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Lead Nurturing in Plain English - by B2Bento

Lead Nurturing in Plain English BENTO Lead nurturing is about keeping conversations going over time, building relationships and allowing the creation of interest in products and/or services while bringing the leads to sales-ready status. is about cultivating and maintaining mind share, bulding and sustaining interest in what you have to offer, and developing trusted relationships with those who could possibly be your next customer. Lead nurturing is exceptionally effective in articulating your value proposition to maintain, in a subtle and consistent manner, a stream of relevant information that is important for the audience to know. What is lead nurturing worth? 80 percent of leads: typikally lost, ignored, discarded After six months: Tade Show Direct Mall Google AdWorts Web Lead Sources: Leads are accumulated through various lead generation channels (trade shows, webinars Branched Logic - Automated Lead Nurturing Systems mallers, etc 20% 15% 65% interested in buying bought trom promoter buy soon would Web Meeting Tele-all Meeting 25% of the leads are sales eeady and can go directly to the O Opened 25% are unqualified or competitor are qualified 50% and irrelevant and marketing leads but may be safely discarded Email Outcome: sales team for not yet sales-ready O Not Opened Without lead nurturing: Marketing funnel misses valuable opportunities With lead nurturing: Stop leads from leaking out. Widen reach and recapture opportunities. prospecting Filed up aWeb form Downloaded Whitepaper Web Meeting Qualified marketing leads vary in terms of sales Marketing acceleration and hence need their journey through the sales funnel customised to fit different needs Lead Characteristics L 2 Not Downloaded ---- ..... A Nurturing involves maintaining a relationship with leads through regularly- scheduled, customized communkations, such as "Drip Campaigns Early stages - Low acceleration: • Lead nurturing is scheduled at regular intervals to deliver the benefits of a multi-touch campaign. With lead nurturing systems, subsequent action points in the campaign can be based on the precise activity of the lead ("branched-logic"campaign). • These campaigns guide prospects individually through the funnel according Stay-in-Touch Campaigns- Campaigns that drip' relevant content to prospects over time, gradually educating and building trust for your company Demographics BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timing) Behavioral Indicators Three kinds of Lead Characteristics: Demographics, BANT (Budget, Authority. Need. Timingl. Behavioural Indicators. • Lead Characteristics are critical signifiers that determine the sales-readiness of to their lead characteristics. a lead. Mid-funnel - Mediium acceleration End of funnel - High acceleration Lead Lifecycle Campaigns- Campaigns that ensure movement and interaction with prospects, even if they are not yet sales-ready Lead Scoring Content Mapping with Buyer's Persona Campaigns that try to accelerate prospects towards the sale by providing relevant'nudges' based on specific lead characteristics or sales updates Sales Funnel +10 +5 +15 Theeshold Website Emal Newsletter Download -10 Prospecting +20 +20 +5 hactive Economic Technical Dedision Maker Dedsion Maker End User Infuencer Lead Handoff: Leads are pushed from marketing to sales. Total Points Survey Form Web Meeting Tweet Qualifying Content mapping for lead nurturing is the process of preparing and organizing your content so that it can be distributed to your prospects at the right time based on their needs and stages in the buying cycle. A content map based on buyer • Lead scoring ranks a lead's level of interest and sales readiness according to a pre-determined scoring methodology. Marketing communications are customized to match the prospect's lead characteristics and degree of sales-readiness. · Every activity the prospect does is given a score. Proposal O- Lead Recyding: Leads are cycled back to the pop of the funnel for further nurturing because the lead was not yet ready to buy after proposal. personae Sales Quote • Helps organize content that can address questions at various stages of the buying cycle. Creates a blueprint for content diistribution through multiple channels. • Serves as the primary content inventory for the purpose of reference and re-purposing . When the scores reach a pre-determined threshold, the lead is deemed sales-ready and transferred to the sales team. brought to you by GETIT COMMS @Oe0 Shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License nformation adapted from of Lead Generation for the Comples Sale