: 7.0 2.1 x 10^15 joules Richter magnitude 31.7 Hiroshima 477,000 tons of TNT nuclear bombs On January 12, 2010, Haiti experienced a 7.0 that resulted in over This magnitude reaches the major earthquake threshold: the point when major damage will occur. 222,570 deaths. 0.045 times the amount of energy the Earth receives from the Sun in 1 second. 7.4 Energy Released: 7.9 x 10^15 joules Richter magnitude 1.88 million tons (megaton) of TNT 125 Hiroshima nuclear bombs A 7.4 earthquake in Turkey on August 17, 1999, killed more than 12,000 people. 1/10 times the 7.6 energy released by the 1883 eruption of the Krakatoa Volcano. Energy Released: 1.5 x 10^16 joules Richter magnitude 3.58 megatons of TNT 238 Hiroshima nuclear bombs je Tangshan, China experienced a 23 second, 7.6 magnitude earthquake on July 28, 1976. i. This 2nd deadliest earthquake in history killed about 255,000 people. Energy Released: 8.3 1.6 x 10^17 joules Richter magnitude 38.24 megatons of TNT 2,549 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 2/3 times the energy released by the largest nuclear weapon, the Tsar Bomba. in On April 18, 1906, in San Francisco, an 8.3 earthquake killed around 3,000 people. Ce The economical impact incurred was close to that of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Energy Released: 2 times the total electricity consumed in Norway for an entire 0'6 1.5 x 10^16 joules year. Richter magnitude e On March 11, 2011, Northeast Japan experienced a 9.0 earthquake followed by a devastating Tsunami. 15,933 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 239 megatons of TNT The aftermath of the two disasters led to a near nuclear meltdown and likely more than 18,000 deaths. The total number of deaths is still unclear and will be for months to come. MEGATHRUST EARTHQUAKES These earthquakes occur when one tectonic plate is forced beneath another. The size of the plates and the shallow dip of the plate boundary cause these to be very large earthquakes. Since 1900, all earthquakes that have exceeded a 9.0 magnitude have been megathrust earthquakes. Energy Released: 1,027 megatons of TNT • 4.3 x 10^18 joules Richter magnitude 68,466 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 1/3 the total production of electrical energy used by the US in 2001. e On December 26, 2004, the Sumatra earthquake caused multiple Tsunamis that killed 230,000 people in 14 countries. ce Sumatra = greatest recorded fault length of any earthquake in history at „200 miles long. 1,983 megatons of TNT 9.5 Energy Released: • 8.3 x 10^18 joules 132,200 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude 80% of the energy from the Sun that hits the Earth in 1 minute. 9 On May 22, 1960, the most powerful earthquake in the past 100 years killed 1,600 people in Southern Chile. МEGA 10 QUAKE Richter magnitude A megaquake, an earthquake with a magnitude of 10.0 or larger, is very unlikely, though still theoretically possible. They are unlikely because there is no known fault that could actually generate a 10.0 or larger megaquake. To date, none have been recorded. roughly 1 million megatons of TNT Energy Released: 4.2 x 10^21 joules 66,666,666 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Nearly 75% of the estimated energy in the world's natural gas reserves in 2003. Sources*+10^18+joules 9-equivalent mun m Well Home. Improve the weather inside. thul THE ENERGY OF MNMAN- SEARTHQUAKES Each year, earthquakes cause devastation to thousands of people all over the world. In 2010 alone, there were over 21,000 earthquakes recorded. The Richter magnitude scale, is a measurement of the seismic energy released by an earthquake. It is a logarithmic scale, so a 5.0 on the Richter scale has a shaking amplitude 10 times larger than one that measures 4.0. This infographic will explore the different sizes of earthquakes and the immense amount of energy they release to give you a better understanding of one of nature's most powerful forces. CALCULATIONS 1 ton of TNT 4.2 x 10^9 joules 1 Hiroshima bomb = 15,000 tons of TNT Energy Released: .0151 tons of TNT 2.0 .631 x 10^8 joules .000001 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude This is the smallest earthquake that can be detected by people. In 2010, there were 4,580 earthquakes with magnitudes between 2.0 and 2.9. Energy Released is equal to: O 1/25 the energy used by The amount of energy a clothes dryer in 1 year. used in the combustion of 1/2 gallon of gasoline. 