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Metro Hotcars

hotcars HEATING UP Starting asa site parodying the ridiculousnsss of the public tace of the DC metro eystem, Metrokatcars quickly struck a nerve thraughout the grester DC are- including the nerwe of the very metro spdan that it wss designed to parody. What fellowed was almost a faroe; media ooverage, TV news reports, twiter escalations, cuinansted in a written cense and deeist from WWATA instructing the removal and dostruction of the sto. In the and:a redected website and soveral tens af thousanda of unique hits. Hare's whe wee takinga look. 105 21.54 seconds is the average Sime spent on Motshoom users spend 434 nirutas per visit. 16,997 vidts in the fret 9 days 136 DO bara resturarts burzad with scitanent i commutars want miliors of rst dates Nadacted site launched WMATA raleea "Deuse and dstt "ce and destr uptead 82 COUNTRIES 21+ vsta 11-0 vis 14 veta 18,931 vieors in he us 590 seconds a he age wat in upan A Prague transport authorities announced serlier in May that the Crech Apublie's netro syster migt Introduce a "singles car" on sach train An online pol by Tyden found that 61 percent of ciias ane in taor et the public transpertaton daing intisin. 135 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS #4 Anericen Goorge Washington Goorgetown University University University of Maryland George Masen University University 41 43 69 13 101 • 103 Universities 23 Colleges The University of Texas spenda ha nat ne an than y other Public Scheel Syrtems uducalonal iotutian with an averaga vall et 1331 secandi .. Miltary/Medical Schools 94 GOVERNMENT AGENCIES EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 7 visits OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Aversos viait of S80 secends 7 visits Hause at Rapresrtatie 287 8% of all goeernmant wers represant state depertnents Dapartment el Stata 92% WHATA of all poernment owars represent federal deportents 62 Overnment of D.C Departent af Trunspartaian 37 Dapartent of Justee 34 Ageney tor inti Development 28 Departmant at the Treanury 20 Dapartment at Erargy 25 Dapartment of Hameland teurity -23 HOTCARS SUCCESS: A FOSTERED ROMANCE WIMATA responded to the site with a pesienate letter demanding that Kyle Canrad remeve all Metro branding and SmarTrip allusiens trom the pege. While the relationship betwoen the twe perties was sensationalzed by DC media outlets, Kyle replied with complance. His "redacted" hetcars solutien fell within the transit autharities' legal tems, and the relationship between the twe parties rather.steany. ode Gecele Analytica: May 31, 2013 metrehalcars.con crested by Kyle Conrad Inlegraphic pewered by ndud

Metro Hotcars

shared by courtneyleonard on Jul 28
Metro Hotcars (.com) is a parody dating site that my coworker, Kyle Conrad created. DC media and WMATA helped create a lot of interesting traffic on the site, so I made this for fun to show visitors d...


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