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The Problem With the Intranet

INTRANET THE PROBLEM WITH THE With the advent of social media and the speed at which the creation and sharing of knowledge is .. Changing, the traditional Intranet is showing its inherent limitations, From a knOledeuge E management perspective, these systems are having trouble accommodating the growing needs the modern enterprise. Let's explore why the Intranet is struggling and how it can be improved. ..... THE STATE OF THE INTRANET WHAT IS IT? It is a private internal network in an enterprise that is usually only accessible by that organization's members, with authorization. WHO USES IT? Generally, Intranets are owned by and accessible to the following departments in the eterprise: INTRANET HUMAN RESOURCES SALES AND MARKETING CUSTOMER SERVICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EXECUTIVE FINANCE According to a Forrester Research study that surveyed US information workers in 2009: HOW MANY USE IT? Intranets are ubiquitous within enterprises, with nearly 2/3 of employees accessing it ene or more times per month. But, the fact that fewer than half of employees log on daily signals a disconnect between traditional Intranet usefulness and employee needs. 65% 43% Use the intranet at least masthly Acos the Intrant daly TOP FIVE WAYS THE INTRANET X IS BEING USED ....... EMPLOYEE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ORGANIZATION FIND STAFF FIND FORMS ΒΕΝEFITS NEWS 18% 6% 6% 6% 5% THE EVOLUTION OF THE INTRANET 38% by 1907, Intrants can be fond in ta% of the U.S. and 38% of Earopean couties Contet anagement and sell-service transactions come la market Instast messaging and micrabiegging teatures are integrated more heavily into the tranet as eal-time delivery of infortion becomes ore deesitabie The lntranet is bor and inroduced as a knewledge base with inortion repesitaries. 2011 1990s 2000s BEYOND The IDE estimates roughly 30 million Intranet users in he Callaberation-driven goals sper hasic secial teols such as blogs, wikis and discussion forums. U.S. by the end of the 1990s. Search directories are created to allow members te find and other centent BW WHY THE TRADITIONAL INTRANET FAILS In the past, Intranets have been a central workspace for employees to find useful information. Unfortunately, over time, they have evalved into a sort of dumping ground where content gets stored and ignored. How else does the traditional Intranet fall short? OUT-OF-DATE INFORMATION X If content is not constantly updated, the information can become unusable and Irelevant very fast. 39% Over a third of a 2009 TechTarget survey respondents said, "Our Intranet is has a lot of static INEFFECTIVE COLLABORATION Intranets are helptul at handling loads of information, but when it comes to fostering collaboration, they don't lend themselves to interactive conversations. content updated by a few people." DISORGANIZATION AND POOR SEARCH FUNCTIONALITY Effective Intranets only work if content can be found easily. If a search displays results with complex navigation, or leads users outside of a centralized location, they are likely to abandon the search. 45% The number of people who spend three hours or more per week searching for information on an Intranet, according to a Forrester Research's Workforce Technology survey. UNCLEAR STRATEGY INTRANET NOT TIED TO REVENUE GROWTH OR INNOVATION TechTarget discovered that when it comes to planning goals for their Intranet platforms, close to half of the surveyed companies are happy with how it saved them internal costs. However, the majority of Intranet content ignores revenue growth and innovation - two things that are instrumental to organizational opportunity. DD NOT MEET PLANNED OBIECTIVES EXCEEDED PLANNED OBIECTIVES DID YOUR INTRANET MEET NOT AN AREA DF FOCUS NOT YET KNOWN MET PLANNED CBJECTIVES PLANNED GOALS? INTERNAL COST SAVINGS 22% 22% 8% 46% REVENUE GROWTH 55% 19% 9% 15% 2 PRODUCT INNOVATION 8% 20% 4% 52% 16% HOW CAN IT BE IMPROVED? TOP FIVE WAYS EMPLOYEES THINK INTRANETS CAN BE ENHANCED According to a 2010 McGovern study, respondents listed the following ways their Intranet could be improved. PERCENT OF RESPONDENTS 2 5 BETTER CONTENT ORGANIZATION AND CLASSIFICATION EASIER TO FIND INFORMATION CLEAR INTRANET STRATEGY GET RID OF OUT-OF-DATE CONTENT KNOWLEDGE SHARING 12% 10% 6% 6% 4% SOCIALCAST SDURCES "Why traditianal Intranets fail teday's kaawledge workers" By Oscar Berg. I"Intranets: what statt really want." Gerry McDovern Cansulting. 