5.0 Energy Released: 477 tons of TNT 2.8 x 10^12 joules .03 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude The energy you would release by turning 0.03125 grams of matter into its energy equivalent. There were 1,944 earthquakes with a magnitude between 5 and 5.9 in 2010. 6.7 Energy Released: 338,000 tons of TNT 7.7 x 10^14 joules 22.5 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude 1/13 times the amount of energy that formed "Meteor Crater" in Arizona. ie On January 17, 1994, in Northridge, CA, a 6.7 magnitude earthquake killed 57 people and injured thousands. Damage occurred up to 85 miles away and cost about: $20 million. The energy you would release by turning 0.023 kilograms of matter into its energy equivalent. Energy Released: 7.0 2.1 x 10^15 joules Richter magnitude 31.7 Hiroshima 477,000 tons of TNT nuclear bombs On January 12, 2010, Haiti experienced a 7.0 that resulted in over This magnitude reaches the major earthquake threshold: the point when major damage will occur. 222,570 deaths. 0.045 times the amount of energy the Earth receives from the Sun in 1 second. 7.4 Energy Released: 7.9 x 10^15 joules Richter magnitude 1.88 million tons (megaton) of TNT 125 Hiroshima nuclear bombs A 7.4 earthquake in Turkey on August 17, 1999, killed more than 12,000 people. 1/10 times the 7.6 energy released by the 1883 eruption of the Krakatoa Volcano. Energy Released: 1.5 x 10^16 joules Richter magnitude 3.58 megatons of TNT 238 Hiroshima nuclear bombs je Tangshan, China experienced a 23 second, 7.6 magnitude earthquake on July 28, 1976. i. This 2nd deadliest earthquake in history killed about 255,000 people. Energy Released: 8.3 1.6 x 10^17 joules Richter magnitude 38.24 megatons of TNT 2,549 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 2/3 times the energy released by the largest nuclear weapon, the Tsar Bomba. in On April 18, 1906, in San Francisco, an 8.3 earthquake killed around 3,000 people. Ce The economical impact incurred was close to that of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Energy Released: 2 times the total electricity consumed in Norway for an entire 0'6 1.5 x 10^16 joules year. Richter magnitude e On March 11, 2011, Northeast Japan experienced a 9.0 earthquake followed by a devastating Tsunami. 15,933 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 239 megatons of TNT The aftermath of the two disasters led to a near nuclear meltdown and likely more than 18,000 deaths. The total number of deaths is still unclear and will be for months to come. MEGATHRUST EARTHQUAKES These earthquakes occur when one tectonic plate is forced beneath another. The size of the plates and the shallow dip of the plate boundary cause these to be very large earthquakes. Since 1900, all earthquakes that have exceeded a 9.0 magnitude have been megathrust earthquakes. Energy Released: 1,027 megatons of TNT • 4.3 x 10^18 joules Richter magnitude 68,466 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 1/3 the total production of electrical energy used by the US in 2001. e On December 26, 2004, the Sumatra earthquake caused multiple Tsunamis that killed 230,000 people in 14 countries. ce Sumatra = greatest recorded fault length of any earthquake in history at „200 miles long. 1,983 megatons of TNT 9.5 Energy Released: • 8.3 x 10^18 joules 132,200 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude 80% of the energy from the Sun that hits the Earth in 1 minute. 