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Slow Down and Be on Time

SLOW DOWN Often vessels sail too fast or too slow, only to anchor or manoeuvre before entering the port while waiting for the availability of berth, fairway, and nautical services. Just-in-time AND BE ON TIME arrival is an effective solution to reduce CO? emissions. Slow down Sailing at a lower speed significantly reduces fuel consumption and paves the way for ambitious emission reductions in the shipping sector. 3 SPEED REDUCTION • FUEL SAVINGS SPEED REDUCTION SPEED REDUCTION SPEED REDUCTION 1 CONTAINER FLEET 13% 23% 32% DRY BULK FLEET 15% 28% 38% 3 CRUDE & PRODUCT TANKER FLEET 10% 18% 24% TOTAL 13% 24% 33% Source: speed_report.pdf NOX NOX CO2 NOX CO2 CO2 LLLL Be on time Sailing at the lower speed alone wouldn't solve the problem because ships burn fuel not only during the voyage. If the vessel arrives at the pilot boarding place too early or too late, it has to anchor or manoeuvre before entering the port. Leading to. Noise Emissions Vibrations pdf On average, ships may spend 5% to 10% of their time waiting to get into port, either dropping anchor or manoeuvring at low speeds. DO NOT COMPROMISE: SLOW DOWN AND BE ON TIME If the vessel knows the requested time of arrival at the pilot boarding place 12 hours in advance, shipping emissions could be reduced by Priamos NEXT: UNIPORT ЕTA О 20 ОКТ. 16:50 ЕТА +2H 4% https://seos-at-risk org/24-publications/988-mult-issue-speed-report htmlĐocuments/GIA-just-in-time-hires pdf A vessel arriving at port just-in-time when tugs, pilots, and berth availability are ensured may 23% consume 23% less fuel LESS FUEL Port change

Slow Down and Be on Time

shared by dianatrubnikova on Sep 24
Vessels that need to wait and are anchoring before entering the port cost a lot of money. Firstly, they consume more fuel during the voyage, as they don’t sail with optimal speed. Secondly, they con...




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