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I'm Rich

IMRICH, BETOB BIG ASS CHAIN TM uhp Congress Is Wap Richet Than Yot It's 2011 and Americans are hurtin'. Four years into the economic crisis and we're all still as broke, jobless, and depressed as ever. Congress, on the other hand, is ballin' out of control like never before, with more millionaires on payroll than Bad Boy, Roc-a-fella, and Cash Money combined. Meanwhile, they're voting to slash funding to public programs with no worry about tax cuts for the companies keeping their pockets padded. Congress's new motto seems to be "cut spending, stack dollars," but it's not the country's stacks they are worried about - it's their own. Here's how it all breaks down: BEN FRANKLIN suggested that elected officials receive no salary. That idea was shot down. 2010 ANNUAL SALARIES $250k $223k $200k $193k $174k $150k $100k $50k $50k MILLIONAIRES IN AMERICA 1% 58%, Most of Congress is independently wealthy, but Congress's self-voted salaries are about TIMES the average American household. TOTAL AMERICANS U.S. CONGRESSMEN AVG. NET EQUIV. IN # U.S. HOUSEHOLDS POSITION WORTH The 30 wealthiest Congressmen are each worth S$30 MILLHON SENATOR $13.4 M 268 STATE REP $5 M 100 The 9 wealthiest Congressmen are each worth S$100 MILLION DARRELL ISSA is currently the wealthiest member of Congress with a net worth of just over $303 million. That's 3x what rapper 50 Cent is worth. TERB KOHÉ owns the most valuable asset. of anyone in Congress: The Milwaukee Bucks (worth $254 million) BUCKS 2008/2009 RECESSION STATISTICS | TOTAL NET WORTH OF CONGRESSMEN +20% +15% Total worth of 112th Congress's freshman class (93 people): +16% $533 MILLION +10% +5% This is equal to the total worth of 11,000 average Americans. -4% -5% MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME MOST POPULAR -10% -15% CONGRESSIONAL INVESTMENTS -20% COMPANY # INVESTORS IN CONGRESS GENERAL 106 ELECTRIC PROCTER 78 & GAMBLE CISCO 73 SYSTEMS BANK OF 73 AMERICA MICROSOFT 70 MICHELE BACHMANN spent $11.5 million on the 2010 Minnesota House race, or the amount Kanye West made in 2010. Bachmann made this the most expensive house race in US History with a spending total of $16.8 million. Americans would save $93 million per year if salaries for Congress were eliminated. Cutting NPR funding saves Americans only $5 million per year. ANNUAL SAVINGS POTENTIAL $0 $25M $50M $75M $100M $93 MILLION $5 MILLION Moʻ Money, Less Problams with all the spending cuts Congress is proposing, you'd think they were broke. But the truth is that they're one of the most caked up Congresses in U.S. history, and just because our country is financially f-ked, it doesn't mean the people running it are. It's easy to be 'fiscally austere' when you're a multi-millionaire and none of the spending cuts come out of your pocket. Congress is representin' alright, but it's less about our interests and more about theirs. Online SCHOOLS www.ONLINESCHOOLS.ORG HTTP://Www.O WOPENSECRETS.ORG HTTP://www.Go00.1S/POST/YOUR-NEW-CONGRESSMEN-ARE-RICHER-THAN-PRETTY-MUCH-EVERYONE-YOU-KNOW/ HTTP://www.CENSUS.GOV/PROD/2010PUBS/P60-238.PDF HTTP://USGOVINFO ABOUT.COM/OD/USCONGRESS/A/CONGRESSPAY.HTM HTTP://USGOVINFO ABOUT.COM/OD/USCONGRESS/A/IN-RECESSION-CONGRESS-PAY-INCREASED.HTM HTTP://wwW.HUFFINGTONPOST.COM/2011/03/17/NPR-FUNDING_N_837282.HTML HTTP://BLOGS.FORBES.COM/ZACKOMALLEYGREENBURG/2011/03/09/THE-FORBES-FIVE-HIP+HOP-WEALTHIEST-ARTISTS/ HTTP://www.LEFTANDRIGHTNEWS.cOM/2010/12/27/TOP-SPENDERS-OF-THE-2010-ELECTIONS/ SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE PARTY LEADER CONGRESSMAN AMERICAN HOUSEHOLD IMRICH, BETOB BIG ASS