9 On May 22, 1960, the most powerful earthquake in the past 100 years killed 1,600 people in Southern Chile. МEGA 10 QUAKE Richter magnitude A megaquake, an earthquake with a magnitude of 10.0 or larger, is very unlikely, though still theoretically possible. They are unlikely because there is no known fault that could actually generate a 10.0 or larger megaquake. To date, none have been recorded. roughly 1 million megatons of TNT Energy Released: 4.2 x 10^21 joules 66,666,666 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Nearly 75% of the estimated energy in the world's natural gas reserves in 2003. Sources*+10^18+joules 9-equivalent mun m Well Home. Improve the weather inside. thul THE ENERGY OF MNMAN- SEARTHQUAKES Each year, earthquakes cause devastation to thousands of people all over the world. In 2010 alone, there were over 21,000 earthquakes recorded. The Richter magnitude scale, is a measurement of the seismic energy released by an earthquake. It is a logarithmic scale, so a 5.0 on the Richter scale has a shaking amplitude 10 times larger than one that measures 4.0. This infographic will explore the different sizes of earthquakes and the immense amount of energy they release to give you a better understanding of one of nature's most powerful forces. CALCULATIONS 1 ton of TNT 4.2 x 10^9 joules 1 Hiroshima bomb = 15,000 tons of TNT Energy Released: .0151 tons of TNT 2.0 .631 x 10^8 joules .000001 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude This is the smallest earthquake that can be detected by people. In 2010, there were 4,580 earthquakes with magnitudes between 2.0 and 2.9. Energy Released is equal to: O 1/25 the energy used by The amount of energy a clothes dryer in 1 year. used in the combustion of 1/2 gallon of gasoline. 5.0 Energy Released: 477 tons of TNT 2.8 x 10^12 joules .03 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude The energy you would release by turning 0.03125 grams of matter into its energy equivalent. There were 1,944 earthquakes with a magnitude between 5 and 5.9 in 2010. 6.7 Energy Released: 338,000 tons of TNT 7.7 x 10^14 joules 22.5 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude 1/13 times the amount of energy that formed "Meteor Crater" in Arizona. ie On January 17, 1994, in Northridge, CA, a 6.7 magnitude earthquake killed 57 people and injured thousands. Damage occurred up to 85 miles away and cost about: $20 million. The energy you would release by turning 0.023 kilograms of matter into its energy equivalent. Energy Released: 7.0 2.1 x 10^15 joules Richter magnitude 31.7 Hiroshima 477,000 tons of TNT nuclear bombs On January 12, 2010, Haiti experienced a 7.0 that resulted in over This magnitude reaches the major earthquake threshold: the point when major damage will occur. 222,570 deaths. 0.045 times the amount of energy the Earth receives from the Sun in 1 second. 7.4 Energy Released: 7.9 x 10^15 joules Richter magnitude 1.88 million tons (megaton) of TNT 125 Hiroshima nuclear bombs A 7.4 earthquake in Turkey on August 17, 1999, killed more than 12,000 people. 1/10 times the 7.6 energy released by the 1883 eruption of the Krakatoa Volcano. Energy Released: 1.5 x 10^16 joules Richter magnitude 3.58 megatons of TNT 238 Hiroshima nuclear bombs je Tangshan, China experienced a 23 second, 7.6 magnitude earthquake on July 28, 1976. i. This 2nd deadliest earthquake in history killed about 255,000 people. Energy Released: 8.3 1.6 x 10^17 joules Richter magnitude 38.24 megatons of TNT 2,549 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 2/3 times the energy released by the largest nuclear weapon, the Tsar Bomba. in On April 18, 1906, in San Francisco, an 8.3 earthquake killed around 3,000 people. Ce The economical impact incurred was close to that of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Energy Released: 2 times the total electricity consumed in Norway for an entire 0'6 1.5 x 10^16 joules year. Richter magnitude e On March 11, 2011, Northeast Japan experienced a 9.0 earthquake followed by a devastating Tsunami. 15,933 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 239 megatons of TNT The aftermath of the two disasters led to a near nuclear meltdown and likely more than 18,000 deaths. The total number of deaths is still unclear and will be for months to come. MEGATHRUST EARTHQUAKES These earthquakes occur when one tectonic plate is forced beneath another. The size of the plates and the shallow dip of the plate boundary cause these to be very large earthquakes. Since 1900, all earthquakes that have exceeded a 9.0 magnitude have been megathrust earthquakes. Energy Released: 1,027 megatons of TNT • 4.3 x 10^18 joules Richter magnitude 68,466 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 1/3 the total production of electrical energy used by the US in 2001. e On December 26, 2004, the Sumatra earthquake caused multiple Tsunamis that killed 230,000 people in 14 countries. ce Sumatra = greatest recorded fault length of any earthquake in history at „200 miles long. 1,983 megatons of TNT 9.5 Energy Released: • 8.3 x 10^18 joules 132,200 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude 80% of the energy from the Sun that hits the Earth in 1 minute. 