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Stat! Top Reasons People Need ER Care

STAT! TOP REASONS PEOPLE NEED ER CARE THE NUMBERS BEHIND ER CARE IN THE U.S. 129.8 million visits annually 37.9 million injury-related visits 42.8 out of 100 people the ER go each year 25.1% receive treatment in under 15 13.3% are admitted to the hospital minutes 10 COMMON COMPLAINTS HEARD IN THE ER 10. 1. Chest pain 2. Abdominal pain 3. 5. 8. 3. Toothache 1. 6. 4. Sprain/broken bone 4. 5. Upper respiratory infection 9. 6. Cut/contusion 2. 7. 7. Back pain 8. Skin infection 9. Foreign object in body 10. Headache UNDERSTANDING ER CARE – TRIAGE Triage: Ranking cases by urgency Patients with life-threatening emergencies are seen first Less urgent cases may wait Example: Patient with chest pain will be seen before a patient with a sprain TIPS FOR GETTING THE MOST FROM ER CARE 1. DON'T WAIT! • Don't try to wait out symptoms If in doubt, go to the ER or call 9-1-1 911 2. PREPARE IF YOU CAN Bring a list of current medications and someone to support you • But don't put off urgent care to gather items in an emergency! 3. VISIT AN OFF-SITE EA • Off-site ERs have shorter wait times An off-site ER is fully staffed and equipped 4. FOLLOW AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS Slick to discharye treatment plan • See your doctor and specialists as suggested SOURCES PROVIDED BY JFK MERICA WWW.JFKMEDCENTERBLOG.COM

Stat! Top Reasons People Need ER Care

shared by BrittSE on Apr 16
The triage in the emergency room is designed to rank cases by urgency so doctors can see the more serious cases first. This infographic has more information about what to expect from a visit to the em...


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