2007.I "Five Myths That Hebble Your intranet." Forrester Research The State of Werktorce Technolegy Adaptien US Benchmark 200s",. Forrester Research 2009. "The Intranet Readnap. Inplementing an intranet" ernet itelligence L. 2006. I Techlarget i Smartiz.cın "How are Basinesses using Mioresatt SharePoint in the Enterprise Market Survey Uptate far 2011. Glebal 360. I I 2Dnet.con The International Data Corperatian 2011 SOCIALCASTNC ALL OER TRADAS HEEN ARERECOCHED TO E THE ROPERTY OF THER RESPECTIVE OwNERS 200 INTRANET THE PROBLEM WITH THE With the advent of social media and the speed at which the creation and sharing of knowledge is .. Changing, the traditional Intranet is showing its inherent limitations, From a knOledeuge E management perspective, these systems are having trouble accommodating the growing needs the modern enterprise. Let's explore why the Intranet is struggling and how it can be improved. ..... THE STATE OF THE INTRANET WHAT IS IT? It is a private internal network in an enterprise that is usually only accessible by that organization's members, with authorization. WHO USES IT? Generally, Intranets are owned by and accessible to the following departments in the eterprise: INTRANET HUMAN RESOURCES SALES AND MARKETING CUSTOMER SERVICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EXECUTIVE FINANCE According to a Forrester Research study that surveyed US information workers in 2009: HOW MANY USE IT? Intranets are ubiquitous within enterprises, with nearly 2/3 of employees accessing it ene or more times per month. But, the fact that fewer than half of employees log on daily signals a disconnect between traditional Intranet usefulness and employee needs. 65% 43% Use the intranet at least masthly Acos the Intrant daly TOP FIVE WAYS THE INTRANET X IS BEING USED ....... EMPLOYEE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ORGANIZATION FIND STAFF FIND FORMS ΒΕΝEFITS NEWS 18% 6% 6% 6% 5% THE EVOLUTION OF THE INTRANET 38% by 1907, Intrants can be fond in ta% of the U.S. and 38% of Earopean couties Contet anagement and sell-service transactions come la market Instast messaging and micrabiegging teatures are integrated more heavily into the tranet as eal-time delivery of infortion becomes ore deesitabie The lntranet is bor and inroduced as a knewledge base with inortion repesitaries. 2011 1990s 2000s BEYOND The IDE estimates roughly 30 million Intranet users in he Callaberation-driven goals sper hasic secial teols such as blogs, wikis and discussion forums. U.S. by the end of the 1990s. Search directories are created to allow members te find and other centent BW WHY THE TRADITIONAL INTRANET FAILS In the past, Intranets have been a central workspace for employees to find useful information. Unfortunately, over time, they have evalved into a sort of dumping ground where content gets stored and ignored. How else does the traditional Intranet fall short? OUT-OF-DATE INFORMATION X If content is not constantly updated, the information can become unusable and Irelevant very fast. 39% Over a third of a 2009 TechTarget survey respondents said, "Our Intranet is has a lot of static INEFFECTIVE COLLABORATION Intranets are helptul at handling loads of information, but when it comes to fostering collaboration, they don't lend themselves to interactive conversations. content updated by a few people." DISORGANIZATION AND POOR SEARCH FUNCTIONALITY Effective Intranets only work if content can be found easily. If a search displays results with complex navigation, or leads users outside of a centralized location, they are likely to abandon the search. 