9 On May 22, 1960, the most powerful earthquake in the past 100 years killed 1,600 people in Southern Chile. МEGA 10 QUAKE Richter magnitude A megaquake, an earthquake with a magnitude of 10.0 or larger, is very unlikely, though still theoretically possible. They are unlikely because there is no known fault that could actually generate a 10.0 or larger megaquake. To date, none have been recorded. roughly 1 million megatons of TNT Energy Released: 4.2 x 10^21 joules 66,666,666 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Nearly 75% of the estimated energy in the world's natural gas reserves in 2003. Sources*+10^18+joules 9-equivalent mun m Well Home. Improve the weather inside. thul THE ENERGY OF MNMAN- SEARTHQUAKES Each year, earthquakes cause devastation to thousands of people all over the world. In 2010 alone, there were over 21,000 earthquakes recorded. The Richter magnitude scale, is a measurement of the seismic energy released by an earthquake. It is a logarithmic scale, so a 5.0 on the Richter scale has a shaking amplitude 10 times larger than one that measures 4.0. This infographic will explore the different sizes of earthquakes and the immense amount of energy they release to give you a better understanding of one of nature's most powerful forces. CALCULATIONS 1 ton of TNT 4.2 x 10^9 joules 1 Hiroshima bomb = 15,000 tons of TNT Energy Released: .0151 tons of TNT 2.0 .631 x 10^8 joules .000001 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude This is the smallest earthquake that can be detected by people. In 2010, there were 4,580 earthquakes with magnitudes between 2.0 and 2.9. Energy Released is equal to: O 1/25 the energy used by The amount of energy a clothes dryer in 1 year. used in the combustion of 1/2 gallon of gasoline. 5.0 Energy Released: 477 tons of TNT 2.8 x 10^12 joules .03 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude The energy you would release by turning 0.03125 grams of matter into its energy equivalent. There were 1,944 earthquakes with a magnitude between 5 and 5.9 in 2010. 6.7 Energy Released: 338,000 tons of TNT 7.7 x 10^14 joules 22.5 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude 1/13 times the amount of energy that formed "Meteor Crater" in Arizona. ie On January 17, 1994, in Northridge, CA, a 6.7 magnitude earthquake killed 57 people and injured thousands. Damage occurred up to 85 miles away and cost about: $20 million. The energy you would release by turning 0.023 kilograms of matter into its energy equivalent. Energy Released: 7.0 2.1 x 10^15 joules Richter magnitude 31.7 Hiroshima 477,000 tons of TNT nuclear bombs On January 12, 2010, Haiti experienced a 7.0 that resulted in over This magnitude reaches the major earthquake threshold: the point when major damage will occur. 222,570 deaths. 0.045 times the amount of energy the Earth receives from the Sun in 1 second. 7.4 Energy Released: 7.9 x 10^15 joules Richter magnitude 1.88 million tons (megaton) of TNT 125 Hiroshima nuclear bombs A 7.4 earthquake in Turkey on August 17, 1999, killed more than 12,000 people. 1/10 times the 7.6 energy released by the 1883 eruption of the Krakatoa Volcano. Energy Released: 1.5 x 10^16 joules Richter magnitude 3.58 megatons of TNT 238 Hiroshima nuclear bombs je Tangshan, China experienced a 23 second, 7.6 magnitude earthquake on July 28, 1976. i. This 2nd deadliest earthquake in history killed about 255,000 people. Energy Released: 8.3 1.6 x 10^17 joules Richter magnitude 38.24 megatons of TNT 2,549 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 2/3 times the energy released by the largest nuclear weapon, the Tsar Bomba. in On April 18, 1906, in San Francisco, an 8.3 earthquake killed around 3,000 people. Ce The economical impact incurred was close to that of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Energy Released: 2 times the total electricity consumed in Norway for an entire 0'6 1.5 x 10^16 joules year. Richter magnitude e On March 11, 2011, Northeast Japan experienced a 9.0 earthquake followed by a devastating Tsunami. 