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Lets Travel around the World

Let's TRAVEL around THE WORLD WEATHER !! [Why Should We Travel] (Before Travel ] [While Traveling] ( Places to visit in ) New experiences Be prepared for emergency Be aware of cultural differences Spring An emergency situation can arrive at anytime or any place, even when you are on a vacation. So, be prepared. Be it preparing a medical kit or having photocopies of your travel documents, you never know what you may require while travelling. The Mile-High City ! A Happy Country Hoard of Beautiful Beaches Denver : When you travel, you not only see new places but also learn new things and have new experi- ences. These experiences help you to develop intellectually, mentally and emotionally. What would be normal in your country or city may not be so in the place you are visiting. Hence, be aware of the cultural differences and act Colombia : Spain : Japan : Bali : Endless Discoveries ! accordingly. Island of the God ! Acts as a mood refresher Carry a contact list diary Travel in small groups Summer If anything happens to you during your travel, others may not be able to help you if they do not know whom to contact. Hence, always keep a con- tact list diary with all the important numbers. Routine life can be stressful and taking a breather is a must. And there is nothing better than pack- ing your bags and heading to a holiday destina- tion to de-stress completely. A lone traveler may become targets to fraud and such other malpractices. Travelling in small groups would be safer and much more fun too. Istanbul : Brazil : Malaysia : Canada : Timeless City Endless Attraction Mesmerizing Attractions Unexpected Wonders Meet new people Pack Light Take your prescription drugs Monsoon Cancun, Mexico: Hoard of Beautiful Beaches Bali : You may meet new people in your everyday life. But when you travel to a new place, you meet people of a different nationality/culture. You get the chance to know about their lives & culture & You go on a vacation to enjoy and not to be over- burdened with luggage. Remember you are going on a holiday and not a wedding. So, carry only the essentials. Pack clothes that you can mix and match and wear in different ways. If you are taking prescription drugs, it is better to buy them before you travel. You may not get the same medicines in the place you are travelling to or they may be really expensive. Island of the God Hong Kong Nairobi, Kenya : Magical Place Maldives : Asia's World City also the opportunity to make strong bonds. The Sunny Side of Life Explore new places Keep an emergency stash of money Carry homemade meals Autumn Swarzędz, Poland: Historical Monuments Natchez, LA: Reading travel books and watching travel shows will only give you knowledge of that place. But if you want to actually explore and experience the place, you have to travel! You may have calculated your travel budget be- forehand. However, there is a possibility that things do not go according to plan. To make sure that lyou do not run out of money, always carry an emergency stash of money. Eating out all the time can be expensive for the pocket and not so healthy for the stomach. So, carry homemade meals that you can freeze and eat after reheating. You can also carry ready-to-eat meals and some light snacks. Fascinating History Arrays of Attractions $ Manhattan, NY: Darmstadt, Germany: City of Science Lexington, KY : Birthplace of American Liberty Develop a new perspective Know the local laws and customs Be in touch with near and dear ones Winter Elt is important to be in touch with your family and friends while traveling. This would ensure that someone knows where you are and what your plans are. So, make a call or text your loved ones regularly while traveling. Paris, France: Most of us do not think beyond our immediate realties. However, there are several realties in the world, and we need to know about them to be a better human being. Travel and see the world through new eyes! The country or city you are travelling to would have different rules, laws and customs than your own. Know about them to avoid offending some- one or facing problems with the law. The cirty of dream! Astonishingly Exotic Nature ! Inimitable Beauty! Hoard of Art Treasure! Incredible Biodiversity! Vietnam : Russia : Italy : Costa Rica : raynatours. TM f /raynagroup /+raynatoursy Iraynagroup com

Lets Travel around the World

shared by raynatours on Mar 18
We have collected list of the best reason to travel, how & where to travel for memorable experience.



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