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What Do You Mean I Need Reading Glasses?

THINOPTICS TM FLEXIBLE. MOBILE. VISION. - MANY PEOPLE HAVE TROUBLE SEEING THESE OBJECTS CLOSE UP READING MEDICINE LABELS READING FOOD LABELS READING BOOKS/PAPERS READING MOBILE PHONE USING A PC 20% 40% 60% 80% WHY WE NEED READING GLASSES AS WE AGE After about 40 clear focus at close distance becomes difficult. This “Presbyopia" is due to reduced flexibility of the lens of your eye and weakening of the muscles that cause the lens to change focus. STAGES OF DEALING WITH PRESBYOPIA 40 45 50 DENIAL SHAME ACCEPTANCE It's not my eyes. Print is getting smaller and restaurants are OK, I need glasses but l'm going to hide them. I need reading glasses and you can borrow them. getting darker. HOW MANY PAIRS HOW MANY PAIRS OF READERS HAVE YOU BOUGHT IN THE LAST 1O YEARS OF READERS HAVE YOU LOST IN THE LAST 10 YEARS 10 10+ 5-10 5-10 3-5 1-3 1-3 3-5 WHERE DO YOU LEAVE YOUR READING GLASSES? EVERYWHERE Non-prescription reading glasses are often the first IN NIGHTSTAND IN BAG step and that's just fine but we lose NO IDEA IN POCKET them! IN DRAWER AROUND NECK 0% 20% 40% If you don't want to hang readers around your neck, we understand! 61% of cell phone users own a smart phone. 79% of smart phone owners have their phone on/near them for all but 2 hours of the day. But we don't want you to lose them either. Doesn't it make sense to keep your readers where you use them? THINOPTICS TM Flexible glasses in a smart phone case, let you keep your glasses with you at all times. Just like your smart phone. THINOPTICS" THINOPTICS TM FLEXIBLE. MOBILE. VISION. RESOURCES Get ThinReaders at Pew SmartPhone Survey IDC Research|MuW Academy of Vision Care

What Do You Mean I Need Reading Glasses?

shared by alexnob on Feb 22
"As we age we start to need glasses to read the fine print. At first there's denial, then we're embarrassed, then we start to share our readers around the restaurant table with the rest of our friends...






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