by Brian Caroll, McGra , 2006 B2 BENTO Lead Nurturing in Plain English Lead nurturing is about keeping conversations going over time, building relationships and allowing the creation of interest in products and/or services while bringing the leads to sales-ready status. it is about cultivating and maintaining mind share, building and sustaining interest in what you have to offer, and developing trusted relationships with those who could possibly be your next customer. Lead nurturing is exceptionally effective in articulating your value proposition to maintain, in a subtle and consistent manner, a stream of relevant information that is important for the audience to know. What is lead nurturing worth? 80 percent of leads: typikally lost, ignored, discarded After six months: Tade Show Direct Mall Google AdWorts Web Lead Sources: Leads are accumulated through various lead generation channels (trade shows, webinars Branched Logic - Automated Lead Nurturing Systems mallers, etc 20% 15% 65% interested in buying bought trom promoter buy soon would Web Meeting Tele-all Meeting 25% of the leads are sales eeady and can go directly to the O Opened 25% are unqualified or competitor are qualified 50% and irrelevant and marketing leads but may be safely discarded Email Outcome: sales team for not yet sales-ready O Not Opened Without lead nurturing: Marketing funnel misses valuable opportunities With lead nurturing: Stop leads from leaking out. Widen reach and recapture opportunities. prospecting Filed up aWeb form Downloaded Whitepaper Web Meeting Qualified marketing leads vary in terms of sales Marketing acceleration and hence need their journey through the sales funnel customised to fit different needs Lead Characteristics LNot Downloaded- 2 ..... A ..... ... Nurturing involves maintaining a relationship with leads through regularly- scheduled, customized communkations, such as "Drip Campaigns Early stages - Low acceleration: • Lead nurturing is scheduled at regular intervals to deliver the benefits of a multi-touch campaign. With lead nurturing systems, subsequent action points in the campaign can be based on the precise activity of the lead ("branched-logic"campaign). • These campaigns guide prospects individually through the funnel according Stay-in-Touch Campaigns- Campaigns that drip' relevant content to prospects over time, gradually educating and building trust for your company Demographics BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timing) Behavioral Indicators Three kinds of Lead Characteristics: Demographics, BANT (Budget, Authority. Need. Timingl. Behavioural Indicators. • Lead Characteristics are critical signifiers that determine the sales-readiness of to their lead characteristics. a lead. Mid-funnel - Mediium acceleration End of funnel - High acceleration Lead Lifecycle Campaigns- Campaigns that ensure movement and interaction with prospects, even if they are not yet sales-ready Lead Scoring Content Mapping with Buyer's Persona Campaigns that try to accelerate prospects towards the sale by providing relevant'nudges' based on specific lead characteristics or sales updates Sales Funnel +10 EE +15 +5 Theeshold Website Emal Newsletter Download -10 Prospecting +20 +20 +5 hactive Economic Technical Dedision Maker Dedsion Maker End User Influencer Lead Handoff: Leads are pushed from marketing to sales. Total Points Survey Form Web Meeting Tweet Qualifying Content mapping for lead nurturing is the process of preparing and organizing your content so that it can be distributed to your prospects at the right time based on their needs and stages in the buying cycle. A content map based on buyer • Lead scoring ranks a lead's level of interest and sales readiness according to a pre-determined scoring methodology. Marketing communications are customized to match the prospect's lead characteristics and degree of sales-readiness. · Every activity the prospect does is given a score. Proposal O- Lead Recyding: Leads are cycled back to the pop of the funnel for further nurturing because the lead was not yet ready to buy after proposal. personae Sales Quote • Helps organize content that can address questions at various stages of the buying cycle. Creates a blueprint for content diistribution through multiple channels. • Serves as the primary content inventory for the purpose of reference and re-purposing . When the scores reach a pre-determined threshold, the lead is deemed sales-ready and transferred to the sales team. brought to you by GETIT COMMS @Oe0 Shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License nformation adapted from of Lead Generation for the Comples Sale by Brian Caroll, McGra , 2006 B2 BENTO Lead Nurturing in Plain English Lead nurturing is about keeping conversations going over time, building relationships and allowing the creation of interest in products and/or services while bringing the leads to sales-ready status. it is about cultivating and maintaining mind share, building and sustaining interest in what you have to offer, and developing trusted relationships with those who could possibly be your next customer. Lead nurturing is exceptionally effective in articulating your value proposition to maintain, in a subtle and consistent manner, a stream of relevant information that is important for the audience to know. What is lead nurturing worth? 