CHAIN TM uhp Congress Is Wap Richet Than Yot It's 2011 and Americans are hurtin'. Four years into the economic crisis and we're all still as broke, jobless, and depressed as ever. Congress, on the other hand, is ballin' out of control like never before, with more millionaires on payroll than Bad Boy, Roc-a-fella, and Cash Money combined. Meanwhile, they're voting to slash funding to public programs with no worry about tax cuts for the companies keeping their pockets padded. Congress's new motto seems to be "cut spending, stack dollars," but it's not the country's stacks they are worried about - it's their own. Here's how it all breaks down: BEN FRANKLIN suggested that elected officials receive no salary. That idea was shot down. 2010 ANNUAL SALARIES $250k $223k $200k $193k $174k $150k $100k $50k $50k MILLIONAIRES IN AMERICA 1% 58%, Most of Congress is independently wealthy, but Congress's self-voted salaries are about TIMES the average American household. TOTAL AMERICANS U.S. CONGRESSMEN AVG. NET EQUIV. IN # U.S. HOUSEHOLDS POSITION WORTH The 30 wealthiest Congressmen are each worth S$30 MILLHON SENATOR $13.4 M 268 STATE REP $5 M 100 The 9 wealthiest Congressmen are each worth S$100 MILLION DARRELL ISSA is currently the wealthiest member of Congress with a net worth of just over $303 million. That's 3x what rapper 50 Cent is worth. TERB KOHÉ owns the most valuable asset. of anyone in Congress: The Milwaukee Bucks (worth $254 million) BUCKS 2008/2009 RECESSION STATISTICS | TOTAL NET WORTH OF CONGRESSMEN +20% +15% Total worth of 112th Congress's freshman class (93 people): +16% $533 MILLION +10% +5% This is equal to the total worth of 11,000 average Americans. -4% -5% MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME MOST POPULAR -10% -15% CONGRESSIONAL INVESTMENTS -20% COMPANY # INVESTORS IN CONGRESS GENERAL 106 ELECTRIC PROCTER 78 & GAMBLE CISCO 73 SYSTEMS BANK OF 73 AMERICA MICROSOFT 70 MICHELE BACHMANN spent $11.5 million on the 2010 Minnesota House race, or the amount Kanye West made in 2010. Bachmann made this the most expensive house race in US History with a spending total of $16.8 million. Americans would save $93 million per year if salaries for Congress were eliminated. Cutting NPR funding saves Americans only $5 million per year. ANNUAL SAVINGS POTENTIAL $0 $25M $50M $75M $100M $93 MILLION $5 MILLION Moʻ Money, Less Problams with all the spending cuts Congress is proposing, you'd think they were broke. But the truth is that they're one of the most caked up Congresses in U.S. history, and just because our country is financially f-ked, it doesn't mean the people running it are. It's easy to be 'fiscally austere' when you're a multi-millionaire and none of the spending cuts come out of your pocket. Congress is representin' alright, but it's less about our interests and more about theirs. Online SCHOOLS www.ONLINESCHOOLS.ORG HTTP://Www.O WOPENSECRETS.ORG HTTP://www.Go00.1S/POST/YOUR-NEW-CONGRESSMEN-ARE-RICHER-THAN-PRETTY-MUCH-EVERYONE-YOU-KNOW/ HTTP://www.CENSUS.GOV/PROD/2010PUBS/P60-238.PDF HTTP://USGOVINFO ABOUT.COM/OD/USCONGRESS/A/CONGRESSPAY.HTM HTTP://USGOVINFO ABOUT.COM/OD/USCONGRESS/A/IN-RECESSION-CONGRESS-PAY-INCREASED.HTM HTTP://wwW.HUFFINGTONPOST.COM/2011/03/17/NPR-FUNDING_N_837282.HTML HTTP://BLOGS.FORBES.COM/ZACKOMALLEYGREENBURG/2011/03/09/THE-FORBES-FIVE-HIP+HOP-WEALTHIEST-ARTISTS/ HTTP://www.LEFTANDRIGHTNEWS.cOM/2010/12/27/TOP-SPENDERS-OF-THE-2010-ELECTIONS/ SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE PARTY LEADER CONGRESSMAN AMERICAN HOUSEHOLD IMRICH, BETOB BIG ASS CHAIN TM uhp Congress Is Wap Richet Than Yot It's 2011 and Americans are hurtin'. Four