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Get Rid of Shoe Odor

Get Rid of Shoe Odor Toothpaste Toothpaste can clean other things than tooth. Use an old toothbrush to do it. ** Shoes + Ziploc Bag + Freezer Put your shoes in reseal able bags and place it in freezer for two or three hours. After taking out place them outside to thaw and dry. Baking Soda • Dish Soap + Hydrogen Peroxide 露 Mixture of baking soda, dish soap, hydrogen peroxide and some elbow grease will take out most stains as well as the stink. Baking Soda + Baking Powder + Cornstarch Make a mixture taken in equal amount and put it in a pair of cotton socks and stick the socks in the shoes overnight. Rubbing Alcohol Pour some rubbing alcohol in a cotton ball and wipe the insides of your shoes with the same. Leave it for a while. The foul smell is sure to fade away. Boiling Water Fill each shoe with boiling water and add a small amount of bleach. Let this set for a few minutes. When the water has cooled, dump out the water and wash the shoes. Vinegar Add one cup of vinegar to each shoe. This will cause bubbling and fizzing. Let this set and work in your shoes for about 15 min. Remove the mixture from the shoes, rinse, and wash. Chemical Spray Lots of chemical spray or shoe deodorizer available in the market are also Proved Effective. DEO HOE Essential Oil Place essential oil like eucalyptus, clove or tea tree oil with papers inside the shoe and leave it for few hours. Machine Deodorizer If there are serious foot stinks use Electric Shoe Deodorizer. After cleaning shoes with the steps above, toss them in the washer and dryer. If it's not available use sunlight to dry it. NEWS today Magic Eraser Great tool for cleaning the midsole, rubber and leather parts of shoes. Crumpled Newspaper Put crumpled newspaper inside the shoes to help absorb both moisture and odors. Don't wear them until they are completely dry. Kitty Litter Fill clean socks with kitty litter and place the socks inside the shoes. Leave them overnight. would absorb all the foul smell, making your shoe perfectly ready to wear. Dryer Sheets When the shoes are not in use, place a dryer sheet in each one. This way whenever you need to use the shoes, it won't be with any unpleasant smell. Orange Peels Place orange peels in the shoes and let them sit overnight. Discard the peels in the morning. This will get rid of odors and create new, fresh smells. Fabric Conditioner Sheets Place a fabric conditioner sheet in each of the shoes and keep them for the night. The next morning, you would get nice-scented shoes. Baby Powder Place baby powder on the feet before wearing shoes and also from time to time especially if they are already starting to get sweaty. Avoid smelly baby powder as that might aggravate the shoe odor. New Insoles Use insoles made from cedar material. Such kind of insoles will tackle the cause of the problem and soon there will be no smell. Wearing Socks Always wear clean, dry socks to avoid bacterial growth within the shoes that can produce odors. Get Rid of Shoe Odor © Copyright, - All rights reserved. Brought to you by IXO BABYPOWDER

Get Rid of Shoe Odor

shared by richardkallis on Dec 14
shoe odor is a common problem we all faced,there are lots of way to remove that,in this infograph its compliled various ways to eliminate shoe odor.




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