80 percent of leads: typikally lost, ignored, discarded After six months: Tade Show Direct Mall Google AdWorts Web Lead Sources: Leads are accumulated through various lead generation channels (trade shows, webinars Branched Logic - Automated Lead Nurturing Systems mallers, etc 20% 15% 65% interested in buying bought trom promoter buy soon would Web Meeting Tele-all Meeting 25% of the leads are sales eeady and can go directly to the O Opened 25% are unqualified or competitor are qualified 50% and irrelevant and marketing leads but may be safely discarded Email Outcome: sales team for not yet sales-ready O Not Opened Without lead nurturing: Marketing funnel misses valuable opportunities With lead nurturing: Stop leads from leaking out. Widen reach and recapture opportunities. prospecting Filed up aWeb form Downloaded Whitepaper Web Meeting Qualified marketing leads vary in terms of sales Marketing acceleration and hence need their journey through the sales funnel customised to fit different needs Lead Characteristics LNot Downloaded- 2 ..... A ..... ... Nurturing involves maintaining a relationship with leads through regularly- scheduled, customized communkations, such as "Drip Campaigns Early stages - Low acceleration: • Lead nurturing is scheduled at regular intervals to deliver the benefits of a multi-touch campaign. With lead nurturing systems, subsequent action points in the campaign can be based on the precise activity of the lead ("branched-logic"campaign). • These campaigns guide prospects individually through the funnel according Stay-in-Touch Campaigns- Campaigns that drip' relevant content to prospects over time, gradually educating and building trust for your company Demographics BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timing) Behavioral Indicators Three kinds of Lead Characteristics: Demographics, BANT (Budget, Authority. Need. Timingl. Behavioural Indicators. • Lead Characteristics are critical signifiers that determine the sales-readiness of to their lead characteristics. a lead. Mid-funnel - Mediium acceleration End of funnel - High acceleration Lead Lifecycle Campaigns- Campaigns that ensure movement and interaction with prospects, even if they are not yet sales-ready Lead Scoring Content Mapping with Buyer's Persona Campaigns that try to accelerate prospects towards the sale by providing relevant'nudges' based on specific lead characteristics or sales updates Sales Funnel +10 EE +15 +5 Theeshold Website Emal Newsletter Download -10 Prospecting +20 +20 +5 hactive Economic Technical Dedision Maker Dedsion Maker End User Influencer Lead Handoff: Leads are pushed from marketing to sales. Total Points Survey Form Web Meeting Tweet Qualifying Content mapping for lead nurturing is the process of preparing and organizing your content so that it can be distributed to your prospects at the right time based on their needs and stages in the buying cycle. A content map based on buyer • Lead scoring ranks a lead's level of interest and sales readiness according to a pre-determined scoring methodology. Marketing communications are customized to match the prospect's lead characteristics and degree of sales-readiness. · Every activity the prospect does is given a score. Proposal O- Lead Recyding: Leads are cycled back to the pop of the funnel for further nurturing because the lead was not yet ready to buy after proposal. personae Sales Quote • Helps organize content that can address questions at various stages of the buying cycle. Creates a blueprint for content diistribution through multiple channels. • Serves as the primary content inventory for the purpose of reference and re-purposing . When the scores reach a pre-determined threshold, the lead is deemed sales-ready and transferred to the sales team. brought to you by GETIT COMMS @Oe0 Shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License nformation adapted from of Lead Generation for the Comples Sale by Brian Caroll, McGra , 2006 B2 BENTO Lead Nurturing in Plain English Lead nurturing is about keeping conversations going over time, building relationships and allowing the creation of interest in products and/or services while bringing the leads to sales-ready status. it is about cultivating and maintaining mind share, building and sustaining interest in what you have to offer, and developing trusted relationships with those who could possibly be your next customer. Lead nurturing is exceptionally effective in articulating your value proposition to maintain, in a subtle and consistent manner, a stream of relevant information that is important for the audience to know. What is lead nurturing worth? 