years into the economic crisis and we're all still as broke, jobless, and depressed as ever. Congress, on the other hand, is ballin' out of control like never before, with more millionaires on payroll than Bad Boy, Roc-a-fella, and Cash Money combined. Meanwhile, they're voting to slash funding to public programs with no worry about tax cuts for the companies keeping their pockets padded. Congress's new motto seems to be "cut spending, stack dollars," but it's not the country's stacks they are worried about - it's their own. Here's how it all breaks down: BEN FRANKLIN suggested that elected officials receive no salary. That idea was shot down. 2010 ANNUAL SALARIES $250k $223k $200k $193k $174k $150k $100k $50k $50k MILLIONAIRES IN AMERICA 1% 58%, Most of Congress is independently wealthy, but Congress's self-voted salaries are about TIMES the average American household. TOTAL AMERICANS U.S. CONGRESSMEN AVG. NET EQUIV. IN # U.S. HOUSEHOLDS POSITION WORTH The 30 wealthiest Congressmen are each worth S$30 MILLHON SENATOR $13.4 M 268 STATE REP $5 M 100 The 9 wealthiest Congressmen are each worth S$100 MILLION DARRELL ISSA is currently the wealthiest member of Congress with a net worth of just over $303 million. That's 3x what rapper 50 Cent is worth. TERB KOHÉ owns the most valuable asset. of anyone in Congress: The Milwaukee Bucks (worth $254 million) BUCKS 2008/2009 RECESSION STATISTICS | TOTAL NET WORTH OF CONGRESSMEN +20% +15% Total worth of 112th Congress's freshman class (93 people): +16% $533 MILLION +10% +5% This is equal to the total worth of 11,000 average Americans. -4% -5% MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME MOST POPULAR -10% -15% CONGRESSIONAL INVESTMENTS -20% COMPANY # INVESTORS IN CONGRESS GENERAL 106 ELECTRIC PROCTER 78 & GAMBLE CISCO 73 SYSTEMS BANK OF 73 AMERICA MICROSOFT 70 MICHELE BACHMANN spent $11.5 million on the 2010 Minnesota House race, or the amount Kanye West made in 2010. Bachmann made this the most expensive house race in US History with a spending total of $16.8 million. Americans would save $93 million per year if salaries for Congress were eliminated. Cutting NPR funding saves Americans only $5 million per year. ANNUAL SAVINGS POTENTIAL $0 $25M $50M $75M $100M $93 MILLION $5 MILLION Moʻ Money, Less Problams with all the spending cuts Congress is proposing, you'd think they were broke. But the truth is that they're one of the most caked up Congresses in U.S. history, and just because our country is financially f-ked, it doesn't mean the people running it are. It's easy to be 'fiscally austere' when you're a multi-millionaire and none of the spending cuts come out of your pocket. Congress is representin' alright, but it's less about our interests and more about theirs. Online SCHOOLS www.ONLINESCHOOLS.ORG HTTP://Www.O WOPENSECRETS.ORG HTTP://www.Go00.1S/POST/YOUR-NEW-CONGRESSMEN-ARE-RICHER-THAN-PRETTY-MUCH-EVERYONE-YOU-KNOW/ HTTP://www.CENSUS.GOV/PROD/2010PUBS/P60-238.PDF HTTP://USGOVINFO ABOUT.COM/OD/USCONGRESS/A/CONGRESSPAY.HTM HTTP://USGOVINFO ABOUT.COM/OD/USCONGRESS/A/IN-RECESSION-CONGRESS-PAY-INCREASED.HTM HTTP://wwW.HUFFINGTONPOST.COM/2011/03/17/NPR-FUNDING_N_837282.HTML HTTP://BLOGS.FORBES.COM/ZACKOMALLEYGREENBURG/2011/03/09/THE-FORBES-FIVE-HIP+HOP-WEALTHIEST-ARTISTS/ HTTP://www.LEFTANDRIGHTNEWS.cOM/2010/12/27/TOP-SPENDERS-OF-THE-2010-ELECTIONS/ SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE PARTY LEADER CONGRESSMAN AMERICAN HOUSEHOLD IMRICH, BETOB BIG ASS CHAIN TM uhp Congress Is Wap Richet Than Yot It's 2011 and Americans are hurtin'. Four years into the economic crisis and we're all still as broke, jobless, and