45% The number of people who spend three hours or more per week searching for information on an Intranet, according to a Forrester Research's Workforce Technology survey. UNCLEAR STRATEGY INTRANET NOT TIED TO REVENUE GROWTH OR INNOVATION TechTarget discovered that when it comes to planning goals for their Intranet platforms, close to half of the surveyed companies are happy with how it saved them internal costs. However, the majority of Intranet content ignores revenue growth and innovation - two things that are instrumental to organizational opportunity. DD NOT MEET PLANNED OBIECTIVES EXCEEDED PLANNED OBIECTIVES DID YOUR INTRANET MEET NOT AN AREA DF FOCUS NOT YET KNOWN MET PLANNED CBJECTIVES PLANNED GOALS? INTERNAL COST SAVINGS 22% 22% 8% 46% REVENUE GROWTH 55% 19% 9% 15% 2 PRODUCT INNOVATION 8% 20% 4% 52% 16% HOW CAN IT BE IMPROVED? TOP FIVE WAYS EMPLOYEES THINK INTRANETS CAN BE ENHANCED According to a 2010 McGovern study, respondents listed the following ways their Intranet could be improved. PERCENT OF RESPONDENTS 2 5 BETTER CONTENT ORGANIZATION AND CLASSIFICATION EASIER TO FIND INFORMATION CLEAR INTRANET STRATEGY GET RID OF OUT-OF-DATE CONTENT KNOWLEDGE SHARING 12% 10% 6% 6% 4% SOCIALCAST SDURCES "Why traditianal Intranets fail teday's kaawledge workers" By Oscar Berg. I"Intranets: what statt really want." Gerry McDovern Cansulting. 2007.I "Five Myths That Hebble Your intranet." Forrester Research The State of Werktorce Technolegy Adaptien US Benchmark 200s",. Forrester Research 2009. "The Intranet Readnap. Inplementing an intranet" ernet itelligence L. 2006. I Techlarget i Smartiz.cın "How are Basinesses using Mioresatt SharePoint in the Enterprise Market Survey Uptate far 2011. Glebal 360. I I 2Dnet.con The International Data Corperatian 2011 SOCIALCASTNC ALL OER TRADAS HEEN ARERECOCHED TO E THE ROPERTY OF THER RESPECTIVE OwNERS 200 INTRANET THE PROBLEM WITH THE With the advent of social media and the speed at which the creation and sharing of knowledge is .. Changing, the traditional Intranet is showing its inherent limitations, From a knOledeuge E management perspective, these systems are having trouble accommodating the growing needs the modern enterprise. Let's explore why the Intranet is struggling and how it can be improved. ..... THE STATE OF THE INTRANET WHAT IS IT? It is a private internal network in an enterprise that is usually only accessible by that organization's members, with authorization. WHO USES IT? Generally, Intranets are owned by and accessible to the following departments in the eterprise: INTRANET HUMAN RESOURCES SALES AND MARKETING CUSTOMER SERVICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EXECUTIVE FINANCE According to a Forrester Research study that surveyed US information workers in 2009: HOW MANY USE IT? Intranets are ubiquitous within enterprises, with nearly 2/3 of employees accessing it ene or more times per month. But, the fact that fewer than half of employees log on daily signals a disconnect between traditional Intranet usefulness and employee needs. 65% 43% Use the intranet at least masthly Acos the Intrant daly TOP FIVE WAYS THE INTRANET X IS BEING USED ....... EMPLOYEE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ORGANIZATION FIND STAFF FIND FORMS ΒΕΝEFITS NEWS 18% 6% 6% 6% 5% THE EVOLUTION OF THE INTRANET 38% by 1907, Intrants can be fond in ta% of the U.S. and 38% of Earopean couties Contet anagement and sell-service transactions come la market Instast messaging and micrabiegging teatures are integrated more heavily into the tranet as eal-time delivery of infortion becomes ore deesitabie The lntranet is bor and inroduced as a knewledge base with inortion repesitaries. 2011 1990s 2000s BEYOND The IDE estimates roughly 30 million Intranet users in he Callaberation-driven goals sper hasic secial teols such as blogs, wikis and discussion forums. U.S. by the end of the 1990s. Search directories are created to allow members te find and other centent BW WHY THE TRADITIONAL INTRANET FAILS In the past, Intranets have been a central workspace for employees to find useful information. Unfortunately, over time, they have evalved into a sort of dumping ground where content gets stored and ignored. How else does the traditional Intranet fall short? OUT-OF-DATE INFORMATION X If content is not constantly updated, the information can become unusable and Irelevant very fast. 39% Over a third of a 2009 TechTarget survey respondents said, "Our Intranet is has a lot of static INEFFECTIVE COLLABORATION Intranets are helptul at handling loads of information, but when it comes to fostering collaboration, they don't lend themselves to interactive conversations. content updated by a few people." DISORGANIZATION AND POOR SEARCH FUNCTIONALITY Effective Intranets only work if content can be found easily. If a search displays results with complex navigation, or leads users outside of a centralized location, they are likely to abandon the search. 