80 percent of leads: typikally lost, ignored, discarded After six months: Tade Show Direct Mall Google AdWorts Web Lead Sources: Leads are accumulated through various lead generation channels (trade shows, webinars Branched Logic - Automated Lead Nurturing Systems mallers, etc 20% 15% 65% interested in buying bought trom promoter buy soon would Web Meeting Tele-all Meeting 25% of the leads are sales eeady and can go directly to the O Opened 25% are unqualified or competitor are qualified 50% and irrelevant and marketing leads but may be safely discarded Email Outcome: sales team for not yet sales-ready O Not Opened Without lead nurturing: Marketing funnel misses valuable opportunities With lead nurturing: Stop leads from leaking out. Widen reach and recapture opportunities. prospecting Filed up aWeb form Downloaded Whitepaper Web Meeting Qualified marketing leads vary in terms of sales Marketing acceleration and hence need their journey through the sales funnel customised to fit different needs Lead Characteristics LNot Downloaded- 2 ..... A ..... ... Nurturing involves maintaining a relationship with leads through regularly- scheduled, customized communkations, such as "Drip Campaigns Early stages - Low acceleration: • Lead nurturing is scheduled at regular intervals to deliver the benefits of a multi-touch campaign. With lead nurturing systems, subsequent action points in the campaign can be based on the precise activity of the lead ("branched-logic"campaign). • These campaigns guide prospects individually through the funnel according Stay-in-Touch Campaigns- Campaigns that drip' relevant content to prospects over time, gradually educating and building trust for your company Demographics BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timing) Behavioral Indicators Three kinds of Lead Characteristics: Demographics, BANT (Budget, Authority. Need. Timingl. Behavioural Indicators. • Lead Characteristics are critical signifiers that determine the sales-readiness of to their lead characteristics. a lead. Mid-funnel - Mediium acceleration End of funnel - High acceleration Lead Lifecycle Campaigns- Campaigns that ensure movement and interaction with prospects, even if they are not yet sales-ready Lead Scoring Content Mapping with Buyer's Persona Campaigns that try to accelerate prospects towards the sale by providing relevant'nudges' based on specific lead characteristics or sales updates Sales Funnel +10 EE +15 +5 Theeshold Website Emal Newsletter Download -10 Prospecting +20 +20 +5 hactive Economic Technical Dedision Maker Dedsion Maker End User Influencer Lead Handoff: Leads are pushed from marketing to sales. Total Points Survey Form Web Meeting Tweet Qualifying Content mapping for lead nurturing is the process of preparing and organizing your content so that it can be distributed to your prospects at the right time based on their needs and stages in the buying cycle. A content map based on buyer • Lead scoring ranks a lead's level of interest and sales readiness according to a pre-determined scoring methodology. Marketing communications are customized to match the prospect's lead characteristics and degree of sales-readiness. · Every activity the prospect does is given a score. Proposal O- Lead Recyding: Leads are cycled back to the pop of the funnel for further nurturing because the lead was not yet ready to buy after proposal. personae Sales Quote • Helps organize content that can address questions at various stages of the buying cycle. Creates a blueprint for content diistribution through multiple channels. • Serves as the primary content inventory for the purpose of reference and re-purposing . When the scores reach a pre-determined threshold, the lead is deemed sales-ready and transferred to the sales team. brought to you by GETIT COMMS @Oe0 Shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License nformation adapted from of Lead Generation for the Comples Sale by Brian Caroll, McGra , 2006 B2 BENTO Lead Nurturing in Plain English Lead nurturing is about keeping conversations going over time, building relationships and allowing the creation of interest in products and/or services while bringing the leads to sales-ready status. it is about cultivating and maintaining mind share, building and sustaining interest in what you have to offer, and developing trusted relationships with those who could possibly be your next customer. Lead nurturing is exceptionally effective in articulating your value proposition to maintain, in a subtle and consistent manner, a stream of relevant information that is important for the audience to know. What is lead nurturing worth? 