15,933 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 239 megatons of TNT The aftermath of the two disasters led to a near nuclear meltdown and likely more than 18,000 deaths. The total number of deaths is still unclear and will be for months to come. MEGATHRUST EARTHQUAKES These earthquakes occur when one tectonic plate is forced beneath another. The size of the plates and the shallow dip of the plate boundary cause these to be very large earthquakes. Since 1900, all earthquakes that have exceeded a 9.0 magnitude have been megathrust earthquakes. Energy Released: 1,027 megatons of TNT • 4.3 x 10^18 joules Richter magnitude 68,466 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 1/3 the total production of electrical energy used by the US in 2001. e On December 26, 2004, the Sumatra earthquake caused multiple Tsunamis that killed 230,000 people in 14 countries. ce Sumatra = greatest recorded fault length of any earthquake in history at „200 miles long. 1,983 megatons of TNT 9.5 Energy Released: • 8.3 x 10^18 joules 132,200 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude 80% of the energy from the Sun that hits the Earth in 1 minute. 9 On May 22, 1960, the most powerful earthquake in the past 100 years killed 1,600 people in Southern Chile. МEGA 10 QUAKE Richter magnitude A megaquake, an earthquake with a magnitude of 10.0 or larger, is very unlikely, though still theoretically possible. They are unlikely because there is no known fault that could actually generate a 10.0 or larger megaquake. To date, none have been recorded. roughly 1 million megatons of TNT Energy Released: 4.2 x 10^21 joules 66,666,666 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Nearly 75% of the estimated energy in the world's natural gas reserves in 2003. Sources*+10^18+joules 9-equivalent mun m Well Home. Improve the weather inside. thul THE ENERGY OF MNMAN- SEARTHQUAKES Each year, earthquakes cause devastation to thousands of people all over the world. In 2010 alone, there were over 21,000 earthquakes recorded. The Richter magnitude scale, is a measurement of the seismic energy released by an earthquake. It is a logarithmic scale, so a 5.0 on the Richter scale has a shaking amplitude 10 times larger than one that measures 4.0. This infographic will explore the different sizes of earthquakes and the immense amount of energy they release to give you a better understanding of one of nature's most powerful forces. CALCULATIONS 1 ton of TNT 4.2 x 10^9 joules 1 Hiroshima bomb = 15,000 tons of TNT Energy Released: .0151 tons of TNT 2.0 .631 x 10^8 joules .000001 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude This is the smallest earthquake that can be detected by people. In 2010, there were 4,580 earthquakes with magnitudes between 2.0 and 2.9. Energy Released is equal to: O 1/25 the energy used by The amount of energy a clothes dryer in 1 year. used in the combustion of 1/2 gallon of gasoline. 5.0 Energy Released: 477 tons of TNT 2.8 x 10^12 joules .03 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude The energy you would release by turning 0.03125 grams of matter into its energy equivalent. There were 1,944 earthquakes with a magnitude between 5 and 5.9 in 2010. 6.7 Energy Released: 338,000 tons of TNT 7.7 x 10^14 joules 22.5 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude 1/13 times the amount of energy that formed "Meteor Crater" in Arizona. ie On January 17, 1994, in Northridge, CA, a 6.7 magnitude earthquake killed 57 people and injured thousands. Damage occurred up to 85 miles away and cost about: $20 million. The energy you would release by turning 0.023 kilograms of matter into its energy equivalent. Energy Released: 7.0 2.1 x 10^15 joules Richter magnitude 31.7 Hiroshima 477,000 tons of TNT nuclear bombs On January 12, 2010, Haiti experienced a 7.0 that resulted in over This magnitude reaches the major earthquake threshold: the point when major damage will occur. 222,570 deaths. 0.045 times the amount of energy the Earth receives from the Sun in 1 second. 