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How To Change a Tire

Location of Spare Tire and Tools Toos Needed Jack Points Changing a Car Tire Jack raise/lowe Caution! r attach- Betore proceeding make sure your emergency brake is on ond that car is on leveled ground. There are 4 jacking points. Two located on each side of the car in the locations outlined w ith the red circles. These are the points w here the jack is placed when needing to raise car. Car Jack Tools and spare tire are kept in the trunk vndemeath the carpet Tire ton 1. Loosening Wheel Bolts 2. Raising Car 3. Removing Tire Insert the carjack underneath First begin by Loosening the wheel bolts with the tire iron by tuming iron counter cockw ise. Do not remove bolts com pletely. the carjack point making sure it lines vp with groove from jack. Insert jack lever and raise car by tuming lever clockwise. Once car tire is lifted off the grovnd, continue to unbolt the nuts the rest of the way and pull off tire. Pull towards younelf. 4. Replacing Tire 5. Lowering Car 6. Tightening Wheel Bolts Done! Lower car by tuming jack leven counter clockwise until jack is fully closed and car is on the ground. 1ghten wheel bolts by turning tire iron clockwise. Tighten one bolt at a time by altemating rom one to the other in a "X"direction. By Enrique Tejero Put replacement fire on the car and secure with bolts. Screw bolts on with tire iron to hold tire in place.

How To Change a Tire

shared by admin on Mar 16
It is a situation many of us have had to encounter. You're driving on the freeway and you hear a pop only to realize that your tire has gone flat. Knowing how to change your own tire can ensure that y...


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