80 percent of leads: typikally lost, ignored, discarded After six months: Tade Show Direct Mall Google AdWorts Web Lead Sources: Leads are accumulated through various lead generation channels (trade shows, webinars Branched Logic - Automated Lead Nurturing Systems mallers, etc 20% 15% 65% interested in buying bought trom promoter buy soon would Web Meeting Tele-all Meeting 25% of the leads are sales eeady and can go directly to the O Opened 25% are unqualified or competitor are qualified 50% and irrelevant and marketing leads but may be safely discarded Email Outcome: sales team for not yet sales-ready O Not Opened Without lead nurturing: Marketing funnel misses valuable opportunities With lead nurturing: Stop leads from leaking out. Widen reach and recapture opportunities. prospecting Filed up aWeb form Downloaded Whitepaper Web Meeting Qualified marketing leads vary in terms of sales Marketing acceleration and hence need their journey through the sales funnel customised to fit different needs Lead Characteristics LNot Downloaded- 2 ..... A ..... ... Nurturing involves maintaining a relationship with leads through regularly- scheduled, customized communkations, such as "Drip Campaigns Early stages - Low acceleration: • Lead nurturing is scheduled at regular intervals to deliver the benefits of a multi-touch campaign. With lead nurturing systems, subsequent action points in the campaign can be based on the precise activity of the lead ("branched-logic"campaign). • These campaigns guide prospects individually through the funnel according Stay-in-Touch Campaigns- Campaigns that drip' relevant content to prospects over time, gradually educating and building trust for your company Demographics BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timing) Behavioral Indicators Three kinds of Lead Characteristics: Demographics, BANT (Budget, Authority. Need. Timingl. Behavioural Indicators. • Lead Characteristics are critical signifiers that determine the sales-readiness of to their lead characteristics. a lead. Mid-funnel - Mediium acceleration End of funnel - High acceleration Lead Lifecycle Campaigns- Campaigns that ensure movement and interaction with prospects, even if they are not yet sales-ready Lead Scoring Content Mapping with Buyer's Persona Campaigns that try to accelerate prospects towards the sale by providing relevant'nudges' based on specific lead characteristics or sales updates Sales Funnel +10 EE +15 +5 Theeshold Website Emal Newsletter Download -10 Prospecting +20 +20 +5 hactive Economic Technical Dedision Maker Dedsion Maker End User Influencer Lead Handoff: Leads are pushed from marketing to sales. Total Points Survey Form Web Meeting Tweet Qualifying Content mapping for lead nurturing is the process of preparing and organizing your content so that it can be distributed to your prospects at the right time based on their needs and stages in the buying cycle. A content map based on buyer • Lead scoring ranks a lead's level of interest and sales readiness according to a pre-determined scoring methodology. Marketing communications are customized to match the prospect's lead characteristics and degree of sales-readiness. · Every activity the prospect does is given a score. Proposal O- Lead Recyding: Leads are cycled back to the pop of the funnel for further nurturing because the lead was not yet ready to buy after proposal. personae Sales Quote • Helps organize content that can address questions at various stages of the buying cycle. Creates a blueprint for content diistribution through multiple channels. • Serves as the primary content inventory for the purpose of reference and re-purposing . When the scores reach a pre-determined threshold, the lead is deemed sales-ready and transferred to the sales team. brought to you by GETIT COMMS @Oe0 Shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License nformation adapted from of Lead Generation for the Comples Sale by Brian Caroll, McGra , 2006 B2 BENTO Lead Nurturing in Plain English Lead nurturing is about keeping conversations going over time, building relationships and allowing the creation of interest in products and/or services while bringing the leads to sales-ready status. it is about cultivating and maintaining mind share, building and sustaining interest in what you have to offer, and developing trusted relationships with those who could possibly be your next customer. Lead nurturing is exceptionally effective in articulating your value proposition to maintain, in a subtle and consistent manner, a stream of relevant information that is important for the audience to know. What is lead nurturing worth? 