45% The number of people who spend three hours or more per week searching for information on an Intranet, according to a Forrester Research's Workforce Technology survey. UNCLEAR STRATEGY INTRANET NOT TIED TO REVENUE GROWTH OR INNOVATION TechTarget discovered that when it comes to planning goals for their Intranet platforms, close to half of the surveyed companies are happy with how it saved them internal costs. However, the majority of Intranet content ignores revenue growth and innovation - two things that are instrumental to organizational opportunity. DD NOT MEET PLANNED OBIECTIVES EXCEEDED PLANNED OBIECTIVES DID YOUR INTRANET MEET NOT AN AREA DF FOCUS NOT YET KNOWN MET PLANNED CBJECTIVES PLANNED GOALS? INTERNAL COST SAVINGS 22% 22% 8% 46% REVENUE GROWTH 55% 19% 9% 15% 2 PRODUCT INNOVATION 8% 20% 4% 52% 16% HOW CAN IT BE IMPROVED? TOP FIVE WAYS EMPLOYEES THINK INTRANETS CAN BE ENHANCED According to a 2010 McGovern study, respondents listed the following ways their Intranet could be improved. PERCENT OF RESPONDENTS 2 5 BETTER CONTENT ORGANIZATION AND CLASSIFICATION EASIER TO FIND INFORMATION CLEAR INTRANET STRATEGY GET RID OF OUT-OF-DATE CONTENT KNOWLEDGE SHARING 12% 10% 6% 6% 4% SOCIALCAST SDURCES "Why traditianal Intranets fail teday's kaawledge workers" By Oscar Berg. I"Intranets: what statt really want." Gerry McDovern Cansulting. 2007.I "Five Myths That Hebble Your intranet." Forrester Research The State of Werktorce Technolegy Adaptien US Benchmark 200s",. Forrester Research 2009. "The Intranet Readnap. Inplementing an intranet" ernet itelligence L. 2006. I Techlarget i Smartiz.cın "How are Basinesses using Mioresatt SharePoint in the Enterprise Market Survey Uptate far 2011. Glebal 360. I I 2Dnet.con The International Data Corperatian 2011 SOCIALCASTNC ALL OER TRADAS HEEN ARERECOCHED TO E THE ROPERTY OF THER RESPECTIVE OwNERS 200 INTRANET THE PROBLEM WITH THE With the advent of social media and the speed at which the creation and sharing of knowledge is .. Changing, the traditional Intranet is showing its inherent limitations, From a knOledeuge E management perspective, these systems are having trouble accommodating the growing needs the modern enterprise. Let's explore why the Intranet is struggling and how it can be improved. ..... THE STATE OF THE INTRANET WHAT IS IT? It is a private internal network in an enterprise that is usually only accessible by that organization's members, with authorization. WHO USES IT? Generally, Intranets are owned by and accessible to the following departments in the eterprise: INTRANET HUMAN RESOURCES SALES AND MARKETING CUSTOMER SERVICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EXECUTIVE FINANCE According to a Forrester Research study that surveyed US information workers in 2009: HOW MANY USE IT? Intranets are ubiquitous within enterprises, with nearly 2/3 of employees accessing it ene or more times per month. But, the fact that fewer than half of employees log on daily signals a disconnect between traditional Intranet usefulness and employee needs. 65% 43% Use the intranet at least masthly Acos the Intrant daly TOP FIVE WAYS THE INTRANET X IS BEING USED ....... EMPLOYEE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ORGANIZATION FIND STAFF FIND FORMS ΒΕΝEFITS NEWS 18% 6% 6% 6% 5% THE EVOLUTION OF THE INTRANET 38% by 1907, Intrants can be fond in ta% of the U.S. and 38% of Earopean couties Contet anagement and sell-service transactions come la market Instast messaging and micrabiegging teatures are integrated more heavily into the tranet as eal-time delivery of infortion becomes ore deesitabie The lntranet is bor and inroduced as a knewledge base with inortion repesitaries. 