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A Historical Guide to Poker Strategies

Divide et Impera ~ A A Historical Guide to Poker Strategies Many of history's greatest generals approached major battles as one might approach a game of strategy. In this infographic, we show how learning from these great tacticians can help you outwit your friends at the poker table and thrive at the game you love. TAG (Tight-Aggressive) Frederick the Great 米 Hopelessly outnumbered, Frederick the Great of He who defends Prussia won battles by attacking only one or two places at a time, despite being surrounded. everything defends nothing, Only enter the pot with O premium hands, and be aggressive when you do. Don't spread yourself too thin - it is better to act in concentration than to overreach yourself. 22222 10 'Stealing the Pot / the Blinds Attila the Hun Utterly cruel in inflicting torture, greedy in plundering, insolent in abuse, Attila the Hun had bound nations in iron Attila the Hun way across Europe, whittling away at Roman coffers plundered his with demands for tribute. chains, and looted the gold and silver of empires. Raising late in the game with a poor Ohand to take blinds/ante's without Victory through attrition - wearing U down an enemy to collapse through a fight; building your own chip stack while whittling down others. loss of wealth and materials, and adding it to your own. ----- The Check-Raise William the Conqueror William the Conqueror used a feigned retreat during the Battle of Hastings to lure Harold's infantry from their vantage point, at which point they were There is no humiliation in retreat - in fact, Mongols frequently used retreat to their advantage. annihilated by a charge of William's Norman cavalry. Acting weak while holding a powerful hand will encourage opponents to bet False retreats and feigned panic during battle entice the opponent into a fatal pursuit. with worse hands. Raising the stakes later will force further profits from weak opposing hands. Slow playing / trapping Arminius In A.D. 9, Arminius, a Germanic tribesman, Never interrupt your concocted a brilliant deception: he would report a fictitious "uprising" in territory unfamiliar to the enemy when he is making a mistake. Romans, then lead - Napoleon them into a deadly trap. Similar idea to check-raise but Setting traps, either with 'booby traps', pro: hidden troops (ambush). Common throughout history; for explosives or across multiple streets, allowing your opponents to do the betting. example, in the Vietnam war. Sit-and-go Genghis Khan Genghis Khan conquered huge amounts of Eurasia while conserving the lives of his Mongols placed high emphasis on surviving at all costs. There was initially small Mongol horde. no such thing as a glorious defeat; the only glory was in winning. Don't waste chips early on; prioritize survival to later rounds. Conserving troops when a battle seems lost and retreating is often better than fighting to the death. 10 So there you have it, our historical guide to poker strategy. Do you use any of our strategies? Or maybe you have your own favourite tacticians from history? Be sure to share them with us on Twitter at #FTpokerstrategy.

A Historical Guide to Poker Strategies

shared by avtomatyvulkanco on Nov 30
Infographic about the best poker strategies for one of the most popular free online casino Vulkan Avtomaty.




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