80 percent of leads: typikally lost, ignored, discarded After six months: Tade Show Direct Mall Google AdWorts Web Lead Sources: Leads are accumulated through various lead generation channels (trade shows, webinars Branched Logic - Automated Lead Nurturing Systems mallers, etc 20% 15% 65% interested in buying bought trom promoter buy soon would Web Meeting Tele-all Meeting 25% of the leads are sales eeady and can go directly to the O Opened 25% are unqualified or competitor are qualified 50% and irrelevant and marketing leads but may be safely discarded Email Outcome: sales team for not yet sales-ready O Not Opened Without lead nurturing: Marketing funnel misses valuable opportunities With lead nurturing: Stop leads from leaking out. Widen reach and recapture opportunities. prospecting Filed up aWeb form Downloaded Whitepaper Web Meeting Qualified marketing leads vary in terms of sales Marketing acceleration and hence need their journey through the sales funnel customised to fit different needs Lead Characteristics LNot Downloaded- 2 ..... A ..... ... Nurturing involves maintaining a relationship with leads through regularly- scheduled, customized communkations, such as "Drip Campaigns Early stages - Low acceleration: • Lead nurturing is scheduled at regular intervals to deliver the benefits of a multi-touch campaign. With lead nurturing systems, subsequent action points in the campaign can be based on the precise activity of the lead ("branched-logic"campaign). • These campaigns guide prospects individually through the funnel according Stay-in-Touch Campaigns- Campaigns that drip' relevant content to prospects over time, gradually educating and building trust for your company Demographics BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timing) Behavioral Indicators Three kinds of Lead Characteristics: Demographics, BANT (Budget, Authority. Need. Timingl. Behavioural Indicators. • Lead Characteristics are critical signifiers that determine the sales-readiness of to their lead characteristics. a lead. Mid-funnel - Mediium acceleration End of funnel - High acceleration Lead Lifecycle Campaigns- Campaigns that ensure movement and interaction with prospects, even if they are not yet sales-ready Lead Scoring Content Mapping with Buyer's Persona Campaigns that try to accelerate prospects towards the sale by providing relevant'nudges' based on specific lead characteristics or sales updates Sales Funnel +10 EE +15 +5 Theeshold Website Emal Newsletter Download -10 Prospecting +20 +20 +5 hactive Economic Technical Dedision Maker Dedsion Maker End User Influencer Lead Handoff: Leads are pushed from marketing to sales. Total Points Survey Form Web Meeting Tweet Qualifying Content mapping for lead nurturing is the process of preparing and organizing your content so that it can be distributed to your prospects at the right time based on their needs and stages in the buying cycle. A content map based on buyer • Lead scoring ranks a lead's level of interest and sales readiness according to a pre-determined scoring methodology. Marketing communications are customized to match the prospect's lead characteristics and degree of sales-readiness. · Every activity the prospect does is given a score. Proposal O- Lead Recyding: Leads are cycled back to the pop of the funnel for further nurturing because the lead was not yet ready to buy after proposal. personae Sales Quote • Helps organize content that can address questions at various stages of the buying cycle. Creates a blueprint for content diistribution through multiple channels. • Serves as the primary content inventory for the purpose of reference and re-purposing . When the scores reach a pre-determined threshold, the lead is deemed sales-ready and transferred to the sales team. brought to you by GETIT COMMS @Oe0 Shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License nformation adapted from of Lead Generation for the Comples Sale by Brian Caroll, McGra , 2006 B2 BENTO Lead Nurturing in Plain English Lead nurturing is about keeping conversations going over time, building relationships and allowing the creation of interest in products and/or services while bringing the leads to sales-ready status. it is about cultivating and maintaining mind share, building and sustaining interest in what you have to offer, and developing trusted relationships with those who could possibly be your next customer. Lead nurturing is exceptionally effective in articulating your value proposition to maintain, in a subtle and consistent manner, a stream of relevant information that is important for the audience to know. What is lead nurturing worth? 