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How Energy Efficient Buildings Work

HOW ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDINGS WORK WHERE ENERGY IS LOST FROM BUILDINGS: A ROOF: 25% [1 WALLS: 50-60% H WINDOWS: 10-20% O DOORS: 15% EXISTING BUILDINGS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MORE THAN 40% OF THE WORLD'S TOTAL PRIMARY ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND FOR 24% OF GLOBAL CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS 40% 24% EXAMPLES FROM AROUND THE WORLD: ONE WESTMINSTER PLACE LONDON The offices' strikiNg glass façade reflects light aCRoss a spectrUM of coloURS, CReating a dazzling dragonfly wINg" effect. Öne WestmİNSter Place has layered glass walls that CReate an INsulating enviRONMENtal buffer zone. In SUMMER, hot air FROM İNSİide the buffer zONe caN be extracted to create enErgy. 525 GOLDEN GATE- SAN FRANCISCO 525 Golden Gate will feature integrated wind tuRbİINes, shading and solar panels alONg its facade and Roof. Massive windows,, light shelves and a central CORE wiLl Flood 255,000 są ft of offices with daylight. O THE OKHTA TOWER - ST PETERSBURG The Tower has five sides that twist on their upWArd trajectory, MİRRORİNG the MOVEMENT and energy of water in the River Neva, which suRROUNds the building. Okhta Tower has a two-layered glass exoskeleton, providing ventilation, sUNLight and therMal INSulation against the city's Notoriously bitter winteRS. O FUSIONOPOLIS - SINGAPORE The 15-storey skysCRapeR features a 14km long living 'spiNe' of vegetatioN that İS NOURished by sUNLight, redirected onto it thrOugh a series of PRISMS. The vegetation İNSUlates the complex İN the winter, and provides passive cooling iN the suMMER, as the plants traNSpİRe and Release water vapoUR. STATOILHYDRO HQ - OSLO StatoilHydro HQ saves energy by utilising renewable geothermal heat İN its district heating and cooling system. Hot water (Or cold depending ON the depth FROM which it is extracted) is pumped out of a nearby disused coal MİNE straight into the offices' RadiatoRs. ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDING SOLUTIONS: Sustainable timber is NOW COMMONLY avalable for both bulk timber uses (ike particle board) and for high end uses such as veneers. Careful specification at the start of the project wil ENSURE there are NO Cost OR PRograMMe İmplications for yoUR PRoject. TImber cErtifled as being FSC' (FORest Stewardship COUNCI) OR PEFC (PRograMMe fOR the Endorsement of FOrest Certification) is CONSidered the Most sustainable avalable ON the Market. TIMBER S FLOORING What are you takiİNg out? - Carpet cAN often be recycled and reused, perhaps Look at charities that have recycled carpets frOM Previous Projects. What are you putting in? - Thére is lots you can do to make your flooRİNg MORE sustainabie. You can choose carpets' that have high levels of recycled CONtent (these Are NOw COMMONLY avalable), ceRAMic ties that clip together (NO Nasty solvent use) OR use Naturally sourced Materials like sustainable timber OR LINOLleuM Avoid installing INCAndescent lights And halogen down ights. IN their place flOrescent lights look good, are cost effective, Require Much lesS Maintenance And are very eNERgy efficient. FOR that extra sparkle Or effect, look at LED Lights. IN addition, locating Motion SENSORS IN the Right spots will also save loads of electricity aNd ENSURE Lights are ON And off af the Right time. There are hundreds of energy efficient lighting Products available easty on the Market, SOME of which attract tax Rebateš. Y LIGHTING DURİNG CONStRuctiOn the first is the MiNİMİzation, REMOVAL and RecycliNg of waste FROM the cONStRuction WORK INVolved iN your PRoject. This is the respONsiblity of the contractor DURİNG occupation the second area is dealing with Ongoing waste when your buiding is occupied IN oUR experience if you make if easy for people to recycle they WILL Design iN attractive labelled CONtaineRs In the kitchen and ofher places people drink and eat. Think about REMOVING Rubbish biNs at people's desks. There are MANY COMpaNies who wILl collect and recycle youR office waste. WASTE HEATING & COOLING IMPROVING the all ROUND energy efficleNCY of the heating and cooling systems PRobably provides the biggest opportuUNity for Impacting ENVİRONMENTAL perfoRMaNce. INstall İNsulation whenever you can - H WILl help keep the bulding cool IN SUMMER And WARM IN Winter at No cost post installation. BoleRs caN waste lots of enERgy and MONEY - spEnd Some time chooSİNg the Right boler for your building Needs. Cever dir.cOnditionINg systems use heat exchangeRs to capture surplus heat to warM İNCOMİNG aiR. FURNITURE DON't forget about the fuRNituRe you have INstalled Depending ON the design, CONSider specifyiNg sustainable tiMber and natural fabrics uke wool OR those with a high recycled content. CONSider buying fURNiture FROM MANufacturers that have a good track record of protecting the ENVIRONMENT and have MİNİMİZED the amOUnt of packaging their Products Need. INstall water efficient taps, showeRs, tollet and kitchen applances. - Waste less water Choose low ater flow fittiNgs - Low flush tolets Waterless URiNals Use RaInwater OR Grey waterR Systems - FH a rellable leak detection system - Nclude proXiMIty detection shut-off to the water supply for all WCS WATER WWW.SPACEWAY.CO.UK References: - - www.officekitten.couk - www.iea.ORg IIIII

How Energy Efficient Buildings Work

shared by Eavesy on Jul 13
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