7.4 Energy Released: 7.9 x 10^15 joules Richter magnitude 1.88 million tons (megaton) of TNT 125 Hiroshima nuclear bombs A 7.4 earthquake in Turkey on August 17, 1999, killed more than 12,000 people. 1/10 times the 7.6 energy released by the 1883 eruption of the Krakatoa Volcano. Energy Released: 1.5 x 10^16 joules Richter magnitude 3.58 megatons of TNT 238 Hiroshima nuclear bombs je Tangshan, China experienced a 23 second, 7.6 magnitude earthquake on July 28, 1976. i. This 2nd deadliest earthquake in history killed about 255,000 people. Energy Released: 8.3 1.6 x 10^17 joules Richter magnitude 38.24 megatons of TNT 2,549 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 2/3 times the energy released by the largest nuclear weapon, the Tsar Bomba. in On April 18, 1906, in San Francisco, an 8.3 earthquake killed around 3,000 people. Ce The economical impact incurred was close to that of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Energy Released: 2 times the total electricity consumed in Norway for an entire 0'6 1.5 x 10^16 joules year. Richter magnitude e On March 11, 2011, Northeast Japan experienced a 9.0 earthquake followed by a devastating Tsunami. 15,933 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 239 megatons of TNT The aftermath of the two disasters led to a near nuclear meltdown and likely more than 18,000 deaths. The total number of deaths is still unclear and will be for months to come. MEGATHRUST EARTHQUAKES These earthquakes occur when one tectonic plate is forced beneath another. The size of the plates and the shallow dip of the plate boundary cause these to be very large earthquakes. Since 1900, all earthquakes that have exceeded a 9.0 magnitude have been megathrust earthquakes. Energy Released: 1,027 megatons of TNT • 4.3 x 10^18 joules Richter magnitude 68,466 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 1/3 the total production of electrical energy used by the US in 2001. e On December 26, 2004, the Sumatra earthquake caused multiple Tsunamis that killed 230,000 people in 14 countries. ce Sumatra = greatest recorded fault length of any earthquake in history at „200 miles long. 1,983 megatons of TNT 9.5 Energy Released: • 8.3 x 10^18 joules 132,200 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude 80% of the energy from the Sun that hits the Earth in 1 minute. 9 On May 22, 1960, the most powerful earthquake in the past 100 years killed 1,600 people in Southern Chile. МEGA 10 QUAKE Richter magnitude A megaquake, an earthquake with a magnitude of 10.0 or larger, is very unlikely, though still theoretically possible. They are unlikely because there is no known fault that could actually generate a 10.0 or larger megaquake. To date, none have been recorded. roughly 1 million megatons of TNT Energy Released: 4.2 x 10^21 joules 66,666,666 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Nearly 75% of the estimated energy in the world's natural gas reserves in 2003. Sources*+10^18+joules 9-equivalent mun m Well Home. Improve the weather inside. thul THE ENERGY OF MNMAN- SEARTHQUAKES Each year, earthquakes cause devastation to thousands of people all over the world. In 2010 alone, there were over 21,000 earthquakes recorded. The Richter magnitude scale, is a measurement of the seismic energy released by an earthquake. It is a logarithmic scale, so a 5.0 on the Richter scale has a shaking amplitude 10 times larger than one that measures 4.0. This infographic will explore the different sizes of earthquakes and the immense amount of energy they release to give you a better understanding of one of nature's most powerful forces. CALCULATIONS 1 ton of TNT 4.2 x 10^9 joules 1 Hiroshima bomb = 15,000 tons of TNT Energy Released: .0151 tons of TNT 2.0 .631 x 10^8 joules .000001 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude This is the smallest earthquake that can be detected by people. In 2010, there were 4,580 earthquakes with magnitudes between 2.0 and 2.9. Energy Released is equal to: O 1/25 the energy used by The amount of energy a clothes dryer in 1 year. used in the combustion of 1/2 gallon of gasoline. 