depressed as ever. Congress, on the other hand, is ballin' out of control like never before, with more millionaires on payroll than Bad Boy, Roc-a-fella, and Cash Money combined. Meanwhile, they're voting to slash funding to public programs with no worry about tax cuts for the companies keeping their pockets padded. Congress's new motto seems to be "cut spending, stack dollars," but it's not the country's stacks they are worried about - it's their own. Here's how it all breaks down: BEN FRANKLIN suggested that elected officials receive no salary. That idea was shot down. 2010 ANNUAL SALARIES $250k $223k $200k $193k $174k $150k $100k $50k $50k MILLIONAIRES IN AMERICA 1% 58%, Most of Congress is independently wealthy, but Congress's self-voted salaries are about TIMES the average American household. TOTAL AMERICANS U.S. CONGRESSMEN AVG. NET EQUIV. IN # U.S. HOUSEHOLDS POSITION WORTH The 30 wealthiest Congressmen are each worth S$30 MILLHON SENATOR $13.4 M 268 STATE REP $5 M 100 The 9 wealthiest Congressmen are each worth S$100 MILLION DARRELL ISSA is currently the wealthiest member of Congress with a net worth of just over $303 million. That's 3x what rapper 50 Cent is worth. TERB KOHÉ owns the most valuable asset. of anyone in Congress: The Milwaukee Bucks (worth $254 million) BUCKS 2008/2009 RECESSION STATISTICS | TOTAL NET WORTH OF CONGRESSMEN +20% +15% Total worth of 112th Congress's freshman class (93 people): +16% $533 MILLION +10% +5% This is equal to the total worth of 11,000 average Americans. -4% -5% MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME MOST POPULAR -10% -15% CONGRESSIONAL INVESTMENTS -20% COMPANY # INVESTORS IN CONGRESS GENERAL 106 ELECTRIC PROCTER 78 & GAMBLE CISCO 73 SYSTEMS BANK OF 73 AMERICA MICROSOFT 70 MICHELE BACHMANN spent $11.5 million on the 2010 Minnesota House race, or the amount Kanye West made in 2010. Bachmann made this the most expensive house race in US History with a spending total of $16.8 million. Americans would save $93 million per year if salaries for Congress were eliminated. Cutting NPR funding saves Americans only $5 million per year. ANNUAL SAVINGS POTENTIAL $0 $25M $50M $75M $100M $93 MILLION $5 MILLION Moʻ Money, Less Problams with all the spending cuts Congress is proposing, you'd think they were broke. But the truth is that they're one of the most caked up Congresses in U.S. history, and just because our country is financially f-ked, it doesn't mean the people running it are. It's easy to be 'fiscally austere' when you're a multi-millionaire and none of the spending cuts come out of your pocket. Congress is representin' alright, but it's less about our interests and more about theirs. Online SCHOOLS www.ONLINESCHOOLS.ORG HTTP://Www.O WOPENSECRETS.ORG HTTP://www.Go00.1S/POST/YOUR-NEW-CONGRESSMEN-ARE-RICHER-THAN-PRETTY-MUCH-EVERYONE-YOU-KNOW/ HTTP://www.CENSUS.GOV/PROD/2010PUBS/P60-238.PDF HTTP://USGOVINFO ABOUT.COM/OD/USCONGRESS/A/CONGRESSPAY.HTM HTTP://USGOVINFO ABOUT.COM/OD/USCONGRESS/A/IN-RECESSION-CONGRESS-PAY-INCREASED.HTM HTTP://wwW.HUFFINGTONPOST.COM/2011/03/17/NPR-FUNDING_N_837282.HTML HTTP://BLOGS.FORBES.COM/ZACKOMALLEYGREENBURG/2011/03/09/THE-FORBES-FIVE-HIP+HOP-WEALTHIEST-ARTISTS/ HTTP://www.LEFTANDRIGHTNEWS.cOM/2010/12/27/TOP-SPENDERS-OF-THE-2010-ELECTIONS/ SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE PARTY LEADER CONGRESSMAN AMERICAN HOUSEHOLD IMRICH, BETOB BIG ASS CHAIN TM uhp Congress Is Wap Richet Than Yot It's 2011 and Americans are hurtin'. Four years into the economic crisis and we're all still as broke, jobless, and depressed as ever. Congress, on the other hand, is ballin' out of control like never