2011 1990s 2000s BEYOND The IDE estimates roughly 30 million Intranet users in he Callaberation-driven goals sper hasic secial teols such as blogs, wikis and discussion forums. U.S. by the end of the 1990s. Search directories are created to allow members te find and other centent BW WHY THE TRADITIONAL INTRANET FAILS In the past, Intranets have been a central workspace for employees to find useful information. Unfortunately, over time, they have evalved into a sort of dumping ground where content gets stored and ignored. How else does the traditional Intranet fall short? OUT-OF-DATE INFORMATION X If content is not constantly updated, the information can become unusable and Irelevant very fast. 39% Over a third of a 2009 TechTarget survey respondents said, "Our Intranet is has a lot of static INEFFECTIVE COLLABORATION Intranets are helptul at handling loads of information, but when it comes to fostering collaboration, they don't lend themselves to interactive conversations. content updated by a few people." DISORGANIZATION AND POOR SEARCH FUNCTIONALITY Effective Intranets only work if content can be found easily. If a search displays results with complex navigation, or leads users outside of a centralized location, they are likely to abandon the search. 45% The number of people who spend three hours or more per week searching for information on an Intranet, according to a Forrester Research's Workforce Technology survey. UNCLEAR STRATEGY INTRANET NOT TIED TO REVENUE GROWTH OR INNOVATION TechTarget discovered that when it comes to planning goals for their Intranet platforms, close to half of the surveyed companies are happy with how it saved them internal costs. However, the majority of Intranet content ignores revenue growth and innovation - two things that are instrumental to organizational opportunity. DD NOT MEET PLANNED OBIECTIVES EXCEEDED PLANNED OBIECTIVES DID YOUR INTRANET MEET NOT AN AREA DF FOCUS NOT YET KNOWN MET PLANNED CBJECTIVES PLANNED GOALS? INTERNAL COST SAVINGS 22% 22% 8% 46% REVENUE GROWTH 55% 19% 9% 15% 2 PRODUCT INNOVATION 8% 20% 4% 52% 16% HOW CAN IT BE IMPROVED? TOP FIVE WAYS EMPLOYEES THINK INTRANETS CAN BE ENHANCED According to a 2010 McGovern study, respondents listed the following ways their Intranet could be improved. PERCENT OF RESPONDENTS 2 5 BETTER CONTENT ORGANIZATION AND CLASSIFICATION EASIER TO FIND INFORMATION CLEAR INTRANET STRATEGY GET RID OF OUT-OF-DATE CONTENT KNOWLEDGE SHARING 12% 10% 6% 6% 4% SOCIALCAST SDURCES "Why traditianal Intranets fail teday's kaawledge workers" By Oscar Berg. I"Intranets: what statt really want." Gerry McDovern Cansulting. 2007.I "Five Myths That Hebble Your intranet." Forrester Research The State of Werktorce Technolegy Adaptien US Benchmark 200s",. Forrester Research 2009. "The Intranet Readnap. Inplementing an intranet" ernet itelligence L. 2006. I Techlarget i Smartiz.cın "How are Basinesses using Mioresatt SharePoint in the Enterprise Market Survey Uptate far 2011. Glebal 360. I I 2Dnet.con The International Data Corperatian 2011 SOCIALCASTNC ALL OER TRADAS HEEN ARERECOCHED TO E THE ROPERTY OF THER RESPECTIVE OwNERS 200 INTRANET THE PROBLEM WITH THE With the advent of social media and the speed at which the creation and sharing of knowledge is .. Changing, the traditional Intranet is showing its inherent limitations, From a knOledeuge E management perspective, these systems are having trouble accommodating the growing needs the modern enterprise. Let's explore why the Intranet is struggling and how it can be improved. ..... THE STATE OF THE INTRANET WHAT IS IT? It is a private internal network in an enterprise that is usually only accessible by that organization's members, with authorization. WHO USES IT? Generally, Intranets are owned by and accessible to the following departments in the eterprise: INTRANET HUMAN RESOURCES SALES AND MARKETING CUSTOMER SERVICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EXECUTIVE FINANCE According to a Forrester Research study that surveyed US information workers in 2009: HOW MANY USE IT? Intranets are ubiquitous within enterprises, with nearly 2/3 of employees accessing it ene or more times per month. But, the fact that fewer than half of employees log on daily signals a disconnect between traditional Intranet usefulness and employee needs. 65% 43% Use the intranet at least masthly Acos the Intrant daly TOP FIVE WAYS THE INTRANET X IS BEING USED ....... EMPLOYEE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ORGANIZATION FIND STAFF FIND FORMS ΒΕΝEFITS NEWS 18% 6% 6% 6% 5% THE EVOLUTION OF THE INTRANET 38% by 1907, Intrants can be fond in ta% of the U.S. and 38% of Earopean couties Contet anagement and sell-service transactions come la market Instast messaging and micrabiegging teatures are integrated more heavily into the tranet as eal-time delivery of infortion becomes ore deesitabie The lntranet is bor and inroduced as a knewledge base with inortion repesitaries. 