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Improving Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

Improving Your Smile with COSMETIC DENTISTRY TEETH WHITENING One of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures Can transform dull, discolored teeth into a brighter, whiter smile Discoloration can be a result of diet, lifestyle choices, heredity, and medications VENEERS Thin sheets of porcelain are attached to the outside of your natural teeth Can help correct severe stains, chips, cracks, gaps, and even crooked teeth Porcelain is very stain-resistant, so you'll have a white smile for years to come DENTAL IMPLANTS A permanent alternative to removable dentures for replacing missing teeth Implants are strong and stable, as they are actually rooted in the jaw bone Implants look and feel like your natural teeth, so you can eat, speak, and smile with confidence BONDING A composite material is bonded to the tooth for improved aesthetic appearance Helps teeth that are chipped, broken, discolored, or decayed Bonding material is tooth-colored, so will blend in without an issue CROWNS Dental crowns are used to cover and protect a tooth that is weak Can be used to restore a broken tooth, hold a MAAA bridge in place, and more May be made from metal, porcelain, ceramic, or an amalgamation of materials TOOTH SHAPING Odd or irregularly shaped teeth can make you self-conscious about your smile Your dentist can reshape and contour your teeth so that you feel confident again Can also be used to fix bite problems caused by the irregular shape of your teeth PROVIDED BY: ariairvanidds wwW.ARIADDS.COM Sources:

Improving Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

shared by BrittSE on Jan 29
If your teeth are cracked, chipped, or otherwise damaged, you might want to consider talking to your dentist about veneers. This infographic offers an overview of this popular and effective cosmetic d...


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