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The Top 10 Controversies of Red Light Cameras in Florida

Red L ght Cameras Are They Effective? ATS company workers believe that the cameras positively modify driver behavior and claim that 9 out of 10 drivers who have received a ticket for running a red light have not received a second. TRAFFIC TICKET PRO'S • Traffic law violations drop significantly in areas with red light or speed enforcement cameras. Pedestrian fatalities have decreased at the majority of intersections with red light cameras. Accident frequency, particularly T-bone or broadside collisions, is reduced at intersections with red light cameras. 13 29 10 20 30 40 50 THERE WAS A 13 TO 29 % REDUCTION IN ALL TYPES OF INJURY-RELATED CRASHES *2005 REVIEW BY THE COCHRANE COLLABORATION VCON'S • Could be conceived as an invasion of privacy. • Cameras cause up to 27% more rear end accidents. • Some cities spend too much money on installing and operating cameras. Drawbacks of Red Light Cameras 1 Cameras are put in place for revenue gains, not safety. Pictures are not very high quality, which can cause an officer to misinterpret and make errors when ticketing. Cameras don't always function properly and cost more to maintain than what they are worth. L LEIFER CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION 561-395-8055 LAW FIRM

The Top 10 Controversies of Red Light Cameras in Florida

shared by leiferlaw on Dec 04
Red light cameras are some of the most recent technology being deployed to capture those who choose to break road rules, but they have also raised a lot of controversy regarding issues like their cost...


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