2011 1990s 2000s BEYOND The IDE estimates roughly 30 million Intranet users in he Callaberation-driven goals sper hasic secial teols such as blogs, wikis and discussion forums. U.S. by the end of the 1990s. Search directories are created to allow members te find and other centent BW WHY THE TRADITIONAL INTRANET FAILS In the past, Intranets have been a central workspace for employees to find useful information. Unfortunately, over time, they have evalved into a sort of dumping ground where content gets stored and ignored. How else does the traditional Intranet fall short? OUT-OF-DATE INFORMATION X If content is not constantly updated, the information can become unusable and Irelevant very fast. 39% Over a third of a 2009 TechTarget survey respondents said, "Our Intranet is has a lot of static INEFFECTIVE COLLABORATION Intranets are helptul at handling loads of information, but when it comes to fostering collaboration, they don't lend themselves to interactive conversations. content updated by a few people." DISORGANIZATION AND POOR SEARCH FUNCTIONALITY Effective Intranets only work if content can be found easily. If a search displays results with complex navigation, or leads users outside of a centralized location, they are likely to abandon the search. 45% The number of people who spend three hours or more per week searching for information on an Intranet, according to a Forrester Research's Workforce Technology survey. UNCLEAR STRATEGY INTRANET NOT TIED TO REVENUE GROWTH OR INNOVATION TechTarget discovered that when it comes to planning goals for their Intranet platforms, close to half of the surveyed companies are happy with how it saved them internal costs. However, the majority of Intranet content ignores revenue growth and innovation - two things that are instrumental to organizational opportunity. DD NOT MEET PLANNED OBIECTIVES EXCEEDED PLANNED OBIECTIVES DID YOUR INTRANET MEET NOT AN AREA DF FOCUS NOT YET KNOWN MET PLANNED CBJECTIVES PLANNED GOALS? INTERNAL COST SAVINGS 22% 22% 8% 46% REVENUE GROWTH 55% 19% 9% 15% 2 PRODUCT INNOVATION 8% 20% 4% 52% 16% HOW CAN IT BE IMPROVED? TOP FIVE WAYS EMPLOYEES THINK INTRANETS CAN BE ENHANCED According to a 2010 McGovern study, respondents listed the following ways their Intranet could be improved. PERCENT OF RESPONDENTS 2 5 BETTER CONTENT ORGANIZATION AND CLASSIFICATION EASIER TO FIND INFORMATION CLEAR INTRANET STRATEGY GET RID OF OUT-OF-DATE CONTENT KNOWLEDGE SHARING 12% 10% 6% 6% 4% SOCIALCAST SDURCES "Why traditianal Intranets fail teday's kaawledge workers" By Oscar Berg. I"Intranets: what statt really want." Gerry McDovern Cansulting. 2007.I "Five Myths That Hebble Your intranet." Forrester Research The State of Werktorce Technolegy Adaptien US Benchmark 200s",. Forrester Research 2009. "The Intranet Readnap. Inplementing an intranet" ernet itelligence L. 2006. I Techlarget i Smartiz.cın "How are Basinesses using Mioresatt SharePoint in the Enterprise Market Survey Uptate far 2011. Glebal 360. I I 2Dnet.con The International Data Corperatian 2011 SOCIALCASTNC ALL OER TRADAS HEEN ARERECOCHED TO E THE ROPERTY OF THER RESPECTIVE OwNERS 200 INTRANET THE PROBLEM WITH THE With the advent of social media and the speed at which the creation and sharing of knowledge is .. Changing, the traditional Intranet is showing its inherent limitations, From a knOledeuge E management perspective, these systems are having trouble accommodating the growing needs the modern enterprise. Let's explore why the Intranet is struggling and how it can be improved. ..... THE STATE OF THE INTRANET WHAT IS IT? It is a private internal network in an enterprise that is usually only accessible by that organization's members, with authorization. WHO USES IT? Generally, Intranets are owned by and accessible to the following departments in the eterprise: INTRANET HUMAN RESOURCES SALES AND MARKETING CUSTOMER SERVICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EXECUTIVE FINANCE According to a Forrester Research study that surveyed US information workers in 2009: HOW MANY USE IT? Intranets are ubiquitous within enterprises, with nearly 2/3 of employees accessing it ene or more times per month. But, the fact that fewer than half of employees log on daily signals a disconnect between traditional Intranet usefulness and employee needs. 