5.0 Energy Released: 477 tons of TNT 2.8 x 10^12 joules .03 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude The energy you would release by turning 0.03125 grams of matter into its energy equivalent. There were 1,944 earthquakes with a magnitude between 5 and 5.9 in 2010. 6.7 Energy Released: 338,000 tons of TNT 7.7 x 10^14 joules 22.5 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude 1/13 times the amount of energy that formed "Meteor Crater" in Arizona. ie On January 17, 1994, in Northridge, CA, a 6.7 magnitude earthquake killed 57 people and injured thousands. Damage occurred up to 85 miles away and cost about: $20 million. The energy you would release by turning 0.023 kilograms of matter into its energy equivalent. Energy Released: 7.0 2.1 x 10^15 joules Richter magnitude 31.7 Hiroshima 477,000 tons of TNT nuclear bombs On January 12, 2010, Haiti experienced a 7.0 that resulted in over This magnitude reaches the major earthquake threshold: the point when major damage will occur. 222,570 deaths. 0.045 times the amount of energy the Earth receives from the Sun in 1 second. 7.4 Energy Released: 7.9 x 10^15 joules Richter magnitude 1.88 million tons (megaton) of TNT 125 Hiroshima nuclear bombs A 7.4 earthquake in Turkey on August 17, 1999, killed more than 12,000 people. 1/10 times the 7.6 energy released by the 1883 eruption of the Krakatoa Volcano. Energy Released: 1.5 x 10^16 joules Richter magnitude 3.58 megatons of TNT 238 Hiroshima nuclear bombs je Tangshan, China experienced a 23 second, 7.6 magnitude earthquake on July 28, 1976. i. This 2nd deadliest earthquake in history killed about 255,000 people. Energy Released: 8.3 1.6 x 10^17 joules Richter magnitude 38.24 megatons of TNT 2,549 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 2/3 times the energy released by the largest nuclear weapon, the Tsar Bomba. in On April 18, 1906, in San Francisco, an 8.3 earthquake killed around 3,000 people. Ce The economical impact incurred was close to that of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Energy Released: 2 times the total electricity consumed in Norway for an entire 0'6 1.5 x 10^16 joules year. Richter magnitude e On March 11, 2011, Northeast Japan experienced a 9.0 earthquake followed by a devastating Tsunami. 15,933 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 239 megatons of TNT The aftermath of the two disasters led to a near nuclear meltdown and likely more than 18,000 deaths. The total number of deaths is still unclear and will be for months to come. MEGATHRUST EARTHQUAKES These earthquakes occur when one tectonic plate is forced beneath another. The size of the plates and the shallow dip of the plate boundary cause these to be very large earthquakes. Since 1900, all earthquakes that have exceeded a 9.0 magnitude have been megathrust earthquakes. Energy Released: 1,027 megatons of TNT • 4.3 x 10^18 joules Richter magnitude 68,466 Hiroshima nuclear bombs 1/3 the total production of electrical energy used by the US in 2001. e On December 26, 2004, the Sumatra earthquake caused multiple Tsunamis that killed 230,000 people in 14 countries. ce Sumatra = greatest recorded fault length of any earthquake in history at „200 miles long. 1,983 megatons of TNT 9.5 Energy Released: • 8.3 x 10^18 joules 132,200 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Richter magnitude 80% of the energy from the Sun that hits the Earth in 1 minute. 9 On May 22, 1960, the most powerful earthquake in the past 100 years killed 1,600 people in Southern Chile. МEGA 10 QUAKE Richter magnitude A megaquake, an earthquake with a magnitude of 10.0 or larger, is very unlikely, though still theoretically possible. They are unlikely because there is no known fault that could actually generate a 10.0 or larger megaquake. To date, none have been recorded. roughly 1 million megatons of TNT Energy Released: 4.2 x 10^21 joules 66,666,666 Hiroshima nuclear bombs Nearly 75% of the estimated energy in the world's natural gas reserves in 2003. Sources*+10^18+joules 9-equivalent mun m

Could We Harness The Energy Of Earthquakes?

shared by kcatoto on Dec 28
According to the USGS, the total energy from an earthquake includes energy required to create new cracks in rock, energy dissipated as heat through friction, and energy elastically radiated through th...




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