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Working. Out.

Criterion 2A (15 points) Criterion 1A (15 points) Businesses that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation Criterion 1B (5 points) Businesses that provide diversity training covering sexual orientation Businesses that prohibit discrimination based on gender identity Criterion 2B (5 points) Businesses that provides diversity training covering gender identity 99% 94% 76% 79% of CEI-rated employers provide employment of CEI-rated employers further elaborate on the of this year's rated businesses have written gender transition guidelines and/or cover gender identity as a topic in diversity training, up from 72 of CEI-rated employers provide employment protections on the basis of sexual topic of sexual orientation in the workplace through diversity training. protections on the basis of gender identity or orientation expression, the highest figure to date. percent last year Criterion 20 (5 points) Criterion 3A (15 points) Offers same-sex partner health insurance Criterion 3B (5 points) Businesses that offer domestic partners dental, Criterion 3C (5 points) Businesses that offer at least 3 other "soft" Offers transgender-inclusive insurance coverage for at least 1 type of benefit vision, COBRA and dependent coverage benefits benefits for partners 79% 66% 86% 92% of CEI-rated employers provide partner health of CEI-rated employers provide at least one transgender-inclusive health-related benefit of companies providing comprehensive health The extension of "soft" benefits such as Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)-equivalent leave benefits, coverage to both same and different-sex partners benefits such as dental, vision, dependent medical and COBRA equivalent continuation coverage, increased to 86 percent this year. of employees. bereavement leave, retirement benefits and employee discounts, increased to 92 percent this year. Criterion 4 (15 points) Has employer-supported employee resource group or firm-wide diversity council Criterion 5 (15 points) Positively engages the external LGBT community Criterion 6 ( -15 points) Responsible Citizenship Employers will have 15 points deducted from their score for a large -scale official or public anti-LGBT blemish on their recent records 81% 83% of CEI-rated employers have an employee resource group or diversity council that includes LGBT of CEI-rated businesses report some form of external engagement with the LGBT community, through marketing, advertising and recruitment efforts or philanthropic contributions to LGBT organizations. issues

Working. Out.

shared by rmmojado on Jan 17
Today is National Coming Out Day in the US, an annual event that is observed by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community to raise awareness and promote discussions about LGBT issues...


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