80 percent of leads: typikally lost, ignored, discarded After six months: Tade Show Direct Mall Google AdWorts Web Lead Sources: Leads are accumulated through various lead generation channels (trade shows, webinars Branched Logic - Automated Lead Nurturing Systems mallers, etc 20% 15% 65% interested in buying bought trom promoter buy soon would Web Meeting Tele-all Meeting 25% of the leads are sales eeady and can go directly to the O Opened 25% are unqualified or competitor are qualified 50% and irrelevant and marketing leads but may be safely discarded Email Outcome: sales team for not yet sales-ready O Not Opened Without lead nurturing: Marketing funnel misses valuable opportunities With lead nurturing: Stop leads from leaking out. Widen reach and recapture opportunities. prospecting Filed up aWeb form Downloaded Whitepaper Web Meeting Qualified marketing leads vary in terms of sales Marketing acceleration and hence need their journey through the sales funnel customised to fit different needs Lead Characteristics LNot Downloaded- 2 ..... A ..... ... Nurturing involves maintaining a relationship with leads through regularly- scheduled, customized communkations, such as "Drip Campaigns Early stages - Low acceleration: • Lead nurturing is scheduled at regular intervals to deliver the benefits of a multi-touch campaign. With lead nurturing systems, subsequent action points in the campaign can be based on the precise activity of the lead ("branched-logic"campaign). • These campaigns guide prospects individually through the funnel according Stay-in-Touch Campaigns- Campaigns that drip' relevant content to prospects over time, gradually educating and building trust for your company Demographics BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timing) Behavioral Indicators Three kinds of Lead Characteristics: Demographics, BANT (Budget, Authority. Need. Timingl. Behavioural Indicators. • Lead Characteristics are critical signifiers that determine the sales-readiness of to their lead characteristics. a lead. Mid-funnel - Mediium acceleration End of funnel - High acceleration Lead Lifecycle Campaigns- Campaigns that ensure movement and interaction with prospects, even if they are not yet sales-ready Lead Scoring Content Mapping with Buyer's Persona Campaigns that try to accelerate prospects towards the sale by providing relevant'nudges' based on specific lead characteristics or sales updates Sales Funnel +10 EE +15 +5 Theeshold Website Emal Newsletter Download -10 Prospecting +20 +20 +5 hactive Economic Technical Dedision Maker Dedsion Maker End User Influencer Lead Handoff: Leads are pushed from marketing to sales. Total Points Survey Form Web Meeting Tweet Qualifying Content mapping for lead nurturing is the process of preparing and organizing your content so that it can be distributed to your prospects at the right time based on their needs and stages in the buying cycle. A content map based on buyer • Lead scoring ranks a lead's level of interest and sales readiness according to a pre-determined scoring methodology. Marketing communications are customized to match the prospect's lead characteristics and degree of sales-readiness. · Every activity the prospect does is given a score. Proposal O- Lead Recyding: Leads are cycled back to the pop of the funnel for further nurturing because the lead was not yet ready to buy after proposal. personae Sales Quote • Helps organize content that can address questions at various stages of the buying cycle. Creates a blueprint for content diistribution through multiple channels. • Serves as the primary content inventory for the purpose of reference and re-purposing . When the scores reach a pre-determined threshold, the lead is deemed sales-ready and transferred to the sales team. brought to you by GETIT COMMS @Oe0 Shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License nformation adapted from of Lead Generation for the Comples Sale by Brian Caroll, McGra , 2006

Lead Nurturing in Plain English - by B2Bento

shared by B2Bento on Dec 07
Why does Lead Nurturing matter? Up to 50% of the initial lead database gets discarded but if nurtured they could end up as a deal. Find out how.


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