65% 43% Use the intranet at least masthly Acos the Intrant daly TOP FIVE WAYS THE INTRANET X IS BEING USED ....... EMPLOYEE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ORGANIZATION FIND STAFF FIND FORMS ΒΕΝEFITS NEWS 18% 6% 6% 6% 5% THE EVOLUTION OF THE INTRANET 38% by 1907, Intrants can be fond in ta% of the U.S. and 38% of Earopean couties Contet anagement and sell-service transactions come la market Instast messaging and micrabiegging teatures are integrated more heavily into the tranet as eal-time delivery of infortion becomes ore deesitabie The lntranet is bor and inroduced as a knewledge base with inortion repesitaries. 2011 1990s 2000s BEYOND The IDE estimates roughly 30 million Intranet users in he Callaberation-driven goals sper hasic secial teols such as blogs, wikis and discussion forums. U.S. by the end of the 1990s. Search directories are created to allow members te find and other centent BW WHY THE TRADITIONAL INTRANET FAILS In the past, Intranets have been a central workspace for employees to find useful information. Unfortunately, over time, they have evalved into a sort of dumping ground where content gets stored and ignored. How else does the traditional Intranet fall short? OUT-OF-DATE INFORMATION X If content is not constantly updated, the information can become unusable and Irelevant very fast. 39% Over a third of a 2009 TechTarget survey respondents said, "Our Intranet is has a lot of static INEFFECTIVE COLLABORATION Intranets are helptul at handling loads of information, but when it comes to fostering collaboration, they don't lend themselves to interactive conversations. content updated by a few people." DISORGANIZATION AND POOR SEARCH FUNCTIONALITY Effective Intranets only work if content can be found easily. If a search displays results with complex navigation, or leads users outside of a centralized location, they are likely to abandon the search. 45% The number of people who spend three hours or more per week searching for information on an Intranet, according to a Forrester Research's Workforce Technology survey. UNCLEAR STRATEGY INTRANET NOT TIED TO REVENUE GROWTH OR INNOVATION TechTarget discovered that when it comes to planning goals for their Intranet platforms, close to half of the surveyed companies are happy with how it saved them internal costs. However, the majority of Intranet content ignores revenue growth and innovation - two things that are instrumental to organizational opportunity. DD NOT MEET PLANNED OBIECTIVES EXCEEDED PLANNED OBIECTIVES DID YOUR INTRANET MEET NOT AN AREA DF FOCUS NOT YET KNOWN MET PLANNED CBJECTIVES PLANNED GOALS? INTERNAL COST SAVINGS 22% 22% 8% 46% REVENUE GROWTH 55% 19% 9% 15% 2 PRODUCT INNOVATION 8% 20% 4% 52% 16% HOW CAN IT BE IMPROVED? TOP FIVE WAYS EMPLOYEES THINK INTRANETS CAN BE ENHANCED According to a 2010 McGovern study, respondents listed the following ways their Intranet could be improved. PERCENT OF RESPONDENTS 2 5 BETTER CONTENT ORGANIZATION AND CLASSIFICATION EASIER TO FIND INFORMATION CLEAR INTRANET STRATEGY GET RID OF OUT-OF-DATE CONTENT KNOWLEDGE SHARING 12% 10% 6% 6% 4% SOCIALCAST SDURCES "Why traditianal Intranets fail teday's kaawledge workers" By Oscar Berg. I"Intranets: what statt really want." Gerry McDovern Cansulting. 2007.I "Five Myths That Hebble Your intranet." Forrester Research The State of Werktorce Technolegy Adaptien US Benchmark 200s",. Forrester Research 2009. "The Intranet Readnap. Inplementing an intranet" ernet itelligence L. 2006. I Techlarget i Smartiz.cın "How are Basinesses using Mioresatt SharePoint in the Enterprise Market Survey Uptate far 2011. Glebal 360. I I 2Dnet.con The International Data Corperatian 2011 SOCIALCASTNC ALL OER TRADAS HEEN ARERECOCHED TO E THE ROPERTY OF THER RESPECTIVE OwNERS 200

The Problem With the Intranet

shared by ColumnFive on Sep 24
With the advent of social media and the speed at which the creation and sharing of knowledge is changing, the traditional Intranet is showing its inherent limitations.


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