before, with more millionaires on payroll than Bad Boy, Roc-a-fella, and Cash Money combined. Meanwhile, they're voting to slash funding to public programs with no worry about tax cuts for the companies keeping their pockets padded. Congress's new motto seems to be "cut spending, stack dollars," but it's not the country's stacks they are worried about - it's their own. Here's how it all breaks down: BEN FRANKLIN suggested that elected officials receive no salary. That idea was shot down. 2010 ANNUAL SALARIES $250k $223k $200k $193k $174k $150k $100k $50k $50k MILLIONAIRES IN AMERICA 1% 58%, Most of Congress is independently wealthy, but Congress's self-voted salaries are about TIMES the average American household. TOTAL AMERICANS U.S. CONGRESSMEN AVG. NET EQUIV. IN # U.S. HOUSEHOLDS POSITION WORTH The 30 wealthiest Congressmen are each worth S$30 MILLHON SENATOR $13.4 M 268 STATE REP $5 M 100 The 9 wealthiest Congressmen are each worth S$100 MILLION DARRELL ISSA is currently the wealthiest member of Congress with a net worth of just over $303 million. That's 3x what rapper 50 Cent is worth. TERB KOHÉ owns the most valuable asset. of anyone in Congress: The Milwaukee Bucks (worth $254 million) BUCKS 2008/2009 RECESSION STATISTICS | TOTAL NET WORTH OF CONGRESSMEN +20% +15% Total worth of 112th Congress's freshman class (93 people): +16% $533 MILLION +10% +5% This is equal to the total worth of 11,000 average Americans. -4% -5% MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME MOST POPULAR -10% -15% CONGRESSIONAL INVESTMENTS -20% COMPANY # INVESTORS IN CONGRESS GENERAL 106 ELECTRIC PROCTER 78 & GAMBLE CISCO 73 SYSTEMS BANK OF 73 AMERICA MICROSOFT 70 MICHELE BACHMANN spent $11.5 million on the 2010 Minnesota House race, or the amount Kanye West made in 2010. Bachmann made this the most expensive house race in US History with a spending total of $16.8 million. Americans would save $93 million per year if salaries for Congress were eliminated. Cutting NPR funding saves Americans only $5 million per year. ANNUAL SAVINGS POTENTIAL $0 $25M $50M $75M $100M $93 MILLION $5 MILLION Moʻ Money, Less Problams with all the spending cuts Congress is proposing, you'd think they were broke. But the truth is that they're one of the most caked up Congresses in U.S. history, and just because our country is financially f-ked, it doesn't mean the people running it are. It's easy to be 'fiscally austere' when you're a multi-millionaire and none of the spending cuts come out of your pocket. Congress is representin' alright, but it's less about our interests and more about theirs. Online SCHOOLS www.ONLINESCHOOLS.ORG HTTP://Www.O WOPENSECRETS.ORG HTTP://www.Go00.1S/POST/YOUR-NEW-CONGRESSMEN-ARE-RICHER-THAN-PRETTY-MUCH-EVERYONE-YOU-KNOW/ HTTP://www.CENSUS.GOV/PROD/2010PUBS/P60-238.PDF HTTP://USGOVINFO ABOUT.COM/OD/USCONGRESS/A/CONGRESSPAY.HTM HTTP://USGOVINFO ABOUT.COM/OD/USCONGRESS/A/IN-RECESSION-CONGRESS-PAY-INCREASED.HTM HTTP://wwW.HUFFINGTONPOST.COM/2011/03/17/NPR-FUNDING_N_837282.HTML HTTP://BLOGS.FORBES.COM/ZACKOMALLEYGREENBURG/2011/03/09/THE-FORBES-FIVE-HIP+HOP-WEALTHIEST-ARTISTS/ HTTP://www.LEFTANDRIGHTNEWS.cOM/2010/12/27/TOP-SPENDERS-OF-THE-2010-ELECTIONS/ SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE PARTY LEADER CONGRESSMAN AMERICAN HOUSEHOLD

I'm Rich

shared by judithgold on Oct 11
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This infogaphic breaks down how much congressman and woman are worth, how much they spend on campaigns, and how they protect their money. The infographic is meant to illustrate that congresspeople's a...


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